What if Africa Was Never Colonized?


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Almost watched but then I saw your flag.

Then niggers would complain white peoples never shared their technology

They'd be living in th Stone Age like they were before. But, they'd probably be happier like that.

just look up the sentinelese people

Cody, is that way.

Also, make a pregnant Anne Frank alternate history already you fucking faggot.



>no trap version of anne frank exists yet



Somewhat relevant

>Colonial atrocities wouldn't happen
>but the center of Africa would be a hellhole of disease and genocide between the african kingdoms that try to trade more with europeans
Sounds plausible.


Sentinelese are actually more genetically similar to Asians than they are to Africans.

give me the tl;dr


>niggers would still nig, but they'd nig on their own organic tribal lines, not country lines made by Europeans
So basically the exact same thing as today really

They wouldn't invent shit and kill each other but coastal tribes would benefit the most from trade with Europeans, just like before colonization.

>Europe only has a bunch of costal trade cities in Africa
>they would trade their old shit that is advanced for Africans for ivory and other resorces
>costal african kingdoms would want more stuff from Europeans so they would try to get more resources
>to do this they would use the advance european technology to kill each other for more territory
>africa would always be behind the rest of the world and the center of Africa would be an uneducated shithole in constant war for land and resources so they can trade more with Europe

Africa would still most likely be a heavily tribal area.

>What if Africa Was Never Colonized?

Then the Chinks and Japs move in to colonize it, genociding all the blackies like what the Brits did to Tasmanians

They never stopped being just that

>top kek

I have very mixed feelings about this

The video summed up:

>Colonialism in afirca was why the first world wars was fought!
>Colonialism brought nothing but death and destruction to the peaceful africans!
>The reason that Native American's fought each other was because they ran out of furs to trade with the white man! If the white man never came all these tribes would live in peace!!!!

I've never NEVER heard someone so fucking misinformed on history and I've heard from a lot of idiots.

they reverted back into it when we left.
watch Africa Addio It's a shock documentary on decolonisation. it will give you a good insight on what the race war is going to look like.

European powers ran out of non-whites to conquer so they had to start turning on each other. that's how ww1 started. before the boer war during the pax Britannia there wasn't a war between Europeans for over a century. it was a similar situation to what we're in at the moment with america being the single dominate world power just replace america with Britain.

>ww1 was fought on expansionist powers who couldn't conquer ethnics anymore
Are... Are you serious?

Ethiopia was never colonized..

>Humanised gorilla skull.
user please.

Germany was gunning for a good old war, and since they kind of missed out on the 'scramble for africa in the latter half of the nineteenth century, its possible some motivation was colonial expansion at the expense of the Entente, though that obviously wasn't the main reason.

more of this

Watch the fucking video

The video is fucking stupid and made by a retard so no I'm alright thanks you fucking Jew cunt.

>Africa Addio
Thanks senpai, seeing it rite nao.

>not posting Anne frank getting fucked by a humanoid bipedal dog brandishing a swastika

fucking WE

>What if Africa was never colonized
I think you know the answer to that


This is inhumanely stupid,you do not deserve to commit suicide for that,never,you better live with the shame,otherwise:

There constantly was war,or are you really so stupid to think WW1 started with Napoleonic borders.
At least I don't hope so.

Russia was fightingwith Sweden,annexing Finland,the Poles rebelled multiple times.
There were the German revolutions of 1830 and 1848,the Danes vs Austria and Prussia in 1864,the German War,the Franco-Prussian War,the 4 wars uniting Italy,the rebellion of all Balkan People,multiple Polish rebellions,Sweden beating Denmark and annexing Norway,the last parts of the Turkish Wars,Austria-Hungary occupying Bosnia,the Hungarian Revolution,Crimean War,termoil in Spain,France and Portugal getting their Monarchs away.

(One of the resons for war was)Europeans had no smaller Europeans left to conquer,without triggering bigger ones to intervene,taking Africa was easy,but irrelevant,they could have conquered China,but didn't want to after Controlling their trade,Japan could have been defeated too,but after seeing Russia couldn't do that at first try,they refused,Latin America,or the Americas in General could have beeen a target,but French efforts to conquer Mexico were not paying of.

Also this

Post some

lots of kweenz and kangz in the comment section lel

>Lmao when white people talk about Africa its like they are talking about monkeys you are inherently racist you have never been and never will be fair to African or its people your history is filled with lies gtfoh with this b/s video


>goes from "Europe started war because they ran out of ethnics to conquer"
>to "W-well maybe Germany wanted some land"

>But Egypt was waaay more developed than Europe?...

>This is a rather ridiculous & frankly, quite racist. It reinforces the idea that Europeans and others are somehow superior to africans. I am sure you know that Europeans were once 'tribes' as you call it. That didn't stop their expansion into their own civilization, why do you then have to theorize the African 'what if' as a yielding nothing but backwardness. Check your racism at the door.

>This video is literally filled with lies. Civilisations were formed in Africa before Europe and there were actually modernised Empires in Africa for example the Congolese who owned guns, had European style clothing and even had armour for their horses. Also in Zimbabwe which also had European style clothing later on and brick houses and walls, long before a large amount of European countries. Africa had no epidemics until one was spread by Europeans to Africans. In fact in Africa the San, yet uncivilised, had treatment and cures for diseases Europeans hadn't even named yet. Africa was growing in education too as the first university EVER in Mali was built. People all over Africa were travelling to Timbuktu to attend the University. Africans lived in unity as they were all part of the Bantu family, of course fights would occur but rarely. Lastly, all African societies would become civilisations without colonisation as they had the first ever currency (shells and precious stones). Ultimately Africa would've kept it's culture but would've changed too.

>The Eurocentrism is still so obvious in this video. Of course when you use Europe as your standard for civilisation, Africa and the rest of the world will always be 'backward'....Maybe if Africa wasn't colonised, the disgusting level of egoism in the West would not exist as well. Instead of ordering ourselves in hierarchies, maybe we would actually respect one another and allow people to be proud of different lifestyles....

>Blacks are so hateful and stupid they killed each other for worshipping the wrong oogabooga tiki god

Mate, unless you realize that european colonization was an inevitability and not something that just got chosen on a whim, The sooner you will move towards sanity.

*chucks spear*

sometimes I truly wish Sweden was a great power so I could be even more smug.

and his basis for this is pretty sound because its exactly what happened with indian tribes we started to trade with in NA. when we gave them guns their used said guns to go and massacre rival tribes and take their women and land.

and you have to remember, indians during that time frame were far more technological and culturally advanced compared to africa. africa would have been a massive genocidal chimpout back then. worse than what it is today after the white man left. i know it hurts a lot of people but they have to remember, and admit, africa at the time, the few so called kingdoms where BARELY in the stone age. they really didn't have a culture nor any sort of achievements. there is a reason why they're trying so hard to black-wash history by pretending they were kangz n' shiet and egyptians where black.

*invents modern civilization*

We wuz Celts

and Romans

And Normans too



>Colonialism left unfair borders separating those similar and packing together those dissimilar causing conflict
>Diversity is our strength
Really made me think

>(((John Green)))



different IDs newfag

Hey Cody from alternate history hub,

Why would Africa not be developed? I'm dying to know...