New ep soon.
You ready for more loli mech onee-san?
Regalia The Three Sacred Stars
Ryan Harris
Ayden Adams
Is the time on HS' site correct? I can't remember if we were delayed last week or no.
Jaxon Nelson
Ohhh, you missed the 9:30 broadcast
Adam Garcia
>[notmaifuni] Regalia - The Three Sacred Stars - 02 [1080p].mkv
Funi rip.
I think HS changed their source to Daisuki because Funi messed up the frame rate of 720p on episode 1 and it seems episode 2 isn't out yet on Daisuki site.
Christopher Cooper
If that's the case then thank god. Funi's whatever from the first episode was pants on head atrocious
Carson Morgan
You seem to imply that video on daisuki isn't broken in the same way.
Caleb Walker
Jayden Kelly
How's the Funi rip this week
Justin Green
jesus fucking christ
Logan James
How was the episode itself, Funi aside?