
/kpol/ here

bumpfire is super easy and does not require any special accessories to achieve even from the shoulder.

dont let the lefties steal away one more freedom you have for the children.


pic related not black not evil

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OG bumpfire


The left knows.

It's the argument they're going to use to get a semi-auto ban after their useful idiots on the "right" compromise away bump fire stocks.

Bump fire method does NOT require a bump/slide stock

It's makes it easier for people who don't know how

Even greater efficiency when your trigger breaks at 3.2lb with less 1/2" travel and mass than 1/4" take up

Less than 1/4" take up *

Psh I'm a elite marksman and dont need to spray and pray like some retard liberal

What if we can convince the gun grabbers to ban useless bump stocks in exchange for removing the tax stamp on silencers?

>elite marksman

I'm ok with that but give me a legitimate debate point for "needing" to own a can

Bumps are fun for ammo dumps at a farm, not practical for ringing steel at 600yds+

Because they're cool. Try having a 22/45 with cocobolo grip and a silencer and not jizzing all over yourself.

That rifle is so sexy goddamn. I need to apply for a gun license. I always do well in those shooting games at carnivals.

Even the NRA is saying it should be illegal. The bump fire will be sacrificed to keep any kinds of guns from being banned.

Ueah that aint gonna cut it
>why do you need cans citizen
>because their cool, jizz jizz jizz

Bill of needs?

>I need to apply for a gun license
>gun license

Why would they compromise? You cucks have already shown the willingness to capitulate.

Standard bare bones platform in white, low quality reflex, standard a2 birdcage.....
>so sexy

dude don't laugh

Im living in a femdom dystopia

Right to bare

Nowhere does it say right to bare highly modified

Be smart user

He's a leaf.
Gun nuts over there pretty much are forced into chastity cages by the gubmint up there.

>not using a shoestring to go legit full auto instead of shitty bump fire

I know they're illegal, but really, how are they going to catch you unless they're standing right there taking video?

the NRA are pussies I will not be renewing my membership

Rotating trigger lever works well too


The NRA is doing damage control

You are such a shill. The NRA is a kike ponzi scheme for lobbyists, just like every other non-profit. There is no such thing as a non-profit in America. If it's a non-profit, YOU are the profit.

You dont get to decide

Not as well.

Surrendering to the enemy isn't damage control.

They literally don't need to to epresent guns or American rights.

Neither do you
K ow who does?
A panel of ill informed individuals pushing for deweaponization of citizens

You too
>be smart user

Google bump stock with "-vegas -paddock," or you will only find news about recent shit.

One that is actually becoming more common
>10+ years ago someone buys up land in the middle of nowhere, nearest home is 10+ miles away
>gets approval to build a rifle range
>urban sprawl now has housed popping up within a mile
>families knew a range was nearby and that was one of the reasons the property was valued lower
>homeowners bitch to the county board about noise and get range shut down
Silencers would allow people to shoot rifles and not piss off people a mile or two away. They don't turn guns into tactical assassin rifles like vidya games have made people think.

That anti firearm movement is at an all time high. Appeasing the masses and eliminating bump fire stocks to preserve other gun rights is a smart move.
Bumpfires are shit anyways. They are just fun, as I stated earlier bump fire is a method of discharging a semi rapidly that does NOT require a slide stock.

Bump fire stocks are fun, not practical

I agree we need to keep our freedoms like these we need to protect them from the traitorous republicans that are trying to ban them right now and the NRA is not even trying to put up a fight.

Let's get something straight.
You can bumpfire without a slidefire stock. The fact that everyone is going after this contraption only proves that politicians are always looking for a scapegoat. The fact the Hickok45 and the NRA are throwing gun owners under the bus just because some lone-wolf retard shot up a country music festival really pisses me off. God, I hate mass shooters. They ruin everything for innocent civilians.


Slippery slope. It's the same shit Republican faggots have been doing for years and it slowly ebbs away at the greater right, even if it doesn't remove it entirely. You just keep appeasing and appeasing and they never stop because their goal is the destruction of what you keep incrementally handing away.

I'm pro gun, and I could see it go either way. I think slidefire stocks are shit, and don't really care what happens to them. Hell if we can trade them for something useful like silencers, I'd make that trade. On the other hand, I don't like giving up a single gun right, because "compromise" is always a one way street in these cases. Everyone is pissed at the NRA, but I see where they are coming from with this. Pick your battles. I'm not going to war over a gimmick.

That is legit but only works for a small percentage of people, that's doesn't validate it for the common man.

I'm not against you, I'm with you

You got it figured out. It's an oligarchy, and there's no real opposition defending your rights. The "right" will get nothing for this compromise/capitulation just like they got nothing back in '86 when their deity Reagan signed away a bunch of gun rights.

The lemmings will claim 3D/4D chess, yada, yada, yada, but the faggots in the Republican party only pretend to be pro-gun and they'll give up bump stocks in exchange for nothing.

The behavior of the NRA should also be a gigantic dose of reality for those who believe their dues are doing anything more than paying Pierre's massive salary.

