UK to ban guns even more after Vegas attack

>The Home Office is using the most recent American mass murder in Las Vegas to try and rush through new bans on .50″ rifles and “rapid fire” rifles. Both are legal for certified owners in the UK.

>Agovernment press release about the latest batch of bans in Britain(mostly headline-grabbing but minor changes to stop U18s buying sulphuric acid and knives) had this tacked onto the end:

>“…moving two firearms (.50 calibre and certain rapid firing rifles) from the general licensing arrangements to the stricter provisions of section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968.”

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Goddam UK is biggest bro for taking this one for the team. Thanks.

>bans over something that didn't even happen in your country

What a fucking nanny state.

No more online knife sales:

Acid ban:

15 years for viewing far-right propaganda online:

What a 1984 shithole.

>you can't get knives delivered to you
>you have to get them delivered to a licensed knife dealer

Isn't this what you Americans have to put up with in commie states for guns? I think they nicked it from there.

It's funny, when I first read 1984 as a teenager I never thought it would be feasible, I knew it was a dystopic vision but I thought the closest thing to it came in the form of CCTV surveillance. Now it seems to edge closer and closer to reality.

arab shitskins and niggers will still be able to buy fully auto 7.62mm

It's what happens when your country's the jewish HQ.

I would think speed governors on their lorries would be more effective.

hahah why do the brits take it up the ass so hard?

>.50″ rifles
Why though? those rifles have nil countervalue potential compared to a rimfire lever.

>ausfailia and bongistan

two of the biggest nanny state shitholes in the world


And Muhammad down the street has a select fire AK. Good luck brits, I like anglos and white English culture but your island is lost :^(

Cant have a revolution or civil war with no arms, sad.

how do you ban something that is already illegal?

britbongs can't even assault tea spoons without a license
>implying they could ever even touch a gun

Because most of us are stupid, lazy and disinterested in what our leaders do until it affects us directly.

Anyone here know which English speaking country would be best for a right leaning potential emigré?

too many generations have passed without owning guns,the govt loves it that no one wants to fight for the right of gun ownership

its too late for us

scotland was to blame,some cunt shot up a kindergarden and killed a load of kids in dumblane

america obviously.
name one more conservative or free country
pro-tip: you can't

despite all its flaws America is still the most free and the most conservative of all western countries in existence

The UK is soon a caliphate anyway.

CCTVs on each street corner. The web is monitored by police.
Anti-"Hate-speech" laws. etc.
Drugs and degeneracy to avoid facing up to reality.

Any worthwhile britbong will take Peter Hitchens advice and emigrate to the USA.

Gun ownership is legal here, just limited. Pic related with the proviso that you have to go to a range that can handle whatever caliber you own.

>.50 cal
not any more

.50 cal rifles are legal in the UK?
... i don't believe any of this

im pretty sure not even your police can have guns
show me a recent pic or vid of a teanigger with any guns...
im pretty sure you guys aren't allowed to have any guns whatsoever

It's never enough.

Legal until you take it out of the safe or bring ammo into your room, maybe. When was the last time a nigger got shot in the UK legally?

The fact remains that they keep salami slicing away at our rights here and there is no political or cultural resistance to it. Not just guns, but speech and to free association; and this with the conservatives at the helm.

UKIP aren't going to win anything worthwhile while they maintain the pretence we're leaving the EU and Labour under Corbyn and Co would likely be the nail in the coffin.


>no semi auto rifles unless they're in .22

I think it's funny that Australia and now the UK are adding more stringent gun control laws when this didn't even happen in their countries. I guess, you never let a good crisis go to waste.

Well, that excluded.

Our standard police do not carry guns.

>pretty sure you guys aren't allowed to have any guns whatsoever
Sod off lad.

Probably yesterday in Northern Ireland.

That started the London Riots a few years back.

>the UK's shooting team has to practice for the Olympics in different countries because the weapons they use in the matches are illegal in their own goddamn home country

show me proof then faggot

ireland is still: chimpout = lights out


Fully automatic weapons are already banned in france, we got rekt multiple times by sandniggers with Kalashnikovs.

Politics who think they just have to ban weapons to solve the problem of mass murders are complete idiots. Maybe they think muhammed would be like "oh no, i dont hav wopon lisens, i kant do any teror attak".

Even a shitty .22 pistol, terrorists will buy it illegally.

lmao this literally proves how right the "gun nuts" were.

