White genocide is a myth perpetuated by losers who think women not wanting to fuck then is genocide
White genocide is a myth perpetuated by losers who think women not wanting to fuck then is genocide
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They don't want to fuck niggers either.
White genocide is called that way because it's displacement in their own countries due to massive immigration.
>cultural marxism is a myt-
America 1960 90%white
America 2017 if you are under 18 years old and white you are the minority .
It's the same thing all over western civilisation..
Op kys
Can you name me one nation specifically set up for white people? Legally there isnt one so I have no idea wgere this idea of white nations come from
New York and California, the states that pushed Hillary ahead in the popular vote, have the highest illiteracy rates in the country
Who cares? America is a land of immigrants. Why would care what percent white a nation is?
>Legally there isnt one so I have no idea wgere this idea of white nations come from
Europe and Northern America.
Legality according to whom btw?
Is there a law on the books saying Europe belongs to white people?
We care because non-whites keep voting for their own interests and take up precious resources from whites. If you were a functioning life-form, you would know that everyone fights for resources.
UN Convention.
>America is a land of immigrants
America is also a white supremacist country where blacks and natives got no rights and muslims and asians are not welcome.
Or do you want to cherrypick what america was created for?
Jesus, I had no idea Hawaii was so cucked.
What's with FL though?
I love seeing poltards btfo and ignoring it. They have zero response.
>Demographic shifts
>Laws change
>Society falls apart in 1-4 generations
See Rhodesia OP
When those who keep the system running die out, shit will hit the fan.
What contbention? Can you be specific?
""""""All city people voted for hillary""""" we lad
Land of immigrants? You mean it was a land for white immigrants right up till 1960.
>Autist can't tell satire apart from shilling
>14 year old statistic
its not like everyone who was going into first grade in 2003 is now out of college
you're right and it's kinda sad.
It's an english exam, which immigrants don't speak well.
Yeah. White immigrants
>oklahoma 17%
What in the fuck is going on here? Also
>new york: 2%
Fake news
>White genocide is a myth perpetuated by losers who think women not wanting to fuck then is genocide
literally no one who believe in white genocide does because of this. fucking retarded inbred no wonder why its growing
I agree with you. We've lost our way.
We need to go back to the time when blacks and natives and muslims and asians are not welcome.
I'm sure it is Schlomo
What does any of this have to do with Marxism?
through out history the so called "oppressors" ended up being the victims of genocide. hitler talked about equality for his people. In Hitlers germany germans were being oppressed by the jews so hitler killed the jews. In rawanda the tutsis were "oppressing" the hutu so the hutu killed the tutsi's. in 2017 the straight white male is oppressing everybody so if history keeps repeating itself we whitey should be next. real genocide is the plan.
It's always been like that, coconut niggers were never fucked over like the feather niggers were.
>Can you name me one nation specifically set up for white people? Legally there isnt one so I have no idea wgere this idea of white nations come from
Now that's some fancy legal jew-jitsu, you sure showed that stupid goyim Chaim!
This map is showing that white racemixing has no correlation with the percentage of nonwhites in their area... How is that possible?
CORRECT. the real battle is rich vs. poor. the rich have their heads on straight and see the world for the unending competition for power that it is. the poor create imaginary boundaries and imaginary problems and fight with each other and waste time overanalyzing bullshit. It's like Einstein vs. a bottom-tier retarded person, like the kind that can't even communicate and just grunts all the time.
Legality is not a prerequisite.
More spics more race-mixing.
White genocide is whites becoming minorities in their own lands. Race mixing simply speeds up the process. Mass murder genocide will occur shortly after whites become a minority.
Combination of variables. More nonwhites = more opportunities for white women to mix = more mixing, but more nonwhites also = more living among nonwhites = more racism = less mixing. There are other possible causations as well.
watch any commercial or show ever
brown people vote for bigger government that give bigger gibs. White replacement is the mechanism by which marxism is being revitalized.
christ just fuck off back to your buzzfeed you little faggot
>>new york: 2%
Jews strictly date other jews.
>social liberalism is Marxism
>thinking that racism made this country good
>what was segregation
>what were Jim Crow laws
>what was intentional denial of education and civil rights
>what was lynching and ethnic terror
>Oklahoma 17%
wtf? is it the indian reservations?
Yeah it's probably worse across the board at this point.
Back when slavery was allowed in most states and it wasn't that long ago that people considered Germans and Swedes too swarthy to be white.
>the Germans were oppressed by the Jews
Why do dumbasses like OP think it's this? Are you retards really this blind? It has to do with mass immigration and a demographic shift you dumb fuck.
either there are so many Layers to this shill operation the green man would shit his linen briches, or you are a grade-A retard
Being this blind.
Vegas was White Genocide
Can you give us a reason why they should be besides "muh feelings"
This, my friends, is what Jewish pilpul looks like.
Sage and ignore the subversive Jew.
The communist revolution was a failed rebellion that was very quickly suppressed.
And yet no one makes such a big fuss about it right? But you're an asshole if you don't love Multiculturalism or getting raped by a Nigger lol.
