Is Terry Crews /OURNIGGER/?

Is Terry Crews /OURNIGGER/?


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Idiocracy was a glimpse into the Future.

Camacho was Obama, but 2-3 Years before Obama painted the White House Black. but since Idiocracy was set in 2505, i guess other niggers got in the (former) White House too, including the Kenyan-Indonesian Communist Homosexual fifth column sent to destroy America. by the Time Idiocracy happened, America got around 10% White, and many other "Whites" were actually light skinned Mongrels.

>inb4 Shareblue Retards claim Trump is Camacho.

and also, Idiocracy predicted Automation, starting with Junk Food.

Camacho did nothing wrong

Yes. Love that nigga. I bet he is fun as hell to hang out with.

woa is this his views?


Former Washington Redskin Terry Crews? Hell yeah O-OG-Triple-Triple OG

>Is X /ourX/?
These threads are pure trash

White wins.






>Nobody made a "WHITE POWEEEEEEEEER!!!!" joke yet.
Something's up

Hey he actually gets it. We need a white ethnostate.

To be fair, automated food service wasn't that hard to predict.

> Went to college on a football scholarship
> Married an actual beauty queen
> Managed to start an acting career
> Good husband and father

He's definitely /ournigger/

>beauty queen

>greentexts the link so nobody can click it and it won't embedded
How about you fucking kill yourself retard?

looks like Moochelle

works for me dumbass