Msm following orders and trying to blacklist Sup Forums

After all the theories surfacing theyre trying to silence us link is to a forbes article as an example.
Bullshit threads are going to pop up to help them with the narrative that we are all tin foil hat weirdos.....we are....but they dont think its a good thing... Forums-during-national-crises/amp/

Other urls found in this thread:

why the fuck would you want Sup Forums to show up on google news

Her name looks like someone had a seizure while typing out her birth certificate

That's not really the point....the poi t is watch out for bullshit info being posted here to alter the "conspiracy theories" that are surfacing revealing more truth then they want

because we are the alternative media now. More people come here than you think. Trends we start, theories we create get around the internet in a big way. Sup Forums is powerful.

Looking for the link but I read that they're saying that the posts made by the lvmpd insider were planted here on purpose to send us frantically searching for the trith but would lead us the wrong direction....and I am starting to believe it.... Sounds like an ally to the u.s. was involved and this may not have been as simple as an arms deal gone wrong.

I saw an article today saying YouTube altered it's algorith so that the las Vegas shooting videos returned in search results were from "more mainstream" sources rather than "conspiracy" videos

I don't know how to archive it sorry

You guys hate fake news yet over half the posts here are fake news stories. Never understood the hypocrisy here.

lol jesus fucking christ, I know there are people stupid enough to believe this shit, but how is this anyone but google's fault

they're supposed to be the "journalists" its on them to ascertain the truth value of things before they release articles

complete retardation, there was some user the other day posting about how this was probably an intentional move to "discredit" Sup Forums, which is fucking stupid, if you bring up Sup Forums as a source, then you're doing it wrong, there is a lot here that is true and based on other statistics, but quoting a place that has been known for the last decade as being a place for trolls is braindead retardation, so there must have been a motive, that motive was most likely to somehow further discredit Sup Forums because they know that there is truth here and it scares the shit out of them

normies are waking up, I mean I only have anecdotal experiences to back that up, but the absurdity levels in the media are reaching levels that even the most useful of idiots are starting to see through


This board has been flooded after every major happening to make disinfo mainstream.

They fucking bot flood a certain message and make slide threads.

Only new friends don't know this.

>"oh shit people aren't buying it this time"
>"better shut it down, surely that will buy us some time"

I used to think these people were actually competent social engineers and that our future was fucked, but they actually might be as idiotic as they seem on some level

how can you not realize that doing this stuff just gives more credibility to it even if it is false

as usual I think they think they're about 2-3 steps further in their brainwashing than they've assumed and they're jumping the shark

Because it's one of the only few things that challenges them. To some here, it is just a place to shitpost.

Here you go senpai

Am I the only one that considers this an official endorsement?
Isn't blacklisting exactly what you'd expect from Globalists trying to silence they're opposition?
This is basically Google and Faceberg certifying us as the official internet hub of the resistance
>Where'd you hear that from, user?
>From Sup Forums
>What's that?
>It's a political discussion website Google doesn't want you to know about
This doesn't sound good?

Their loss.

No. I am with you in this.
Sup Forums was very painfully right about something lately.

Pol is speculating -- we aren't J-school grads for the most part, but at least we generally want the actual truth to be revealed.

I trust pol way more than the MSM, but you need to realize a lot of the discussion is speculation, and take it with a grain of salt until the theories start to tighten up... by that time the MSM is only beginning to get the picture.

In a way, pol can actually do the reporting real reporters used to do before they became retarded, activist bloggers

Think about this rationally. Do we even want normies being directed here?

Sup Forums is THE destination for happenings, the mainstream news is just jealous. It has nothing to do with real journalism or the search for truth, they just can't compete with the traffic that we get after the happening and they can't sell their shitty online advertising.

I saw someone say here yesterday that it's basically an independent think tank and I like that analogy

>guise pls I can't stop being an idiot halp!
Did they seriously get fooled by the sam hyde meme again?

they don't care. they just want their way. they don't want equality and the left has never been about equality. its been about abusing any tools necessary to get their way. they're all for freedom of speech if it helps them. they're all for offensive material if it helps them. they're all for non-censorship if it helps them. anytime it goes against them they will gladly morph into the christian-right of the 90's and try to banish it from the face of the earth.

a lot of people have to remember and realize, the left never wanted any of those things in the 90's, they just wanted to BE the christian-right of the 90's.
>hurrr but there were some who did!
the same could and can be said about the chirsitan-right as well. not all wanted that shit, just wanted to be left alone. but the majority did want it. just like the majority of the left.

don't feel bad for buying into their lies and propaganda. all that matters now is you realized it.both parties want to erode your freedoms and liberties. both parties want to brainwash children.


