JoJo Time

JoJo Time

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What's the best jojo doujin?

Gayfags need to stop.

Seriously people, put a check on it. You people want to dump pics, there's /cm/ and /y/ for that.

Fuck you

Kira subway molestation

beep beep
>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\_,

>I'll be as much of an obnoxious shit as I want AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME HAHAHA
Kindly eat a dick

Nigger jojo is GAY deal with it

I won't deal with retarded shits like you.
You just want to shit up these threads for whatever reason. If you really cared about gay shit you would post it where it belongs.

Not at all. JoJo isn't gay, a lot of its fans are.

The constant spamming of gay images makes your awfulness on par with Naranciafags.