I don't really give a shit about bump-stocks, but I just think that mentality is dangerous.

The #NotAllMuslims is at an all time high everytime a truck of peace drives through a crowd, then a week later, it might as well not even happened. Gun owners don't care. Take your concern shilling elsewhere, NRA.


They should be praying to Jesus he put a bump stock on his rifles, he removed the one thing a rifle offers: accuracy.

A bump stock is a novelty, a whoopee cushion, turns a dangerous weapon into a dangerous noisemaker... It's a party favor.

No serious shooter would use it.

Thank God the video poker player with the Asian concubine used it....

I'm sure that stupid decision saved many lives.

Transgender rights don't affect the common man (woman, xerman?) and they are an irrelevant portion of the population, yet there are still laws and protections put into place for them. The only legitimate downside to deregulated suppressors is making poaching easier for people not willing to also break NFA laws.

The anti firearm movement was at an all time low. We were weeks from adding the tenth state to allow carry without a permit.

They haven't had a victory at the federal level in 20 years. Now trumps first major piece of legislation will be more gun control.

You retards have literally pissed away twenty years of work and handed the left ammunition for a semi-auto ban.

I honestly can't tell if you people are retarded or leftist infiltrators.

he was firing at a large crowd you dont need accuracy to ramp up casualties.
Learn how firearms work before you spill out shit from your mouth.

There might be some merit to his argument. I'm erring on the side that it was an advantage to him though. I've personally not used the slidefire stock because it looked like a stupid gimmick, but I have fucked around with bumpfire. I'm an ex POG and got to shoot legit assault rifles and machine guns on occasion. The dude seemed to have no shortage of money, I'm curious to why he didn't get a better method for high rates of fire though. Like binary triggers, or even getting DIAS, lightning links, or even getting an pre '86.

How is that operated? You close the bolt and it dumps the mag unless you put your finger behind the trigger?

Something along the lines of you "hold" the trigger down and the reciprocating bolt pulls the trigger forward to make it reset.

What are you even arguing against?

Republicans should make a deal to give up bumpfire for Obamacare repeal & tax code overhaul. Let's turn this stupid mod into a positive, and let them think they won something. Bump fire is worthless unless you want to shoot something for fun, it's bullshit & banned in most ranges anyway, can't target shoot worth a shit with it.

This is the correct argument, and it seems to be lost in all the bump fire BS. If he was as rich as he claimed, he could have simply bought a NFA registered M-16/AR-15 with full auto fire control or a lightning link. Bump fire is for poorfags.

End result is the same. The high rate of fire was very advantageous for him when the crowd was gathered; diminishing returns vs. semi as it dispersed. Sick fuck, regardless.

A little late for that.


The left can't legislate anything if they're not in power. Sacrificing the stocks mitigates the risk of progressives succesfully wielding feet-dragging over control legislation in the midterms.

But, please, describe the scenario that leads to another rifle ban as a result of that play.

Fugg that piece is sexy af

>/k/ here
how that favor of nigger dick
get the fuck out


It's just cerakote dumb-dumbs.

I did look into a few reviews of slidefire back when it came out, and it looks like it's marginally better than bumpfiring, but still way below "one trigger press, many bangs" in terms of control-ability. Any bumpfire method leads to more malfunctions than something engineered to fire automatic though. I think he would have gotten a higher kill count if he just stuck to semi auto and had fast triggers in all the rifles he used. You can still get some quick accurate fire out of them.

So why are you legislating for them, cuck?

You can bump fire without a bump fire stock. Logically the issue isn't bump fire stocks, but semi-automatic firearms.

Great job handing the left their biggest gun control victory at the federal level in 23 years.

They're going to use it to get national reciprocity of carrying.

So in addition to setting up an eventual semi-auto ban, we're going to have federal regulation on something that was virtually won at the state level already.

That is some brilliant strategery.

Eh anything or that facilitates rapid fire or any attempt at doing so should be banned if they've already banned auto. It just makes sense.

Nah nigga remove the tax stamps from sbrs paddok didnt use sbrs

To all the shills saying we handed them a defacto ban on semi auto guns.

Please go fuck yourself with a steak knife. It won't happen. There are simply too many to ban and you are the reason we lose freedoms.

>semi-auto ban

are you stupid?

Because they already know about the stocks but they dont know they may be irrelevant. They don't know what's in this thread; most Pol's didn't even know about bump stocks before this. And grabbers don't think logically anyway. You don't need to worry about them, you need to worry about the normies that would cave to pressure (presumably that's how you see me rite now). But one concession and normies are appeased and forget and move on.

You monkeys are literally the ones calling for more gun control.

You are the reason we lose freedoms.

I honestly hope you are progressive infiltrators. The idea that there are people this retarded wandering around is horrifying.

I could take losing to someone who outsmarted me. It might suck, but you you win some, you lose some. The idea that you lost because your "allies" really were as retarded as they looked? Jesus.

its a perfect strategy. especially at these times where you can shit on the whole gov as much as you want even to the point of telling the president to go fucking kill himself.
during obama when something like this happens you have to choose your words carefully otherwise you'll be called a racist for shitting on the US first black president. thats why when sandy hook happened libs didnt get what they want and had to stay in the dunce corner praying for change.

