
Do they fuck?

Yeah they're lesbians in a show about lesbians.

No, based on past works from this mangaka, one of them will marry a guy who was never even introduced in the series, leaving the other girl crying.


Nah, Amano's got a guy introduced to ship with Pikari.

Who do I believe?

Not the lesbian guy. There was another thread that stated where a male love interest shows up in the manga. Two apparently, but one was a minor love interest.

I wish.

The show is just yuribait, there is nothing going on towards either side.

It's a yuri show anyone else is just stupid.

>girls are completely lesbian for each other until the author decides to randomly give them loves interests or marry them off-screen

Why do people praise this hack again?

>completely lesbian
Fucking /u/fags and their thick as fuck goggles

Piss off and stop tainting this show with your male filth.


That's how it was in Aria and how it is here too you fucking animeonlyfag.

>any girls in Aria
>lesbian for each other

Unless your talking about untranslated chapters the only male love interests so far haven't been for Pikari or Futaba.

I'll never understand people who thought Aria was going to be yuri. There was nothing to suggest the characters were more than friends.

Maybe you could make a case for Akira? since she was neither autist nor had any male love interest and had a huge rival-on for Alicia

That doesn't make her gay. That makes her a rival. Goggles are on way too tight, bud.

Show name?

>calls others animeolyfags
>forgets the manga chapter that was omitted in the anime where it's implied that Alicia has a boyfriend


Sakura Trick?

Rivalries always were kinda gay