>/k/ says I need to compromise
when did this board go to shit
/k/ says I need to compromise
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off we need to ban something to keep the Democrats happy
Then why don't we ban democrats?
>Disagree with an opinion in another thread.
You're pretty pathetic, OP.
Ya know
Appeasement never works.
And the only valid reason anyone ever has to keep a democrat happy is if they are fucking one.
hint: these people aren't from /k/
>posting r/guns the comic
>all compromise is evil guise, I am a very reasonable and logical person
>meme stocks are the hill I choose to die on
Fuck off.
They're faggots who deserve to be shot, leftist idiots who are the same people who push the 'leftists are super pro gun guys' and '/k/ loves gays and furries!' Narratives.
fucking this
so fucking tired of "MUH SHALL NOT BE INFRENJED" assholes
Did you not read the same comic I did?
It will never end, user, the "throw them a bone," meme is just that;
A meme.
ShareBlue's got you working overtime, I see.
If you don't do your damnest to stop them at the meme stock hill, then they'll come for the semi auto hill next.
>"Republicans might feel such a ban would be a "slippery slope" for other gun bills. "So what?" she said, adding, "I certainly hope so.""
Compromise implies we get something out of this deal by banning bump stocks. So what is it?
>r/guns the comic
Hello newfag. This picture has been around on /k/ for years and was made by a /k/unt. Lurk moar before you shitpost
We'll have to wait and see what political angle the NRA-ILA people are taking. There has to be one. Fuck if I can see it though.
>"Fuck off, we need to just give Sudentenland to Hitler to keep him happy."
>"Trust me, he won't want anything more after we do that."
this is how gullible you are
And? Redditors have brought their garbage here for years. Seems like you're the newfag.
Kill yourself shill. They will never be happy, even if they get an outright ban and every last weapon is confiscated. Do the world a favor and rid us of your existence.
But we don't need to keep them happy. It's like trying to calm a child having a tantrum. Sure, you can do something to appease them, but you could just ignore them
>n-no u
Fuck off, faggot.
How much are you getting paid for this?