Why is homosexuality bad for society?
tell me Sup Forums
Why is homosexuality bad for society?
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They're perverts and promiscuous
Isn't natural because it doesn't bring offspring
Homosexuals are the most responsible for most STI diseases
no need for dialogue at this point.
past the point of civil discussion.
There is no rational exchange with that which is essentially irrational.
It's not homosexuality itself, it's more the celebration of homosexuality and the acceptance of it as an "alternative lifestyle". That's what leads to worse forms of degeneracy like pride parades and crossdressing 8-year-olds, which feeds directly into pedo acceptance.
Cuz it gives fags like you existence when otherwise you would die quietly fingering your own butt.
It's not. Let the fag be fags. Way better then them pretending to be straight making even limper wrist faggots to deal with.
It's not homosexuality, it's the fact that people put the biggest emphasis on fetishinsing it instead of realising that it really boils down to two individuals loving each other.
A lot of these pride parades as pic related is about anything but homosexuality if you think about it. Let's say it was a straight parade, would it change anything? I think you would be just as disgusted.
The number of reacharounds has dropped precipitously since the '70s, and shows no sign of slowing. And blowjobs are time consuming and work intensive.
Real lack of common courtesy, these days.
there is no love in homosexual relationships.
the fundamental emotional dynamic is fusion.
two halves do not make a whole.
Or, I should add, two person being turned on by each other. It's not exclusive to relationships. I know a couple of gay people and they're genuinly ashamed despite being surrounded by friends, family, and a society that tells them it is okey. I get the feeling that they're having some kind of internal conflict about their identity. I don't know though.
Do you love your dad? Brother? Grandpa? Very flawed analogy to make a flawed point.
>dumping an STD-free ass
You'd be a mong faggot if you did.
This kid has a top tier taste
I've known of a few of them. They're fundamentally emotionally and mentally disturbed. No it's not normal, and it shouldn't be peddled as such.
I have THE irrefutable pro gay argument. There are men. There are women. There is feminine penis. Feminine penis takes regular penis away from gays. So; straights coined that term. Straights think their own pornos are gay; gays do not. Gays breed. Gays cheapen vaginas for everybody else; everybody is at least bi; women’s selfishness and love for only chocolate and etc etc. Gays have no HIV anymore. Gays do NOT touch children nor disproportionately; read history and the bible and in context and in the original languges; freud is an asshole. So. Here’s the irrefutable part. At least, even more irrefutability, or, the most irrefutability. You are born either male. Which started as girl. Or you’re born as a girl. Or you fully change to something else. There is nothing new. So. Girls are the default whose default vaginas never sprouted into dick hood. Which means dick hood is better. So. Given all this. Why is the addition of another male on top of one more male. So fucking “bad”? Forget “heterosexuality” for two seconds. As though anybody ever doesn’t. Lol. But if two men are gross. Then all fucking males are gross. And is that how you hear men talk? Males’ opinions being the only ones that matter? No. You hear them bashing women and fags at the same time. This means they are pressured. And nothing else. On the extreme end, the only male feminists there are are vicious homophobes. Even women don’t buy into that kind of womaniness. Men make men. Women make womaniness
Bounced on my boy's dick to this thread for hours, would've been days but my boy got triggered
Because it challenges Gods natural order. You put your cock in the wrong places it wont be long before you perpetually do other things that are adverse to Gods natural order.
Grab em. Why did you get blown out of the garden immediately after you covered your tits and committed bestiality? How many wives are you taking to heaven. None. Not one. Christ doesnt reflect what you just said. At all. But youre a matrilineal jew
No man can interpret God’s natural laws. You make excuses for putin and epstein and piss tapes. And you’re probably in isis. A fertility cult
Spreads diseases, doesn't lead to stable nuclear families, young boys are targeted by homosexuals to get them to join their homo club
With next to zero real investigation into the history of the issue, and only a very few brief visits to Sup Forums, I'd say it's because it dilutes the idea of attraction between adults being fundamentally about families.
A strong family with a monogamous marriage is the building block of successful societies. Controls and limits on the harmful elements of human nature while simultaneously harnessing the better parts of ourselves towards constructive goals that uplift humanity.
