What are your guys thoughts on this? This is not the first rumor I've heard that this was left wing terror in las vegas.
Why can't you use a readable fucking screen grab. Fucking leaping normie
>leaping normie
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It's the best I got friendo.
T. Drunk Spic.
That revolver doesn't look like a .38. it looks like a taurus judge.
Link me so I can go /k/ autism on you?
Goggle only shows me edited photos.
It's not a taurus judge, it's something in .357 or .38
its a taurus judge
no its not
The other window was broken to shoot at the airport fuel tanks.
looks like .22 magnum to me
a fatter round would have left a lot more debris anyway
as for this faggot shit. stfu none of that """evidence""" fits into what we know to be true
makes sense
pls be real
I'll post this here, because fuck it why not. I know this is useless heresay, but interesting nonetheless: I work in a bar and I was talking to one of our regulars last night. She said her brother is LVPD. She claims he called her after the shooting, and that he said the scene had been tampered with. This is exactly the kind of shill bullshit anecdote that I would expect to see on Sup Forums so feel free to discard it.
a 556 casing is like 1.75 inches long. It's a .38 REEEEEE
Remember the San Bernardino shooting when reporters and cameramen were allowed to fuck around in the shooter's house? Tampering with evidence should be assumed whenever feds are involved.
It's not a judge.
It's a smith and wesson 642 that only comes in .38 special
yeah well my dad works at Nintendo and he tells me that you really can get mew by using strength on the truck
Clearly a S&W 642 that only comes in 38 special.
Everybdy knows he had help. He was running guns for mexicans as a US agent. Yes he converted to Islam as part of his cover credentials. Then a deal went bad and he was killed. Isis used the guns on site for terror event they planned, rather than take delivery of weapons to remove to Mexicans. Our letter agencies already know exactly what happened .
7.62 x 51
Absolute shite.
>a leftie and mental
Are those two ever mutually exclusive?
That couldn't have been an accident, it was only a day or so after the shooting. I remember watching the reporters rifling through their closets and mail. Fucking crazy.