Let me guess; "rapid fire rifles" are lever actions?

yep, i remember that, he was a pedo and killed a class full of children. that was in 1996

There was also another massacre in 1987 known as the hungerford massacre.

that is where it all started

none of those count as real guns

Ironically in Germany I can get my AR and ammo directly shipped to my home

>I guess, you never let a good crisis go to waste.

They actually believe that they are creating a utopian society in which, because of its sublimeness, there is no role for violence.

Nah, they were always legal. Now it's all air rifles and shotguns, which are also legal.

Google "uk gun store" or something, it's not hard.

They fire actual bullets, so it could be worse.

No they are not idiots. They want YOU not to have arms and it werks perfectly well. To quote Marco Rubio here unironically " They know exactly what they are doing"

>gun control isnt a slippery slope they said

How's that EU gun legislation coming along Fritz? IIRC one of our idiot MEPs had something to do with it's conception..

> "How can you tell when a politician is lying?"...

no you have to spoonfeed me
otherwise i will choose to believe that all forms of guns including airsoft and paintball are illegal in the UK

I cant see your countries flag and I havent checked on that for a couple of months since I am pretty blackpilled about anything.
I was a huge gun rights guy the last years but what does it even matter anymore

this is what happens when women run the country
ban ban ban
they think they can just ban their problems away

Amerifat Burger: Muh guns, in case of muh revolution again.

Dominant Manly Man of Europe: Why not just have a house gun in case of burglars and use your fists in other manly altercations.

Amerifat Burger: What a pussy, if you don't own more then twelve guns your a bitch. Plus muh government with muh freedom might try to not give me muh freedom but we're free though.

Dominant Manly Man of Europe: But the government will never let you own military grade weapons, so you'd be fighting a losing battle.

Amerifat Burger: But with muh conceal carry I can sneak up on them.

Dominant Manly Man of Europe: Seems like a good idea.

Amerifat Burger: Yeah but when I move muh stomach out of the way I can reach my conce-

>*Get machine gunned from 600 yards away by some mad man*

>*Dominant Manly Man of Europe uses Amerifat Burgers gun to shoot back and lard body that is three times wider then his own as shield*

>*Dominant Manly Man of Europe escapes*

>*Dominant Manly Man of Europe talks about gun reform to reporter because it doesn't matter how many guns you have if your to fat to grab them*


>Nah, they were always legal. Now it's all air rifles and shotguns, which are also legal.
Did you even read that report? They banned the weapons that are illegal to use in the UK, namely the pistols. The 50m rifle was banned too, what the fuck is this shit?

>manual action
>manual action
>manual action


>rapid fire rifles
what did they mean by this
the only calibre you can have in semiautomatic is 22lr anyway

>semi only for .22

You know honestly? Handgun ban is probably the most logical thing ever.

Only Niggers and criminals use handguns.

UK is so gay

>Isn't this what you Americans have to put up with in commie states for guns? I think they nicked it from there.
it's the same for firearms here too. Even air-rifles (and possibly now airsoft idk though) need to be shipped to a registered firearms dealer.

knifes though.. what a joke

lever actions, and maybe semi auto shotguns and pump guns rifled or smooth.

And when they are gone "high power rifles" or "sniper rifles" will be next till you are left with BB guns (registered of course).

That is what this is about as always.

If I remember the story correctly Andy Murray was in that classroom. Sort of Interesting

probably the action release system that you operate with the trigger; eg you pull the trigger to fire, the action locks open, you pull the trigger to close it, repeat


I forgot that was actually a thing, shit. I only remembered trap/rifle. And they're still legal if you weld a metal rod to them to make it over 2ft long :^) Calling bullshit on the rifle ban though, aren't they 22lr?

at least you defended your freedoms against the nahtzees x)

So Bongistanis don't even need bad shit to happen in their own country for them to put on an even bigger cucklock?

This whole ban on Knives is fucking over brit /out/ people.

Honestly? i've turned to just using an Axe for 90% of my /out/ cutting.

>" They know exactly what they are doing"
Can't believe it's been a year now

>Calling bullshit on the rifle ban though, aren't they 22lr?
READ NIGGER. It's in the fucking news article. They took rifles and pistols out and replaced them with 10mm air rifles. Fucking pellet guns.

for hog's sake

How will Chefs even work when they are only allowed to use spoons to prepare all the food?

I'm a Brit, but looking to GTFO

Look at the lever release rifles on Southern Gun if you're interested. Instead of having to work a straight pull bolt on them they have a release catch that allows you to cycle the action forward again after you fire.

sauce on chick?

Handguns are the most widely used weapon for hobby shooting, home and personal defense, faggot. They will never be banned.

