So is this shit shit?

so is this shit shit?

first episode was pretty good

Best first episode of the season.

Nah it's the shit.

it has potential.

It's only been one episode, so it's too early to judge. Hopefully, it doesn't end up like Gangsta.

Pretty good except for that one part where that one guy was all
>KAAAAAAAAAA~ That's good stuff!

Garbage, literally garbage. Don't shove your strange japanese mannerisms that are unique to you into anime set in foreign lands.

Oh, and if you're going to insist on putting a lot of work into researching and properly representing a period piece, try to put it in an actual historical city, or at the very least don't invent one that sounds totally implausible.
>LAWLESS district.
Fuck you.

what went wrong with Gangsta? i just stop watching after the second episode.

Is it called 91 days because the whole series lasts 91 days in real time or is there some deeper meaning? Haven't watched it yet, just curious

13 Episodes x 7 days between each episode = 91 Days

The story turned into a complete mess after the first few episodes. The setting and characters had a lot of potential, but they wasted it. I think a lot of people were expecting something along the lines of Black Lagoon, not some battle anime with superpowers.


Mob Psycho 100 is better

They're both good.

It was alright so far. Watching a a couple more episodes to see how it goes.

First episode has me intrigued, I'll be giving it a fair shot.

It wasn't very good, only the first episode though so maybe it'll improve.

I felt the same way. Seemed quite average at best so it was hard to believe the praise.

But this doesn't have supernatural element
Manglobe bankrupted so quality went into QUALITY, also shitty second half and cliffhanger ending

For me, it's the fact that it isn't another LN adaption, haremshit, or slice of life. That doesn't automatically make it good of course, just a breath of fresh air. It can turn to shit pretty easily. I guess we will find out within the next few episodes.

This guy gets it.

It's just another mafia wannabe show like Gangsta. 'Bad boys' doing gangster stuff, wow wow wow, let's get hyped.

It was pretty decent until the blonde guy with cowboy boots showed up

Hey, at least they have a nigger who read books.

Nope it was great, Can't wait for more.

Only downside is the story is just a shitty revenge plot.

>Hating Fango.
Come on, He's like a Ladd type character it was great.

>mafia wannabe show

But it's a legit mafia show unlike Gangsta.

>main character is held at gunpoint in point blank range
>wrestles his way out of it

Oh okay, it's going to be that kind of show.

If you want to see actual mafia stuff, go see the Godfather or something of the like. Japs simply gather all stereotypes and make a cringeworthy anime.

The first episode was pretty good, had my expectations pretty low though because of the reception of Gangsta
The style felt like a movie with the opening credits jsut appearing in the middle, I like it

>He's like a Ladd type character

I hope so. The characters are what made Baccano since the story wasn't terribly interesting. I loved all of them, even Jacuzzi Splot.

I predict it will get boring and the people who end up finishing it will swear it was the best thing they watched this season. Kind of like Rakugo.

Go back to watching your moeshit.

It looks like the anime with most potential this season I'd say, but the more a story takes itself seriously and the higher it aims to become good (hopefully this makes sense), the worse it can become (Kaiba, ZnT and Erased being examples).

yeah we've been in need of serious/mature anime, only other ones this season are Jojo and Berserk.

First episode was average but I'll watch a few more episodes.


So has anyone figure out what's the original source of this series?

It says right there user

Ghostwritten by Mari Okada.

At least he's got wasted pretty fast. I just hope he actually died, and won't return.

He ain't gonna die until at least mid season considering he's listed as major character in the website.

It's not just shit, it's shyte. As most of these old times anime tend to be.

>set during the prohibition
does it have some sweet swing and/or big band?

Only first ep.
You'll got TKLTS for next eps.

It looks shit, but it's the only thing I haven't dropped yet this season. Will give it 2 more episdoes, but I don't have high expectations. Will probably end up dropping this one as well.

some parts reminded me of godfather. I have high-ish expectations.

I'm a bitch for revenge stories, so if they execute it well I'm on. Hard to tell after the first episode, I wasn't impressed by the directing but I'll give it a few more episodes at least.

"Ghostwritten by Mari Okada" sounds like the title of a horror story.

it's actually really good

maybe except that KUHRAAAYYZZEEEE guy

While I agree that they definitely should have researched certain details more carefully (the weird, crustless Japanese sandwiches that the mom was making instead of actual Italian comfort food, the fact that the kid didn't put his shoes on in the house, a couple other little things like that), I don't mind the anonymous setting. I think it's fine for it to take an Italian cultural setting and to place it in an unknown, not-quite Italian city. Making it an unknown world from our own actually helps me forgive some of the earlier inconsistencies.

hoping it doesn't let down like Joker Game did. Excellent concept, major let down. Only 1/4 of the series was good when it came to it. Could've been done better. Maybe my expectations were high, but for a spy/mystery/war kind of series, I was not impressed with the series from episodes 3-10.

its ok

is the best episode of the season thus far, but it probably will become shit in the future