Former Navy brigadier general here, was deep inside the government during my 29 year career in the navy...

Former Navy brigadier general here, was deep inside the government during my 29 year career in the navy, learned a lot about the deep state and government operations and such. I know top secret information on the Las Vegas shooting and I am willing to share it with you.

>the shooting was planned in October of 2015 when the Trump era first began
>it was not a CIA/FBI psyop designed to further divide Americant, that was just a convenient side effect
>it was not a false flag to grab guns, that was just a convenient side effect
>it was, in fact, a plot to divert attention away from the fact that North Korea is mobilizing its military and aiming its nukes at Seoul and Los Angeles

Ask me anything. Proof in image.

no you don't you larping faggot

How many officers cocks did you suck to get promoted?

>leaf dog tags


>what is google image search?

>Proof in image
google image search reveals OP is a titanic faggot.

Pick one, dumbass.

Who was the phone?


A skeletal

Larpers need to be banned on site.

You don't have proof, and if you did you wouldn't release it to us.

Did you see the recent Trump clip? He gathered his military generals and called it "the calm before the storm". Now obviously that isn't very subtle, he wants people to know. So why would they murder Americans to cover up something that they a lot of Americans actually want to happen?

> navy
> general

fugoff IT3

The rank of Brigadier General in the Navy is a newly created rank between the ranks of O-10 and O-11 and only myself and two other have obtained it so far.

>October of 2015 when the Trump era first began

Should I enlist in the navy with a bachelors? My gpa is shit so officer no good :(

A Brigadier General is an O-7 in the Army, Marines, and Air Force, you idiot. There are no Generals in the Navy, only Admirals.
T. Former Military.

If you like cleaning, being sleep deprived and homo shit and also being treated like a retarded kindergartner, sure.

It is a newly placed top secret rank. I am only disclosing this because I was diagnosed with liver cancer and decided to help the people of America before I died.

Gtfo LARPing faggots.
Sage goes in all fields

is it true that the security situation in mexico could be solved if the cia stopped making deals with the narcos and sending them weapons so they have criminals to catch?

>Navy brigadier general

thats not a rank in the navy......

The idiot is claiming that it's a new secret squirrel rank or some such nonsense. He should just suck start a .45

>Los Angeles

just joined the navy. whats the best job to start with to make it as far as you did

aint no brigadiers in the us navy either.


>It is a newly placed top secret rank
0/8 b8 m8
>in all fields

Killing americans will not make killing koreans less ugly.

Navy seal

>Navy brigadier general

LOL, no you're not. No one is a Navy Brigadier General.

There are no generalz in the Navy dipshit



Brigadier Generals are army, fuckbag

>the city of OP

This. Any provably fake larp should get a ban.

> AMA, all fields bulletin. I'm a vice lance private-brigadier cumquat in the oceanic artillery, a top sec military SOF branch.

Your thoughts on Brigadier general Benedict Arnold?
Have you been in the fight between the American Aircraft carrier crew and German hookers and pimps in the 80s?

>why would they murder Americans to cover up something that they a lot of Americans actually want to happen?

because it makes liberal gun grabber live savers look retarded that they're griping about the 2nd amendment while people are dying from having no water in Puerto Rico, and a huge number of patients are about to not get their medications because of crops lost during the hurricane

Puerto Rico is also a good test scenario for what happens when you cut off a million drug addicts cold turkey, with that hoover dam warning we may be about to see another loss of power and drug addict freakout in New England or whatever areas the hoover dam powers

But Sup Forums is larpcity

>navy larper is back with he same old pasta
Why do you do even do this op?

>Brigadier General
Commodore would have been better guy.

No logic to this.


There is no such thing as the deepstate and you are in no position to know a goddamn thing about las vegas.

To some degree, many Americans would lose their jobs.

There is no such rank as Brigadier General in the Navy