Not any kind of rifle?

The classical home defense weapon is the shotgun.

Like I said, only Criminals use Handguns.

true, I remember how I went to bed when it looked like Trump was losing, just waking up to my mother calling me the next morning, saying I should turn on the TV.

>felt like a king
>went to optician to pick up my new glasses
>flirted with girl working there and got her number
>then went to liquor store and bought beer and whisky and had a little party on Sup Forums while enjoying leftist butthurt on every student app

Where to go though? There is literally nowhere a white man can go where it is not worse or at least cucked/horrible in some other way. We gotta fight

Shut up Humphrey Cuckington

Thank goodness the UK is finally taking action too. There is absolutely no need for military-style assault weapons in any country.

>Calls me a cuck
>Literally uses a Handgun like a minority.

> "They will never be banned" - T. Brit pre Dunblane

Oh and they only went for non rimfire at first. Then they decided we couldn't be trusted with those either.

>Gun ownership is legal here, just limited.
It's much the same way the being a Jew was "legal" in Nazi Germany. You know, can't ever be seen in public, not in any way allowed to do anything, and the like.

>ITT: Ignorant Amerifats BTFO

I mean, c'mon, do you guys even Google?

>it is a Brit lashes out in his frustration about the state of his nation instead of actually changing something

kill yourself you pathetic faggot

>I am pretty blackpilled
I would be too if I lived there. Godspeed user.

I'd agree with you but there just doesn't seem to be any wider cultural appetite for it. That blackpoll slides down nicely with a side of societal apathy..

Show flag pls

I understand where you're coming from but lots of sports shooters did enjoy their pistols pre97, and most fac holders are some of the most law abiding citizens you'll meet

Come on, it is not like you were better off, especially racially speaking.
All of the west is in big doo doo

What destinations do you have in mind? NZ?

Yeah, but on the other hand almost every nigger popping off in London or Arab wannabe gansters in Manchester is a cuck with a shitty American hand-vibrator.

kek true enough

perhaps Uncle Vladimir will air drop some surplus AKs into the British Isles so that the citizens can finally take their country back from the nanny state banshees and manlets... What would Horatio Nelson and Mr. Shackleton from the Anatarctic fame have to say about the sad state of affairs for the citizens in commie occupied Britain? It's looking more and more like there is going to be a freedom revolution in the English speaking world real soon...trounce these commie Satanist luciferians once and for all...



we will not liberate you, good luck guys, better luck next oligarchy

AKs aren't select fire dumb dumb.

We need to force the 2nd Amendment onto the rest of the world. We must be tyrants about this and force these faggoty faggots to own firearms. Because you faggots are out of control.

wasn't the Dunblane massacre done to kill the kids that were being abused by pedophile rings?? It seems like the records were sealed for 100 years, long after any involved would be dead...With all the stuff coming to light about Jimmy Savile, the BBC, the politicians, pedo coverups, maybe that Dunblane massacre was another part of the pedo evil culture that was and may still be going on...

It's gonna be a rough ride, white westerners will one day have to make an exodus, perhaps to Greenland / Iceland where we will have to strive and adapt to the harsh coldness like our ancestors once did.

So, from now on all sticks, doesn`t matter if pointy or not are banned?

Possibly NZ because of the cultural similarities, but I have no doubt it'll have the same issues as the UK and rest of the West in the years ahead. US is another possible because at least there it seems there is more awareness and general distrust of the state intervening in people's lives; the demographic issue is going to suck in a few years down the line though.

Easy to feel like an animal trapped in a cage sometimes.

not me, this soil is literally drenched with the blood of my ancestors and I wont give it up. It would just be buying time anyways.

Sure they are. Safe and Family mode

Not that it matters, no brits on this site could have got a rifle license anyway.

But we can still bite. It is over when it is over and not sooner. That is all there is to say. The worst part currently is the waiting, the rollercoaster of gaining hope just to be deprived of it again and falling through a black hole like forever. But you cant get off this ride so why not enjoy it

Time is all a collective culture striving for survival needs my friend, staying and eventually dying on a piece of land is a waste. Your culture is inherent to you and your people, something that you take with you.

Just go digging around your local Mosque, I'm pretty sure they have plenty of fully auto AK's to choose from.

We have to make a stand somewhere we cant just flee out of our cities, out of our suburbs, out of our towns, out of our villages, out of our farms and finally out of our nations.
We need to have to turn the tide and start pushing again, ideologically, spiritually, demographially and militarily