Based archiver

We got enough cunts with Trump I for one don't want more cunts.

lol please tell me someone reported sam hyde as the shooter???

Its quite crazy how literally all of legacy media is in some way shape or form pushing narratives which if actualized would remove all personal power away from individuals and place it in the hands of centralized authority.

Its no longer only legacy media doing this but social media and google to, we are headed for a truly Orwellian future and its quite scary.

I wish normies would wake up to this because whether it be MSN or Fox they both push different agenda's which encourage the growth of state power.

no duh

>not wanting to be blacklisted permanently
Summer breeze~


I thought we didn't want normies invading our precious Sup Forums?

>wanting Sup Forums to get more attention
>calling Sup Forums "alternative media"

I would rsther be blacklisted by them then sponsored by them that's for fucking sure. I'm as proud as trump was when he got his nra endorsement

>implying Sam Hyde really wasn't the actual gunman
Fake news

Sup Forums was saying:
>the killer is antifa
>the killer is muslim
>the killer is hispanic
>the killer is marylou danley
>the killer is geary danley

spreading fake news during a crisis is a bad idea.

This shit will help bring in more normies to red pill

Multiple people

Why is it bad? Who does it hurt?

>journalists are too stupid to remember the name Sam Hyde
journalism is a fraud


>one of the worst mass shootings
Has there ever been a "not so bad" mass shooting in the US? Do the reports go "Yeah some guy killed a bunch of people but it wasn't as bad as that other time, you know?"

There's really something wrong with me when only stuff like this makes me smile.

yes cause they wind up redpilled just like us


>Forbes telling Google to censor a website
You would think they would learn that attention is exactly what we want. Yes, please Forbes, pour out your asshurt onto the internet. We will savor EVERY goddamn drop.

chans being search blacklisted would be a blessing

I like you.

There's no proof either way that you're not just another sock puppet spreading further disinfo.

They do that and they'll find out what round-the-clock, 24-hour cycle Sup Forumsposting in all mainstream social media platforms would look like. Not even their censors can stop the deluge of shit and piss, as they all curl up into fetal position from all the triggering and virtual rape that will happen. Are they ready for the mass redpilling of the world on the JQ the likes of which has never been seen before? Of radio waves and TV broadcasts being hijacked to reveal all their secrets? Are they really ready for that? They have no power here, or anywhere. They all live in Sup Forums's world now.

>Who does it hurt?
The Narrative

HAHAHAHaha...dumb ass journalists lurking on Sup Forums took a old joke meme and ran with it?

>DO REAL AND HONEST JOURNALISM ....stop lurking on pol bitch's and get to work.....I SAID GIT!

Can they just black list us already, it’s becoming the new reddit

how new are you? fake news is Sup Forumss forte. we do it better than people who do it for money.

Never fails to crack a chuckle or two out of me, specially the last part

good. we don't want the fucking normies here during planning anyway.

fuck off were full


pol isn't a news site, it's anons discussing theories and larping
Not our fault if "journalists" take any of it seriously

No one uses google to get to /pol

Exactly. These same faggots that want a bunch of normies starting 1000 /r9k/ threads are the same faggots that don't want 3rd worlders overturning their country.

Lebbit needs to fuck off with it's undeveloped pilgrimage.

Every time

I'm fucking taking this b8.

getting your information from a basket weaving site for autistic is even worse.

it happens every time. MSM mentions us, we get a stream of normies, there are arguments presented so retarded that you think its trolling, but its just normies. they try to argue with us for days sometimes weeks, most leave, many stay and learn and the site works a little shittier from all the new traffic.

we're hitting an apex and we will be dealt with. we are going to cross a line at some point. chinkmoot will most likely accept a buyout and this place is up in smoke.

>we can still plot and spread messages on social media
>people stupid or lazy enough to be deterred by lack of hyperlink in search results will no longer come here

What's the problem?

Does it really matter if it's just an arms deal gone awry? I could be "shaped" to hurt Antifa and other leftists, so why not do it? The more people come here to see theories and why Sup Forums came up with them, the more your regular normies go deeper in the rabbit hole and find the commies (and by extension, the Jews) deep within.

