Tell me pol, how is there any proof against homosexuality being a biological defect. looking at this purely scientifically, not breeding and producing offspring is a defect. Those genes are not passed, therefore, in the eyes of nature, that individual is a failure. and before
>Muh Rights
>Muh feeling
Nature doesn't give a shit about your feelings. Prove me wrong.
Homosexuality is a biological defect
Why would I try to, you are right
What about presenting facts and evidence m8?
A personal pinion is not an argument
Facts :
>No offspring is made
>Adoption and "Fertilization" aren't natural
>No genes are passed on
OP is a defect
They choose to reject God so then God rejects them which then makes them fags(Romans 1:26-32)
Whatever genetic cause homosexuality also cause related females to have more kids:
Nature's population control. The earth is fighting back. No big whoop
He's trying to say that a homosexual isn't responsible for becoming an abomination because he was born that way.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Everyone knows this is false bullshit. Data doesn't hold up. Also, being gay is mostly not genetic anyway.
The gay uncle hypothesis was invented because people wanted it to be true.
Also consistent with a virus affecting pregnant mothers
>Hell is for ever!
Hell is for every faggot!
This user is correct. The queen ant changes her hormones to produce either worker or fighter ants. If the colony needs more food she produces workers etc. Not so much a defect as much as a blessing.
>My mom couldn't have raised me and my sister without my emotional and physical help
Homosexual behavior in men is linked to hypersexuality and an increase in overall fecundity (that is frequency of pregnancy) in bisexual and lesbian identified teens.
Check studies that assess teen pregnancy rates and you will find in some cases a x3 likelyhood of teen pregnancy in bisexual and lesbian women.
The hypersexual behavior that is adaptive in women is maladaptive or useless in the male expression of the trait.
I think you will find that lesbian and bisexual women are the real enemy of white men.
this is also referred to as a genetic spandrel.
I've never thought about teen pregnancy in gay females. Interesting outlook.
Have you read this study?
Do you have any citations for your claims?
Go fuck yourself.
There was some Canadian journalist who compared them to hunchbacks.
She argued that though they didn't deserve extreme persecution, they shouldn't be recognized as normal either as they clearly deviate from what nature intended and it could be reasonably expected that most people would find the idea and sight of them unpleasant.
You don't know someone is gay necessarily from looking at them...
I can't because your right
Not every member of our species need to reproduce.
Get fucked, closet homo.
Coming out when?
Bounced on my boy's dick to this thread for hours, would've been days but my boy got triggered
there is also an identifiable "gay stride" or "gait" when observing, especially lesbians, walking.
Get out erik
[citation needed]
homosexuality under the nature vs nurture model is just a consequence sometimes of biology, as you put it but also is influenced by socialization
some of us just want to live and let live
come visit us
those with mental illness (trannies) stay away
have a cock up yer bum and come back and post again and try say homosex is bad
>those with mental illness (trannies) stay away
>[citation needed]
your father despises you.
he regrets his whole wasted life because of you.
I was thinking the hunchback's appearance would be analogous to the sight of homosexual behavior, not the individual per se. Although the camp ones are quite offputting to a lot of people also.
It has been shown male children who have older brothers are more likely to later turn out to be gay. It only works with male children. If they have older sisters there is no effect.
That is an observation that needs replication but it is based on the idea that a mothers immune response to carrying a male child somehow attacks subsequent male children during in utero development. The result being an increasingly feminized male.
I would suggest that having more brothers opens you up more to the possibility of sex with men. If we had a way of looking a true incidence of incest in those populations... what would we find?
why do these conversations always seem to involve Etiology of homosexual behaviors.
This is interesting, but ultimately irrelevant.
No need to further understand to know what needs to be done.
Everyone knows this is false bullshit. Data doesn't hold up. Also, being gay is mostly genetic anyway.
Homophobia was invented because people wanted it to be normal anyway.
Does this argument sound retarded? THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS! How about you back up your claims that contradict the findings of biologists and geneticists you nimrod. "it's false this, it's invented that, data doesn't hold up". I don't even necessarily agree with this version of the gay uncle theory, but holy shit what you just said couldn't be any more vague.
Also, I'd love to know more about this virus that you say is consistent with affecting the pregnant mothers of homosexual offspring & why no scientist has found it ever.
lurke moar newfags pieces of shit
all you need to know is that, when found, homosexual behavior should be culled. It's like a dog that bites a human, there is no going back and it's highly likely to bite again. The only option to keep reasonable, sane, and normal people safe is to snuff out the behavior wherever possible.
You assume that all life is meant to reproduce and are also treating humans like they never moved out of the animal kingdom. You don't hunt or forage, are you defective? all life needs to do that user.