This is Aoba. She has no boyfriend.
This is Aoba. She has no boyfriend
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I can see why
Of course not. I'm her husband, not her boyfriend.
That can be fixed with my dick.
Thankfully she has a girlfriend
Are you implying she's not a good girl?
Why would a middle schooler have a boyfriend?
it's illegal to marry a kid
Lesbianism is sinful.
My waifu is cute
No one wants to date a child. Wait till she grows up and turns legal age.
She is legal age
Bull shit she is.
Watch the show idiot
Everyone lies.
>anime girl
Aoba is a little girl!
4 u
How could it be wrong when it feels so right?
>No one wants to date a child.
But I do.
but she lies about her age, user
She could at least go all the way and lie old enough to drink alcohol.
It's not actually wrong, Japan doesn't care about this religious stuff.
She's too pure
She's not a 3DPD bitch
I-Is this how two girls have sex?
She can't be because she's gay.
No that's just foreplay.
Well, she doesn't want to.
She is old enough to marry and bear children.
But not straight enough.
Flexibility is a good thing.
No. I gotta defend the show in the board it's discussed.
That's really pathetic.
I want to fuck Aoba in the ass. And I want to tickle and lick her feet and kiss her tummy. I also want her to take a shit on my chest.
You don't have to be straight for that. Also, Aoba is an anal whore anyway, she doesn't need to get pregnant.
Scatfags are sure the worst.
Aoba is a homewrecking seductress!
It's Rin's fault for never making an actual move and being too old.
>She has no boyfriend.
She's not a child, she's 14. Children is under 12 only.
This is the age you're supposed to fantasize Aoba having
Age gap yuri is boring though.
I'm sure everyone agrees, right?
>/u/ shit
I want to obaoba Aoba's obas.
Neither do you, loser
Will you shouldn't get a boyfriend at a young age. That's bad for you. Wait until you become successful in life.
Also, better to give all your time at work rather than things like "social life". Social life doesn't make you rich.
Reminder to ignore.
This post reeks of delusion
I bet you say this to yourself at night while crying about how you're a virgin
The guy namefags here man. How pathetic would you be to seek attention here.
Funny, I say this to myself everyday
And yes I might end up a christmas cake as a male
They're just very good friends.
Nah, she is just the catalyst for everyone's homo lust
Thanks jewbot.
New Game is literally the only watchable show this season.
Joke's on you she's actually an industrial spy.
That's just your moeshit taste talking. We have Berserk, DR3, 3rei
Listen to yourself.
Two girls are incapable of having sex. All they can do are various acts of sodomy.
They call it glorified group masturbation.
How about ReLife? It's my personal self insert anime this season
>take a dildo
>make holes at both ends and a large storage chamber in middle
>wrap a pressure device around it
>set it up to prressurize after a certain time interval(s)
>fill it with the opposite's brother/father's cum
>fuck like rabbits and live a happy, married, lesbian life forever after
This is Rin. She is drunk and needs a ride home
I could give her a good ride.
cute feet
>the entire company Aoba is all women
How.. uhh, progressive?
Cute is #1 priority
Work is #2
Everything comes after
In real life 3D is not cute and is disgusting so men are picked because they are better at work.
I can't shake a pesky headcanon that Soujirou would be friendlier with Aoba more than he is with his owner. Has Aoba gone to Hifumi's apartment yet? Or would such a step be too lewd?
Kill yourself and then get out
>men are picked because they are better at work
even my gender studies class disagrees
Chairman Moo
She could ride me.
I could rape her in that state.
I called Hifumi leading and Hifumi's leading, no surprise Sup Forums
who cares
>ching chong ding dong
Of course she would be.
Can't you write the names properly?
Why is the question in nipnong while the choices are in English?
Who cares.
She does.
176 people apparently
dont sugar coat it, the term for males "loser virgin"
Nice thinking, retard.