Love how retards like you act like the non whites can maintain the same high quality of life her win the U.S. if they are the majority. How delusional you are. It's pretty obvious you're not white.
>What is brain drain
Also I hope that you're purely considering whites. I highly doubt that the average New York black is more intelligent than your average suburban Midwestern white.
>what was segregation
>what was intentional denial of education and civil rights
>what was lynching and ethnic terror
Invite more Muslims into the country and find out.
Nice irrelevant comment. A lot of words that said nothing you fucking idiot.
Yes there are alot of things that apply to white genocide not your simple minded "Oh I can't get laid scenario"
if it was suppressed then how did the jews win?
fags: 0 white america: 1
the fact you replied to this thread seriously is proof enough youre a retard sorry
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you just showed me your true colors. Dumb faggot. Fuck out of the U.S. already. Oh wait the thought of you having to live in your own countries makes you mad so you're just gonna be a proud non white in a white guilt land and cry about natives and slavery woooo
I mean it's not like there were ever that many white people in Hawaii in the first place.
You don't need much to bring down a straw tower. Germany was shaky as fuck after the unfair WW1 treaties. Certain forces were doing their damnedest to shake Germany to its core.
Explain this OP
>oh what's that buddy yeah I made a thread on a board that's about discussing topics but you replied to my comment so you're the dumb one.
The logic you have said throughout this thread is comical.
Nope, man politicians has literally come out and espoused the decline of White people is a good thing. That in of itself is anti-white existence, celebrating our demise.
They've also gone to great lengths to flood our countries with (((immigrants))). Ones they know hate us and want to help actively destroy us. They teach us wanting children is both a financially destroying and miserable endeavor and that we shouldn't even bother.
They deny us having a culture (Even this board has culture let alone Europe and America), and by doing so an identity to make us weak and easily overtaken by our enemies. These people attack western values as well, meaning Christianity as well. Everything in their eyes must fall.
Sorry for the typos (bad lighting here in my room), the point still stands.
making fun of my facts because they r not ur opinions? how original. any time i see one of u nazis, whether peaceful or not, im gonna punch you. im gonna punch you for the years of slavery, the opium wars, everything youve done, colonialism in africa, your opinion isnt even wanted here., take your flag somewhere else ytou fucking nazi piece of shit, its not wanted here
She likes blacks and hippos, not you
I wonder what that figure looks like without Jewish males. I'm still surprised white males contribute as much as we do, despite so many of us being NEET. In fact, all four living (white) males in my family are NEET with the current economy, kek.
So do we let all whites live? Even the shirt tier ones? Potato niggers? Tea fags, krauts, some trash white mutt mix?
>thinking that racism made this country good
It did. 90% white (mainly from European countries till 1965) yet somehow still a superpower. Right. You can deny reality all you want but if those minorities were so oppressed wouldn't that mean they didn't contribute? So how did we get where we are if racism was so bad?
Top 4 (well known & documented) Plans for the Genocide of Europeans
>he doesn’t realize that there is a virtually direct correlation between lower IQ and higher urbanization in the USA, and the famous north west states, token states by the democrats for their highest IQ averages, are also the most white and the least urban in the USA
Fuck off back r*ddit you inbred nigger fucking retard
>California most urban state in the US
>49th rank for average IQ, not even triple digits
What did the stupid faggot OP mean by this?
What is Infogalactic? Some bullshit website? Get out of here with that bullshit
lol white suicide because they can't figure out what's wrong with themselves
Nice pic, brother!
About science, more specifically the science of math... numbers... Did you know that statistics say that whites will be a minority in Europe by 2050?
Far sooner in the US. And whites in the rest of the world? Non-existant.
The Boers in Africa are being violently murdered by locals.
White guilters and (((communists))) seek to disintegrate the values of the civilized west... to divide us and to destroy us... funny, Marx warned us about (((them))), guess he suspected that (((they)))'d try to hijack his ideology and tailor it to their own ends...
And white genocide isn't real, you say? Look, I'm not a bad person, I am very altruistic actually, I always wanted the best for everyone... Now? No. I only want the best for the christian europe and USA.
As I said, I'm a gentleman, but I must say, you are a liar and a ruffian, and the only reason you won't burn in hell is because you allied yourself with the devil.
The US
Then we decided to give niggers equal status but that's only by statute (not the Constitution).
Arent they also like 400% as likely to commit crime?
I work with one of these Sup Forums losers at work. No one talks to him, everyone thinks he's creepy and he smells like walmart. He says weird shit at work. No woman wants to fuck him. Only reason I come to this shithole site is because he says this where he goes. So I come to laugh and feel better about myself. If you're reading this Robert, fuck you nazi douche lmao
>implying the Irish were treated fairly when they first started immigrating
Anti-irish propoganda resonates even today.
Who the fuck cares about race? Really? Humans won't even exist in 200 years, this petty shit means fuck all if the transhumanists get their way. Be a good person, love and fuck and prosper, spending all day worrying that niggers will outnumber you is retarded
No you're stupid!
Masterful shill