JoJo Time
JoJo Time
What's the best jojo doujin?
Gayfags need to stop.
Seriously people, put a check on it. You people want to dump pics, there's /cm/ and /y/ for that.
Fuck you
Kira subway molestation
beep beep
>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\_,
>I'll be as much of an obnoxious shit as I want AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME HAHAHA
Kindly eat a dick
Nigger jojo is GAY deal with it
I won't deal with retarded shits like you.
You just want to shit up these threads for whatever reason. If you really cared about gay shit you would post it where it belongs.
Not at all. JoJo isn't gay, a lot of its fans are.
The constant spamming of gay images makes your awfulness on par with Naranciafags.
Josuke's hair is lame!
Tell me these two are not gay tell me
They're not. That's fanart, my bae.
Josuke and Okuyasu start a gay relationship in 1999 Japan how does this go down
You're acting like a fucking fujo.
This is embarassing, even if you're baiting. You don't need to degrade yourself like this to piss people off.
Dio calm down.
thanks doc
I'm a girl.
But seriously Rohan loves Koichi
How would the Part 4 Stands change if the Arrow in Morioh was the Beatle Arrow? It's a fact that it produces the strongest Stands (as well as having the ability to make Requiems), so how would certain Stands be buffed?
You know the drill, mammaries out
> It's a fact that it produces the strongest Stands (as well as having the ability to make Requiems)
I think this was dependent on the arrow hitting the stand user or the stand.
He for sure does, doesn't mean that you should keep posting pictures of them kissing or posting green text stories of Rohan going balls deep in golden-haired midget.
Josuke to the rescue
Your tits, sweetcheeks
I can't show boobs but have this
This is from my cosplay.
Yeah I know that. Nothing in my post implies that Requiems are made by stabbing the user.
Requiems are created by stabbing the Stand itself, and the ability it gets is based on the user's most driving desire at the moment of the stabbing. All i'm saying is that the Beetle Arrow made Stands like The World, King Crimson, and the Stands of the entire Joestar line.
How would the Stands in Part 4 change if the arrow used was the Beatle one?
Blegh, going by the shirt curve they're shit, anyway.
Forget I asked. Go away either way.
You do realize you're in a general, user?
Acoustic Chase is pretty good, especially the instrumental.
It's relaxing but oddly creepy.
Why does Josuke have zippers on his boobs anyways? Was that in fashion at some point and I missed it? Does he need to air his chest out sometimes? Does it not get cold in winter or rub against the skin?
Oh, shit my redditbro, you're exactly right.
Gimme a sec, I'm gonna post the link to this thread on r/StardustCrusaders and on the Markiplier twitch chat. Haha let's kappa it up xD my brother!
How many dicks do you suck a week? Whats your total amount of dicks sucked?
judging by that collar/choker thing it could be anywhere from as low as 10 to as high as 100 a week
Why does Fugo wear a thong and a Swiss cheese suit?
Well guess I might start dumping porn and terrible pics from deviantart then, it is a general after all it's all cool to throw at the thread as long as it's Jojo right?
These threads don't discuss anything, so you're free to do so.
Dont forget litteraly me
The one where Dio put the mask on Jonathan without testing it first.
and Little Jolyne in Morioh
Link please for the Jonathan one ;^;
>have a dream where I'm Jolyne and I have sex with Hermes and we fall asleep in eachother's arms
>wake up and it's not real
Just kill me. I also had to clean up a LOT of cum.
>Pucci barging in on the Jolyne montage
I finish my last exam.
maths with a 7/10
Any request ?
do NOT bully kira
I need pics of hato or Karera for a pic I'm drawing pls
Nah it actually is just the Beetle Arrow that makes Requiems. A Requiem is less a type of upgrade and more the name of a presence in the Arrow that possesses a Stand when it's pierced.
t. faggot who read it in Jap
>Instead of Bait of dust
would yasuho's stand work on Pokemon Go?
I'm in love with a gangster
Can find legendaries.
Post sexiest cosplay
I made this a while back in mlb the show but how's this Star Platinum looking?
I made a Jaggers uniform too
Better than pixel user/10
>Kira is literally unable to be perceived in any way by anyone no matter their abilities
>he goes about his quiet life in peace with zero risk
Sounds comfy
Impressive. Now make Atum and have them face each other.
That's not too much of a compliment desu
Can you do Foo Fighters with Ball Breaker?
I made uniforms, Wasn't sure on the away uniforms, when the scene changed colors I think the jaggers were blue but I modeled after Star Platinum part 4 anime colors.
The uniform editor is limited otherwise I would put a J on the side and make it more accurate.
why the hell does everyone post this exact image at least once a thread
i mean i guess i'm not really complaining, Catch The Rainbow is pretty fucking great
Think of your favorite jojo character!
Got it? Did All Star Battle did your favorite character's justice with their Heat Attack? If he or she isn't playable, then your 2nd or third favorite jojo character then.
Yes. Because it's Johnny.
Thanks but he's better if I made this in Paint. I made this nice looking Jotaro however in paint took longer than the Star Platinum I made in the baseball game.
the stand is shit but god I love it
It's not everyone it's just me and another dude, i'll post it until i die my internet is gone or Sup Forums dissapears.
It's always posted but I don't mind because it's an awesome picture and Catch the Rainbow is great.
Better than the I'm in love with a gangstar that's posted everythread
Extra that comes with JJL Vol.13
Why did he steal Gappy's hat
Bites the Dust and SHA are both cool so sure
Kosaku's Heat attack was perfect
ASB PS4 port when?
FF in Ball Breaker or Ball Breaker in FF ?
Is JoJolion an allegory of the cultural battle between Islam and the civilized world?
Why did Josuke have zippers near his nipples. Did he borrow his Mom's shirt
Jolyne. HHA is great. GHA is kinda generic. Kinda hard to do any of her cool moments though, they tend to be kinda situational.
What the fuck did you say about my mum
For anyone who doesn't have the game
A shame really, I love the Mobius Strip move but there's no way to work into the game.
His super sucks, and his Ultra is alright
Act 2 super sucks, Act 3 super is cool, Act 4 super is great, and his Act 4 ultra is amazing.
your hair is shit
Is this game worth getting a ps3 for?
>start the first episode
>literally just some pussy fagboy and his rival/gay lover having obnoxious womanly drama
a shame that it can't "induce" rain.
Catch the rainbow
Evolves in Catch the Rain.
>it's a b8 thread
might as well get it out of your system near the start of the thread m8
y... y-
>I've only seen 3 chapters of a 900+ chapter series, why do people like it so much???
Hey! YA!
>literally just some pussy fagboy and his rival/gay lover having obnoxious womanly drama
Sounds pretty cool to me, wait until the gay lover puts his rival's Dog in an oven. Things really heat up.
>Things really heat up.
Kek platinum
the dog sure did
this fucking guy
I always thought Caesar's GHA was retarded. It was meant to direct sunlight to Wamnu and it shouldn't work on anything that isn't a Vampire or Pillar
Does anybody else think that this wacky bastard really carried Stardust Crusaders.