Friendly reminder that the 2nd amendment is extremely outdated and needs to be abolished


Shall not be infringed
molon labe
from my cold dead hands
etc etc etc

If the second amendment doesn't apply to modern guns, does that mean the first amendment doesn't apply things that did not exist back then, like television and radio?

Yep. Also doesn't apply to modern concepts such as communism and socialism.

abolishing the 2nd amendment will trigger a civil war

great idea

Your delusional dismissal or real dangers will not make us follow you into the abyss. You are trying to force decent people to live in danger violent attack by black criminals and communist tyrants (like yourself). Come, take my gun, all you will get is a single bullet.

Again? Went through this yesterday faggot.

I agree. The second amendment leaves too much wiggle room. It needs to be changed.

"The right to bear arms SHALL NOT be INFRINGED." That would at least get idiots to drop the militia crap.

The fact that the shadow government of the US is trying so hard to blow statistically insignificant events out of proportion, and use their lackey media to scare people shitless over this proves that the people of the US need their guns more than ever.

Trust me shartinmarts, you really don't want to become like Europe.

Demand all you want nu male the guns ain't going anywhere

friendly reminder that no one gives a fuck about you.

>theoretical future fascist government
Like the one they claim we have now?

>Theoretical fascist government

I thought Drumpf, Bannon, and Sessions were all fascist Nazi white supremacists? Don’t we have a fascist government now?

Friendly reminder that your cunt of a mother should've swallowed you.

Fun fact: militia in this context means all able bodied persons
retards still misinterpret it though


What is History

You know instead of getting rid of guns, what if we do the inverse: get rid of all the people without guns/anti gun people?

I mean, if all the gun owners just offed all the non gun owners, then all the people left would be gun owners.

Problem solved.


I don't know /k/ stuff so bear with me
I see why a guy would should be allowed a pistol for protection or a rifle for hunting/target practice. But is there any reason at all to allow people to have machine guns?

Hostile reply, go fuck yourself.

I believe it's specifically able-bodied men. Try to run with that particular gun control suggestion.

>paranoid fantasies about fighting a rebellion against a theoretical future fascist government
this is the left summed up

"When you let a train of feral niggers run a train on your wife and watch, you are actually cuckholding them."
-Albert Einstein

>fighting a rebellion against a fascist gov
>implying i wouldnt take my guns and join them


>Surely laws will protect me from illegal gun trades and criminals.
>Obviously all the countries with strict gun regulations have no gun crimes, no crimes, and countries with no regulation have a ton of crime.
>I'm a retarded leftist who willingly gives up my freedom in exchange for the semblance of security.



>doesn't realize militia means the people as a buffer between government overreach

>fight against the fascists
Boy do they have that wrong

I fully agree with op. We should keep prodding the massively armed Right wingers into a civil war.
They don't stand a chance against our righteous indignation.

>But is there any reason at all to allow people to have machine guns?
To kill the gov if they fuck around

filename ruins the larp

How do I sign up for the Sup Forums psy-ops squad?

Pretty sure it was sarcastic

Shill thread.

Hey YOU, with the signs.

Your paranoid fantasies about fighting a rebellion against a theoretical future fascist government takeover do not trump my rights to demand appropriate and reasonable free speech policies to stop communism violence
-sincerely the rest of the American people

You are 100% right. Any Democrat who fails to make gun bans their number one talking point is a traitorous coward.

Yanks need guns to fight the coming Boston dynamic ai tyranny

No it was changed to all able bodied citizens men and women

>Any Democrat who fails to make gun bans their number one talking point is a traitorous coward.
>Any Democrat is a traitorous coward.

if we're going full tinfoil then we have to acknowledge that the gov has technology and strength to take anyone out even if they had a machine gun in their closet
At the very least, they have bulletproof vests and tanks. Some local police forces in America even have tanks. tommy gun wouldn't do shit

you're a bitch OP

Not looking at big picture, read this.

>some have tanks
And I should be able to buy tanks too God damn it

The 2nd amendment was not written for personal protection or hunting. Nothing in it states that is its purpose. It explicitly states its purpose is to ensure the militia is well regulated, which in modern english means to ensure the people have the materials and training to be an effective militia.

The second is designed to ensure that from the body of the people an effective military force can be called up, if needed.

Whos to say if the founder somehow thought this was not a required need, if they would have been for armed citizens just for self defense reasons, maybe they would have thought that a bad idea on its own.

People who argue the second with out actually arguing its purpose are just spreading confusion. They will go 'muh self defense' or 'shall not be infringed' with out actually presenting any solid argument or point, they just give people opportunities to attack their incomplete argument and make the 2nd look stupid. They are not helping.

The second is so the population can form an army. It does not specify who or what this army is to be fighting, it simply says the population needs to be able to form an army for the sake of security of the state.


Buh wut about muh sock bombs?

I thought America was already fascist, schlomo? Sage.