NYC False Flag Imminent?

>Mystery Surrounds Metal Towers Popping Up In Tunnels & Bridges

>NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Mysterious metal towers are popping up at local tunnels, and soon they’ll start appearing at bridges, too.But even people on the MTA board in charge of the towers can’t say why they’re being used or what’s in them, CBS2’s Dave Carlin reports.

>the MTA is approving $100 million for what appears to us to be big, decorative pylons,

Any idea as to what these may be? perhaps homeland security is doubling down on new securty tech/facial recognition/broadcast system in prepare for something big


anti-terror somethingoranother probably

Those are just radiation sniffers most likely.

thats the biggest vape kit Ive ever seen.

but seriously, authorities HAVE to know what it is.

Radiation detection among other stuff

>But even people on the MTA board in charge of the towers can’t say why they’re being used or what’s in them,
They do know, just wont tell the citizens

leftist programming devices. get the tinfoil ready boys

Detection arrays, that's all.

Look at the sign. "Toll Processed Do Not Stop".

They're automatic toll-boothes. You drive past them and they automatically bill you somehow.

They're large Scintillation probes built for detecting small amounts of radioactive materials over a large distance.
The reason no city officials want to talk about them is because there's other ways to get to Manhattan without passing one of these detectors, meaning there's a massive hole in the anti-terror system.

call it surveillance like it is

Omni-directional scintillator radiation detector - placed at traffic bottlenecks (tunnels, bridges) to detect radioactive materials being smuggled into the city.

It's essentially an emergency 'plan b' for detecting a dirty bomb, 'plan a' obviously being stop it before it ever gets into the country. With all the radicalization in the Middle East and the retarded open door policies of our European and Canadian allies, the feds are more paranoid than ever about the possibility of a major NBC attack in the US.


>method of detecting radiation
>tinfoils will still cry about it as if they're driving around with buckets of Radium

Automatic toll readers usually look like a long white pole above the road or a flat panel.

They're not designed for long distance, knowing there's radioactive material "somewhere within X kilomters" is useless, that's why they're placed at tunnels and bridges - the majority of vehicle traffic in and out of the city has to pass those points, which means if the detector goes off it's easier to work out where and when the material passed by and narrow down which vehicle it was from traffic cams in the area.

But yeah, there's a MASSIVE number of holes in this system because the material could just as easily come in via ferries or any of the dozens of smaller ports or access points in the city.

you're 100% guaranteed there is more inside those pylons. don't be naive. all you need to do is look at the history of this kind of installation in NYC.

sounds like a huge waste of money when you put it like that and compare the cost benefit ratio.

I guess security departments have to keep up those yearly budgets growing somehow.

its is NYC..

maybe they will start spewing a noxious gas that turns everyone gay.

They are cameras and recording equipment like they do in London.

Most watched city that still explodes from time to time.

For radiation detection, a few feet is considered long distance. Most detectors at ports are large panels that trucks need to drive through slowly. By increasing the size of the probe heads and having multiple probes pointing in different direction, you increase the exposure time and have a better idea of its source.
Most ferries probably already have a less obvious detection system. They wouldn't need a massive probe since most of the potential sources would be stationary.

Of course it is - it's a hail mary play at best. The problem, and the scary truth, is that once something like that gets smuggled into the country, it's almost impossible to track unless you already know who's got it.

Scintillation probes of that size would require massive power supplies, that's more than likely filling the bulky structure beneath. In all honesty, if they are for detecting radiation, there wouldn't be room for anything else.

Good to know that NYC is safe, but what about the umpteen other cities....

Those look like vent stacks... probably with added height to not gas out the street level