This fucken guy. Why dont you understand that anecdotes and obvious jidf bullshit and being pissed off at Christians and Hadrian isn’t accomplishing anything? Gays banned the israel star. Who does that? Fucking nobody. Balls down to their ankles. Of steel. Youre just biting at them. David was bi and killed nephilim. That you created? So you slandered him
Perfect example of why. ->
You created all deaths and all sins with your sex. It doesnt. And you spread em. They piss on ya too and need to wipe afterwards. No man wipes after piss. Youre gross
nothing wrong imo with a man getting horny in the presence of another man but how far gone do you have to be to shove your dick up his shitter? it's bad for society because gay porn makes them braindead mental retards that go and date-rape other weak beta fags
>nobody has anal but gays
Does nobody have tooth jobs but clam cucks?
ass cancer, I'm not even joking
they also can't have children
Destruction of the family.
or is that a good thing?
Shouldn't all of those points make Sup Forums pro-gay?
Hagar. And use it or lose it. Vaginas give men throat cancer from yeast fungus and probably make them off themselves and steal their money and children. 61% divorce rate
See above. Single mothers are crap tier. You dont know what youre talking about. Two dads would be awesome. One half discipline. The other half not a fucking nag. And since artificial eggs and wombs are made by and for only them. And surrogacies are fine. You can have a mom too. Lots of people have four parents or step parents. But men and women together is like oil and water and makes men forget about marrying Christ
Lies. And charlie sheen. Or are those good things. Truvada. And fuck off. Thread is brand new. Nothing but repeats. Im gone
We have lower rates of prostate cancer. We can and do have kids with heterosexuals that we then raise on our own or with other homosexuals. We also can hire surrogates, or adopt kids.
>Why is homosexuality bad for society?
Closet homo who will never go full gay here.
Large numbers of tax payers contracting STDs and other illnesses is a large negative on the country regardless if they're faggots or not.
I'll never go gay because I'm deathly afraid of an STD.
What percent of pol do you think is in the closet?
d a d d y
Depends on if you think traps are gay...
Lowing birthrate, increase STD, spread degeneracy...
That's illegal
They are degenerates(Romans 1:26-32) and should die. Even the more normal looking ones that aren't flamers should be stined to death.
The same 3 posters who post gay traps on Sup Forums.
remember to sage slide threads
>go to this years pride parade in NYC
>literally just half naked men and women dancing on the street
>only see men and women grinding on eachother; I legit didn't see gay grinding or kissing
pride parades are just an excuse to be degenerate infront of everyone; regardless of orientation. its a free excuse to party and get wasted in the name of "equality"
No memeing: this video changed my perspective of gays. I was molested as a child and what Sam says here made everything suddenly fall into place.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
I consider biological males having sex more than incidentally with other biological males, gay.
[citation needed]
How many gay males were included in that study? How were they recruited?
I feel like you probably are getting this from some outdated "gotcha!" study that Christian conservatives used to conduct against us in the 1970s and 1980s by interviewing people in a gay bar and claiming that as a representative sample or something.
The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.
“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”
They spread AIDS!!!
White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:
We don’t know who Patient Zero for HIV was:
HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade
UK HIV decrease:
AU HIV decease:
HIV came from Haiti to New York
its not. be a conservative gay
Go away pedojew, nobody wants to join your retarded and sad server for gaylets
>it's not homosex itself, just the fetishization of it!
Guess what, homosex IS in itself a fetish. Being gay is not normal. It never will be normal. It is a perversion.
This is why.
I have slight, unproven reservations about gay couples raising children but other than that there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what they're doing.
It's not really that they can't raise them properly, but more that a mother-father dynamic might be the most optimal, leading to happier kids and giving the greatest advantage to them. But again I don't know if this idea is founded on proof or not. For all I know they could turn out better in the former situation. What I DO know is that the phenomena is so rare that I never hear personal accounts from these kids when they're grown up.
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
doi: 10.1038/ng1195-248
doi: 10.1017/S0033291714002451
Hamer 1993:
doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.1991.01810360053008
Straight males carry gay genes:
Fecundity increases in female relatives of male homosexuals:
Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:
A novel predictive model of sexual orientation using epigenetic markers.
Authors: T. C. Ngun [1]; W. Guo [2]; N. M. Ghahramani [3]; K. Purkayastha [1]; D. Conn [4]; F. J. Sanchez [5]; S. Bocklandt [1]; M. Zhang [2,6]; C. M. Ramirez [4]; M. Pellegrini [7]; E. Vilain [1]
Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:
Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28
Because it's denial of purpose. The purpose of a man is to procreate with a woman; this is true both secularly and theologically. Denial of purpose is promotion of destruction. Thus the purpose of their self-assigned inherent faggotry is the destruction of mankind.
Faggotry is evil if onlly for this reason.
From a Christian perspective, it is a clear mockery of God's creation -- the same reason defiling of one's body with drugs, tattoos, piercings, etc. is popular.
Psychologists worldwide disagree.
