Why is user so racist to elves

they are hot

Other urls found in this thread:

eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=189200&n=Fuck Elves.swf

they think they're better than us!

why does op make bait threads with the same pic
they are lame

They're literally only good as sex slaves. They can try to be useful in other ways, but their ultimate destiny will always be subservience to human and orc cocks.

Cause Emilia smells bad.

It's not that I hate elves, Emilia is just a stinky whore.

>it's a "Half-elves exist, are discriminated against, and look visually distinct from humans, but no one can tell who's a half-elf without being told beforehand and actual elves are nowhere to be found" series



come on
don't tell me you don't want to sniff and lick her stinky half elf pussy and armpits