And in a few months when the next shooter bump fires without a stock?

What are you going to do then you subhuman retard?

You are literally setting up the left's narrative for the next ban.

i have only heard of suppressors, not silencers, are those a new thing?

That literally makes no sense whatsoever.

The left got nothing after sandy hook. You are giving them exactly what they want now.


There are alternatives to the NRA that I'm seriously considering sending my membership dollars to.

"Normies" will forget this happened in 1 week when "Trump does a thing". The only reason you concern shills are coming out of the woodwork and the NRA is capitulating is because the shooter was white. The kikes smell blood and the NRA smells money so they folded and it's gonna be up to Trump to shoot it down. It's all gonna be a matter of whether he does or not. Either way, my burning hatred of jews and their pets grow every day.

Silencers don't make guns any more dangerous.

This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. There is no way that thing has any durability whatsoever. Good laugh, though.

No. If he wanted high wound rates yes, casualties no.

Spray and pray.

I don't think even he expected the whole crowd to just lay there and get shot like fucking idiots.

If he had used "breathe aim squeeze" as as fast as he could he would have raised his kill count triple or quadruple.... Hell probably even that just by firing fast as he could out the trigger, if aiming...

Bumpfire turns him into Michael j Fox!!

top kek

Only bolt action will be allowed

Exactly but even legit full auto is inaccurate compared to bursts and single mode...

Bumpfire... All bets are off

The whoopee cushion of stock mods

Now that doesn't make any sense.
I think I got it, the ring acts as a kind of reverse trigger. Release the ring and the bolt can close pulling the trigger, as the the casing is ejected the trigger is released. When the ring is pulled back the bolt can't close anymore and the firing stops.
The ban on fully automatic weapons really is useless.

no one is going to bother to outlaw a gunbutt with a spring attached

>I don't think even he expected the whole crowd to just lay there and get shot like fucking idiots.

>Gunfire starts in their favorite movie/tv show
>Everyone screaming "GET DOWN GET DOWN"

>Gunfire starts in real life
>I get to shout "GET DOWN" like my favorite show!

No you dumb shit, Feinstein introduced a bill to ban bump stocks before, but it never came up for a vote. Because of this happening, everyone now knows about them. The reps in Congress keep their jobs thru the midterms by cucking on the stocks, which prevents regulation from ratcheting further. The awban was passed when dems were majority in both houses. They cant do it again if they have no majority. If congress does nothing lefties could use it as wedge against normie voters.

I appreciate your absolutist position, I just disagree that it's the best move for the future. Best case, something else happens quick and people move on, but rite naow I don't see that happening.

i swear this is what happened in my small town, but it was a hotel, not a subdivision

If he had switched over to semi when the crowd started to disperse, I think that would have made horrible even worse. I'm not on board with the claim flying around that bumpfire helped the situation. With a concentrated target, rate of fire dominates, so bumpfire made things worse, at least until the crowd concentration was able to start separating out. Hopefully he did waste more ammo once that happened, but unfortunately when it started, all he had to do was send rounds downrange as fast as he could, and unfortunately, the bumpfire stocks helped him to do that.

That said, I'd still tell them to fuck off as far as trying to ban anything. Since you can build one yourself, it's not going to accomplish jack shit.

No one supporting this is getting reelected.

What are you going to give up after the next shooting you worthless cuck?

Theyd have the narrative regardless and then even more ammo to turn seats in congress. Do you even know how politics works? I honestly don't believe the scenario you describe is as likely to happen as you think.

Bump fire is childs play.

an agreeable post, but what are you sliding?

This. Silencers aren't real. Suppressors do nothing but protect the hearing of law abiding citizens.

Normie voters who voted for Trump, care about Trump and the Trump centric party. You are capitulating to useless people. They will never vote Republican, they think they're evil. I'm officially labeling you a concern shill. You speak like a retarded politician.

You're an idiot. You're the equivalent of Paul Ryan.

What narrative? Gun control was a dead issue at the federal level until today.

You guys literally just restarted the war and handed your supposed enemy eventual victory.

I honestly hope to God you're doing this intentionally. If so, well played.


this guy knows his shit

libs need to fucking die

I don't fully understand what you are saying either, but I'll try to expand on it. The way a trigger works in a semi auto:
>press the trigger, and is drops the hammer, firing a round
>pressure from the round forces the bolt/slide back, ejecting a round and resetting the hammer (putting it back under spring tension)
>you need to slightly ease off the trigger to reset the trigger, and the process can start again

I was slightly off with my previous explanation. So with this gun, one end of the string is attached to the bolt lever, which goes all the way to the back, and then ejects spent case, and rides back forward due to a spring. This creates tension on the string pulling the trigger. The operator would hold the trigger forward to allow the trigger to reset. I don't know for sure, but this is the only way I can work it out knowing how that m1 operates. You should be able to find YT videos about "shoestring/shoelace machine guns" that would do a better job demonstrating it.