>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people""""" >Jewish control >stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that do what their told and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves >niggers spics and non whites everywhere and nobody cares >get cut at birth >get shot >live in a culture less shithole >so degenerate and sick that it makes Sweden look like a god fearing country >have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever >no sense of racial pride and identity >all forms of nationalism and patriotism are civic or rooting for Jewish wars >embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit that the Jews taught them >easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants >be hated and universally despised around the world >israels bitch >retarded religious zealots and christians everywhere >shit education system >get into debt for college >everyone hates us >laughing stock of the world >elected bush twice >elected a nigger twice >helped destroy Germany twice >killed millions of innocent people after WWII >destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords >bought sold and paid for politicians and government >water is poisoned with flouride >quality is non existent, just quantity >consumerist zombies everywhere >everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world >shitty infrastructure >3rd world tier rail service >shitty expensive healthcare
>crippling denbt >economy in the gutter >mazi ta fagame It sux
Kevin Wilson
>people are cold to eachother >randstad >Anglising of the language >ugly rural roads with 5000 signs >too flat >local Mosque is slowly getting more and more popular
Matthew Moore
>British men by and large fall into the categories of guardian reading remoaner nu-males, or toxic slav-tier 90 IQ chavs. >British women are as entitled as American women, but uglier. >Literally created Israel >Can't manufacture or create anything anymore, country depends on money gained from (((banking))) and service industries >Government selling everthing to foreigners. Nuclear power plants are chinese owned, trains and buses are french and german owned >London richest city in Europe, means centre is full of Arab fucks racing their obnoxious cars >Rest of London is browned thanks to multiculturalism >UK outside London is by and large a shithole, only tiny pockets of tradition and heritage >General feeling of decline, nobody cares >Europe is going to fuck us over with Brexit to set an example to everyone else not to leave
Austin Johnson
hate is dark side
Daniel Baker
>literally zero jobs >most of my friends did worthwhile degrees such as law and economics yet all they can find are unpaid positions >Government is inept as fuck and throws money around thinking there is still a mining boom >everyone is extremely pc >if you have too much of a differing opinion people will castrate you on social media >tall poppy syndrome >shitload of feminists even in Queensland
Gavin Price
Obnoxious, know it all cunts, who have no measure of the real world while sporting a faux superiority complex that stems out of an inferiority complex toward the USA Also full of coalburners, fags, self hating whites, and over the top PC culture and affirmative action
Benjamin Hernandez
Agreed. My entire lif here has been one of loneliness, anxiety, depression and meaninglessness. Even life in some Eastern European country is bettter than here.
Luke Jones
>>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people""""" Americans are super nice actually, sounds like you just haven't seen real asshole cultures.
Gavin Torres
Brandon Rodriguez
Were not. Every person I meet is a complete asshole.
Camden Young
>Dingos eat your babies on a regular basis >Feel like i am in some mudshit country as everyday there is some asshole abbo playing a digereedoo like its some prayer call to mecca. >If i report it to the cops i will be fined 500$ for racism >Want to have a nice breakfast but all i can find for spread is this pasty sewage people call vegemite. > Try to go to marde gras to celebrate my ancestors tradition of hedonism >lucky if i leave the festival with only dildos shoved up my asshole. >just w ant a sheila who i can bang and will go in the kitchen, make me a sanfwich then rub my belly and call me "big rig" >when i ecplain this fantasy to women they tell me to get fucked cuz muh feminism >have a whinge at the government >they tell me to fuck off because straya is full of whingers and fine me >lose half my wages to fines, and another third in taxation
Fuck straya!!!!!
Dominic Rogers
I'm surprised no triggered ameritards have flooded this thread yet.
>Niggers >Arabs >historically import third world savages, put them slums at the edge of society without any chance to progress in life and then ask themselves why their country became both the most multicultural and racially conflicted country in Europe >food snobs when the food is good, but not THAT good >rude people everywhere
Juan Parker
Don't your women love getting blacked to feel like they are part of some class struggle?
William Allen
I've always wondered why french people are so rude, I was in france a couple of months ago and they basically ignore you if you attempt basic english, it wasn't like that in any other eurpoean country
James White
Add to that >can literally be arrested for posting a tweet >Highest number of CCTV cameras >binge drinking culture
Kevin Jackson
We've let our women run wild. It's one of the foundations of what's wrong with my country
Wyatt Barnes
>no prospects of ever prospering since boomers have all wealth tied up in property and have shoved incomprehensible amounts of debt onto the younger generations whilst simultaneously importing millions of foreigners pushing down wages, and claiming that natives are lazy while counting their cash skimmed from their businesses that employ hordes of Slavs
This county is absolutely fucking shit unless you are born into a wealthy family.
Jonathan Ward
Chase Cook
I hate how many nonwhites live here, I hate being immersed in anti-white culture. I wish the USA was a white ethnostate like it was supposed to be. And I don't like what we did to the German's in WWII, that wasn't right at all. I wish we'd mind our own damn business and stop interfering around the world. We have the best geography ever, blacks could've never gotten here on their own. We could've been Europe 2.0 but even better because two oceans, but no... It hurts.
Jacob James
no that's an american thing really
Evan Taylor
>hedonistic and lazy >most 'far-right' party is centre-left >the people are feckless and will not stand up to the government no matter what they do >government is so corrupt it's farcical at this point, and nobody will do anything about it as long as they get their gibs
Lucas Williams
I live in a real asshole society. Your people aren't treating each other badly, believe me. And thank god for America for being a force for good in this regard and enlightening people through movies, tv series, books, songs. It's slowly getting better because of your influence.
Austin Lee
soros please stop browsing Sup Forums, let alone posting here
Parker Sullivan
>muh sand religion >degenerate westernized youth >disgusting middle eastern culture trying to take over turkish culture >shitskinned subhumans literally everywhere, mainly ar*bs and their mutts >see a k*rd no matter where. day ruined >everyone is so tense and aggressive all the time >have to listen ar*bic stuff 5 times a day, so loud you can't even talk on the fucking phone >economy is shit and lira is worth nothing >all cool places to hang out are shut down and decent places are infested with subhumans >best food in the world became shit and over expensive >women are fucking insane >get stabbed while minding your own business >nothing actually works but people pretend they do
I can type for hours, too depressed to continue
Levi Sullivan
Matthew Long
And thank god for America for being a force for good in this regard and enlightening people through movies, tv series, books, songs.