>asks why homosexuality is bad.
>posts picture with three fine examples of degenerated faggots.
Why do you even ask?
There are 0 studies comparing how kids raised by married gays vs married straights do because the concept of allowing gays to marry is so new. Anyone claiming otherwise is comparing unlike quantities or has sample sizes too small to be generalizable or didn't use random sampling.
We don't have enough kids who were raised by married gay people from 0-18 to count them against male-female married families yet.
It actually should be removed.
>why is abandoning society to jerk off with your friends bad for society?
Because you and your friends should be talking about fun productive stuff like carpentry instead of organizing parades about how great it is to jerk off all the time. If you're gonna be gay just hide it, don't throw parades that celebrate death and what a sick pervert you are.
I wonder who’s behind this post
Where is the 78% figure from exactly?
Aren't those pictures self explanatory
also your mental disorder isn't politics
I want gays to have families and not be promiscuous. Quite the opposite of wanting a breakdown.
You claim gays are too promiscuous on the one hand. On the other you claim we shouldn't be around kids as we will turn them gay and that's why we can't get married. Do you want us to be less promiscuous or not?
>No offspring
>Often promiscuous
>40% of pedophiles have The Gay
>AIDS transport
Parafilia in everything but clasification. Is something that should not exist but somehow is being glorified
who's going to do that? you? one of your neet discord friends?
Over 20% of gay couples have kids though.
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.
3/4 victims of molestation are female:
"A 2015 study (linked above) looked at virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States in 2010. It concluded more than 20% of child sexual abuse cases reviewed involved a primary female perpetrator – so estimates vary significantly."
Less promiscuous and don't be gay around children. Give them a mother and a father, not 2 flaming faggots.
jacob had 2 concubines you dope, the servants of each of his wives
way to not look this shit up yourself moron.
>Every day I ask the same retarded fucking question on Sup Forums and pretend it means I'm winning.
>Horse head
>Fox tail
doesn't reproduce babies to carry the genetic code, which is key to reproducing our species.
Degeneracy breeds degeneracy, it allows controls to be exploited easily, usually by the jews, and its unnatural and leads to more sick and depraved things.
But allowing us to have kids and marry is what will make us have incentive to be less promiscuous. You can't have it both ways.
Wow one number was off! That sure ruins the whole thing!
>But again I don't know if this idea is founded on proof or not
Gay Couples' Children Oppose Same-Sex Marriage, Tell of Unpleasant Upbringings
washingtontimes com/news/2015/jan/8/gay-couples-children-oppose-same-sex-marriage-tell
Grown Children of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood
xtribune com/2015/01/grown-children-gay-parents-tecourts-gay-marriage-destroyed-childhood
How Different are the Adult Children of Parents who Have Same-Sex Relationships?
sciencedirect com/science/article/pii/S0049089X12000610
Children of Homosexual Parents Report Childhood Difficulties
familyresearchinst org/2009/02/children-of-homosexual-parents-report-childhood-difficulties-2
one third, literally half of all women lmao...
1. A non-negligible number of respondents were miscounted as having been raised in LM or GF households. The sources of these potential errors—which we estimate to exceed one-third of Regnerus’s subsample of LM and GF—were the inclusion of individuals whose highly implausible responses to other questions call all of their responses into doubt, individuals who reported living in these households for a very short period of time, and individuals whose responses in the calendar data were incompatible with the original categorization of being raised in a LM of GF household.
2. A number of other methodological and modeling decisions made by Regnerus—decisions that have plausible alternatives that at minimum should be checked to assess the robustness of the patterns—appear to artificially inflate the differences between LM/GF and IBF households.
3. Once corrections to these potential coding errors and alternatives to these methodological choices are made, the putative disadvantage in the outcome profile of respondents from same-sex parent families (both single-parent LM and GF house- holds and two-parent LM and GF households) decreases dramatically—with some of the remaining differences not ‘‘sub- optimal’’ (e.g., whether or not the respondent identifies as entirely heterosexual and the number of other-sex partners) or a function of one or two influential cases.
Keep making up excuses, pervert.
Incentive doesn't work faggot. Marriage doesn't stop someone from being promiscuous. Even normal married couples typically fail this test.
>I want gays to have families and not be promiscuous
Dream on. Faggots are so notoriously unfaithful that a lot of left-wing psychologists have tried to redefine infidelity among homosexuals to only include "emotional infidelity", whatever that is.
Hell, just google "homosexuals" and "infidelity" and look at the shit that pops up. They're not even questioning the fact that fags are unfaithful, but trying to redifine it as something positive.