Baki Dou 117 TL & whatever

though i try to hide it, it's clear
my world crumbles when you are not here

this chapter doesn't really deserve a translation, as the dialogue is garbage, but we've been without a baki thread for like 4 days, so this is happening whether you like it or not

Unlike previous chapters, we *start* with our character profile of the week this week: Ryu Kaiou!
I'm honestly uncertain about the purpose of these files. All they do is recap the history of characters that we will never see again, and they offer no real additional information except for shit like first/last names. Oh well.

>Musashi draws his sword!


>Musashi: MUN



>He's been stopped!?
>What ridiculous power...
>M: NGH?


oh god, those anatomy are nightmares

>...Was stopped!?