>the killer is muslim
This is sadly true
>the killer is antifa
They are on the same boat

>the killer is marylou danley
>the killer is geary danley
Persons of interest

>the killer is hispanic

instead of making us weekear they are getting rid of the newfags that would shit on the threads?

how is that a bad thing?

I always have a hard time believing that the normies aren't just ones of us trolling. But then you get one in a long, serious discussion and you realize they're actually serious.


yo, what is the deal with all the media going against Sup Forums, it think it is the third time i see news shitting on Sup Forums.

>chans being search blacklisted would be a blessing
Search blacklisting is a black hole with a twist.

I'm up to six times in the past few weeks. We've obviously made it to the official shit list as a target.

Which of course will backfire spectacularly as it always does. Don't they realize we thrive on this?

>To some here,
Aren't we all supposed to be shitposting and hating streetshitters and chinks?

Whatever narrative these idiots were going to feed us was destroyed and now the media and others are fucking pissed.
We found out he was in the Philippines, we found the fucking note on the stand, we found his Girlfriend real anme, we found out the story doesn't fucking add up.
Why is this bullshit narrative backfiring? - fucking Sup Forums that why.
The very fucking second autistics started diving in finding out more and feeding their curiosity it was Sup Forums that drove the bus of truth right down these fuckers throats.
Now whats left is teh local police being leasd around by the FBI and making excuses for a reality the don't want to admit. Stephen was a fucking terrorist in this was a fucking terror attack and the more they cover this shit up and delay the truth the more fucking stupid they (LVP and FBI) seem to appear.
user do your shit and ask those question and pull that fucking thread, our humble little community will determine if your full of shit or not.
Don't stop this ride it's just getting started.
Anyone Looked at analyzing the audio for a audio signature to the weapons?

Fuck you, making me kek in public

doesn't this just prove journalists are lazy pieces of shit that don't check their sources at all?
they'll do an article based on a fucking anonymous message and present it all as facts

what a fucking joke

>Don't they realize we thrive on this?
I hope not.

this kind of shit is way too funny.

Btw, i've been out of the loop, how's trump ging these days?

We also had the photos first thanks to /ourcop/

Damn, this

We are just putting a fucking damper on their narrative and the MSM is pissed, major news agencies have to push the narrative but people are starting to wisen up.

So they have a choice; their Shekels or the narrative?

The fuck is wrong with his face? Did he have a stroke?

Fuck you faggot

Orrrrr may be they don't want foreign government shills swinging domestic political affairs by shit posting on a mongolian finger puppet forum

feeling nervous yet dimitri?


happening happens, we get comfy and start shit posting. journalists(using the loosest possible definition of that word) come here scour our threads and then write news reports from their (((sources))) get totally BTFO because they are gullible newfags, few days later cry about it because they are embarrassed. many such cases, sad!

>blacklist Sup Forums

as if this hasn't essentially happened already. of course, they're dickless cowards, so they just slide/shill it like the passive cucks they are.


Yep- what's crazy is how often real think tanks interface with us to push useful memes that they cannot efficiently or organically introduce into the culture.

Don't think for a second that time and money wasn't spent on some of the more complex and polished images and videos we promulgate

>Btw, i've been out of the loop, how's trump ging these days?
Haven't been following very closely lately, but it seems to be more of the same. The MSM still hates him, the republicans are still trying to retake control, the communsits are still building toward race war and global revolution, the bankers are still on the verge of causing a massive global depression, Trump's WH is increasingly paralyzed, and the strategy of demoralizing his base is slowly working.

Oh and also it's still

FACT: Russia was the 2nd most dangerous thing to Merkel's reelection. Sup Forums's fake news was enemy #1.

>swinging domestic political affairs by shit posting on a mongolian finger puppet forum
Are you serious?

Did they really fall for a Sam Hyde meme in ?

>Pol is speculating -- we aren't J-school grads for the most part, but at least we generally want the actual truth to be revealed.

i'm amazed that you're grads of any sort


>this would be bad

Russian media did

It's me. I'm Detective Sup Forums.


And here we're supposed to fear the sophistication of the Russian hackers.

>Don't think for a second that time and money wasn't spent on some of the more complex and polished images and videos we promulgate
such as?

>Trends we start, theories we create get around the internet in a big way. Sup Forums is powerful.
This! If it were not true (((they))) wouldn't bother. We are making them nervous KEK!
