President Trump makes unsolicited statement that photo op represents "calm before storm". I am sick and tired of "happening" announcements, but this is straight CIC. Something is going to happen. Domestic or international, what does /pol think ?
Possible Happening
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be a 27 year old American male
>see the president take a photo with all of the US military leaders
>President announces "This represents the calm before the storm"
>Start pissing your pants, your number is likely to be called
Maybe he was just talking about Nate. Maybe worldwide communism is about to get BTFO. Just wear your best dress to your physical, and ask if they will start you on hormones in basic. You will be okay.
>wear your best dress to your physical
Draft only takes those 26 and under.
I’m 23 and married to an epileptic. Think I can get out?
Martial law when?
Sign up as a legal pacifist they can only get you to be a medic
Their smiles feel realllllllllllly bad.
I almost can feel the tension like something bad is honestly about to happen. You can see it in their faces.
>he isn't a vet already.
I hope you get drafted.
If you're 27 you're already too old for initial call-up.
It's probably just the Iran deal. It would be great if it were something bigger, though.
Fox News is just trying to hype shit up to get ratings you know.
Well you could throw her in a room full of strobe lights, that might get you out, otherwise divorce?
Sup Forums is autismo central. It isn't just a meme, a lot of us are ineligible for service.
>be old fag. Want to get called up to fight for God and country.
>witness 20 somethings cry and moan
Man up faggots
You can. This is big. Trump is afraid and trying to conceal it. If not afraid, deeply concerned. The smile says fear though.
Was Vegas Mossad and they were definitely implicated this time? Not sure he'd be afraid of rocket man. That video scared the shit outta me.
I'm thinking ISIS or Norks.
So yes, Mossad.
Things will never be the same confirmed.
>Vegas attack was really by north korea and the white guy was the fall guy
>we found an opening to nuke North Korea and disable the threat and have already told China and they have agreed to stand down
>tfw soon we will only have one Korea
Trump senpai is so mysterious and cool.
>people actually said we can't pick hillary because she'll just lead us to war
>less than 1 year into his term we're headed to war
>people actually thought there was any significant difference between these 2 shitbags
27 is too old. You're safe bro. Me too. We get to sit back and watch millennials die while we cuck their women at home
No nigger we didn't want war with Russia, a white country. Nuking shitskins is fine.
Whoa dude, I'm impressed. It's almost as if you looking down on everyone for voting for 1 of 2 options fixes every problem.
Ace the tests and you won't be a grunt
>be 39 year old male
Have fun, user of age to be drafterreedooed.
Have fun staying home and making the guns we get to shoot at the norks :)
President has called out the pravda plenty, but now he calls for an Intelligence Committee investigation into them?
On Tuesday, One America News is airing James Okeefe's new documentary on the msm. Maybe those bastards will be completely exposed into obliteration for the Soros/Alinsky-ruled propoganda that they are. Plenty of distractions should be on the commie agendas leading up to and on the 10th.
i fuckin love this timeline.
please bless us with comfy habbenings
>tfw we could be the next greatest generation
Im hoping Dems get BTFO and many of them go to the slammer.
trump met one one one with LV police chief yesterday. confirmed deep state false flag. using military backing, he will order full prosecution, through sedition act, of all perpretrators. tonight's dinner was to separate those on board from those who are not. commence full assault effective immediately.
Sauce and/or moar pls
Can i sign up to be a volunteer for US forces? I want to fight in the infantry. Americans always do crazy shit and war crimes so i want to take part this time and get some azn pucci and possibly find some phat loot from kims palace. Plus i get to shoot at people, and maybe i die or get horribly maimed.
Bush Jr.
Clinton and the Witch
Tear it into 1000 pieces and throw it into the wind.
Andrew Jackson, JFK, and Hitlers spirit will return from the grave. They will be avenged.
sauce in pic
hopefully he’s going to burn EQUIFAX to the ground and publicly execute its retired ceo and retired chief of security
Best generation my ass, you be 6 years too late be a member of "Z" greatest generation
I'm 45. Can I be drafted? Physically I'm g2g....Wilks 325.
m8, have there been any actual happenings since trump won? there's so much milking of the happenings that its hard to believe we're going anywhere. every fucking day there are happening threads and nothing happens. just stfu and sit back and wait
The question is, I'm 28, can I volunteer to be drafted?
