You might even have to bring Albert Einstein into this for a homoerotic or loli anime ménage a trios, but that might be pushing it.
>1 post by this ID
I don't actually know specifically how to combine these three into one loli, that would take an Einstein level genius, which I am not. I can rattle off some more names off the top of my head though - Richard Feynman, Milton Friedman, and Stephen Hawking
I rattle off these six names in that specific order advisedly, because I know what their research is about, but unfortunately I literally can't cite anything any of them actually wrote.
I guess I should mention for the record that my endorsement of Milton Friedman is not for his libertarian politics, but for his microeconomic theory, whatever it actually is. I really tried to read it at one point and it was pretty much greek to me.
The connection here is that it might help to imagine particles AS IF they are rational actors in some kind of weird game theory experiment, even if they actually aren't
The only missing piece of the puzzle is the entire actual idea. I've been working on this for ten years now and I only occasionally think it's even a scientific theory. Computer simulations might help somehow.
This is also definitely related to the specific HFT strategies Virtu Financial uses, or I wouldn't have come up with it myself. Before I left Jordan Rubinstein and I were working on "Meal/Kronos/Tron networks" for crude oil and European equities, so that might help.
The difference here is that at Virtu there were no quantum or relativistic effects because all time was distributedly discretized using both core sequence numbers and nanosecond timestamps. We were fucking around with the engine and fiber/wireless network topology at the time and seeing phenomena like lag-inducing "core bursts" seemingly at random.
I wrote all of 30 lines of engine code to try to mitigate the core bursts, the only core level code I ever wrote pretty much, and I can only assume my fans in Asia have been vigorously masturbating over it ever since
dude what
Just to be clear, the problem occurred in the data centers, not on some local simulator. Virtu has never had, as far as I know, had any kind of simulator of anything that was ever actually used
I mean they had a "simulator", but it was abandoned once we started trading live and I joined right about then so that was before my time
Anyway, I guess it probably never occurred to anyone, much like it didn't occur to me, that the packets that were clogging up our engine might have been coming from the future backward to the almost-present (though not the past)
I bet anytime they actually crossed the dreaded boundary and actually went into the past, it caused a lockdown or kernel panic in some unrelated part of the system
What decides where and when the lockdown or kernel panic occurs, if it's actually due to some relativistic or quantum effect in the ethernet cables or switches? Not the will of God in this case, but the will of the programmers. Since none of our software or firmware was provably correct anyway, this is a hopelessly intractable problem.
Just think - in terms of time stamps, order type size and venue info, and trade prints, our ethernet cables and microwave death ray networks were all quantumly entangled with some infinite dimensional tensor of global market sentiment and all the other traders
At this rate, strategy developers will have to add in parameters to correct for relativistic or quantum effects in that individual strategy's market data stream
To claim credit for this thread ISIS style, it's me, Ilya Loksha, same IP as all the others, no proxies as always, SSN 579-35-2644
Not that I am a member of actual ISIS, nor do I want to be murdered by ISIS, for the record.