>tfw oldfag
>tfw no draft for me
>tfw gen x posting will intensify
Anyone want to discuss the merits of D&D 3.5 and how cool robotech was?
nice, kek
bit I only have pic related, can I be of service in the uprising
No. But you can volunteer.
Cut off for the draft lottery I believe is 25 right now.
Don't you mean "watch Centennials (Generation Z) die"? Sure, most of them would be Millennials at first, but 18-to-20-year-olds now are Generation Z, and depending on how long a war would last...
And cuckolding the wives and girlfriends of draftees? There's gotta be a line where the misanthropy and nihilism ends, even in Sup Forums. Fantasize however edgily you wish, but, come on.
Man up faggot and serve your country.
hillary's war would've been to replace us
And china will be fine with a US occupied Korea? No.
Remember why there are two Koreas in the first place? You know, NATO proxy conflict with China and Russia?
First bet is Iran, he going to decertify the deal next week.
Maybe controlled strikes on NK but idk no leaks to the press about that yet.
God forbid both at the same time
it's about it get weird boys
Can still volunteer at 45? I might do that. What's the hitch in war time?
China and Russia don't have the same interests as they did before. It would be more workable now than before.
Join a Hutterite colony
Would give new meaning to these old bones
I'm in the USMC and a lot of units are rampant my up to deploy, mostly to Syria...just sayin
I will volunteer to wipe out communism worldwide
pls be real
as long as you don't have flat feet and aren't 45, you're in
This, this is the most satisfying theory for my conspiritard brain. Thank you. Seriously though.
Two options:
A. You need to have valuable skills, medical and those with experience in logistics are always needed. Need a degree.
B. Enough people die they're desperate for bullet sponges.
>outpaced and encircled even more since the 60's but oh they'll be fine with more NATO ICM's and THAAD littered around their doorstep
cancerous shill
Enlistment is always an option.
Macross was the best saga.
Lel, your deluded.
China pushed the US back with logistical donkey carts and human wave tactics in the first one after they got out of a 30 year civil war. The Ruskies connections to the top brass have never been weaker due to Clinton. Now, they actually got weapons and an informal strategic partnership and you think they're gonna stand down?
>historic photo op
>points at Melania
wicked mate
These are our military leaders?
>nu/pol/ celebrates that they'll fight for ZOG
Fucking how did this happen
Reddit was a mistake. Also boomers
>Also boomers
they shouldn't have reproduced
gen z is a bunch of numale faggots that propagated outrage culture
Haven't you kicked the bucket yet from diabetus and obesity?
pls be war pls be war pls be war
Nationwide crackdown against Antifa and commies
I was more worried about Russias previous influence over the situation which I percieve to have diminished given my limited understanding. Think positive guys.
Trump is a cuck, he makes extravagant statements like this to keep his redneck base excited. It's always fucking nothing
POTUS has been fully briefed on Paddock and his deep, deep ties to Antifa/commie shit AND his recent conversion to Islam and ISIS. That's what this all about.
You frog posters aren't that bad.
>Be 31.
>Prepared to fight for Queen and country in WW3.
>Want to do it so I can get as many of these youngfags home alive that I can.
We didn't want to go to war with Russia if we could help it. Destroying gooks and sand creatures is still on the agenda.
It's time. He is giving us all fair warning. NK won't happen. He's been using that as a ruse to fool DS that he is committed to their cause of overthrowing NK in order to help them implant multinational banking presence. He has been luring them all along letting them expose themselves. now they feel comfortable showing themselves by causing carnage in the US while he is at the helm. Charlottesville wasn't enough to release the dogs. However LV is the trigger. They all think he's been co-opted as going along with them. Remember the "miracle" tweet. It wasn't meant to project appreciation, it was meant to send the final signal. It's time.
Miracle (disambiguation)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A miracle is an unlikely but beneficial event, often attributed to divine intervention.
Right there with you brother, I hope they let me bring my own rifle and sidearm. Would it be in bad taste to bring an ar with a slidefire stock?
just not where you think it will happen
No, it would just make you retarded when they'll just give you a decked out fully automatic one without the chintzy stock.
Peace not war, man.
>Be 18
>Pumped to die of ZOG
>Wanna kill commie gooks like my grandpa did in 'nam
>I'm a retard who would definitely get myself killed, the post
Non military guys who shoot guns as a hobby might be the dumbest people alive. Leave it to the real men there hotshot. Stick to targets, Mohammed would fuck your AR wielding corpse
R The Donald doesn't realize he's Spurdo at fucking best. So easy to get knee jerked by the zog.