Outside of theories, is there any real reason to dislike Jews?
Is there a legitimate reason to hate jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
>online retarded ramblings equal "theories"
If you're an online retard maybe
>Las Vegas Massacre
>USS Liberty
Pick one
yes, they frequently use and abuse their "host" countries to the point where most of these countries place restrictions on them or just simply kick them out.
Oh yeah and the star was a Zionist idea in order to place pressure on jews living in Germany to immigrate to Palestine.
>they take what they read on Sup Forums as fact
Was paddock a jew?
Not really, higher IQ more economically successful groups are always resented by their inferiors, read lynn’s book
No! higher jewish iq is a lie, but i take reports of black iq without questioning.
fuck off you faggot kike shill. The fire is rising and the end is near you best run and hide again.
Jews haven't been kicked out of almost every European nation at one point?
Success breeds jealousy.
That's why so many people here hate Islam so much. Because they know in reality, it's winning on all fronts - growth, birthrates, influence. They'll cry and whine and moan about how Jews, or Muslims, and so on are subhumans, even non-human, savages, every insult in the book but at the end of the day in their heart of hearts, they're bitter because they're losing.
Success breeds jealousy.
Nah it’s all satire and edgy jokes.
Thanks for the link, I didn't know about this case. I'm glad Nintendo got justice
>they take what they read on Sup Forums as fact
>Outside of theories, is there any real reason to dislike Jews?
they killed Jesus Christ
They can never come close to matching the success of the white man. Sure these Sup Forums autists are insecure by us real white men know we are superior in every single metric worth mentioning.
I suppose it depends on ideology.
I think the average person cares more about personality and merit than race.
thank you greatest ally /nupol/ sucks more jewish cocks than red dit
Yes, there are too many reasons to count on why to hate those penny pinching shekel thieves. They crucified Jesus, failed God too many times, caused problems for Germany, they have too much control in the banks, and so much more that can be listed.
Soooo....all those actual quotes by kikes saying that they want to destroy white culture in Europe and the USA aren't enough for you to accept?
One of the things that red pilled me the most about iq was that ashkenazi are still by far the most successful even in Israel, in fact their advantage over Arab and Sephardic Jews has been demonstrated to be genetic in the same way as the black white iq gap
Personality and merit are important but you cannot ignore duplicity and you can never forget that the world is full of evil people. Do not let the ease of comfort lull you into a false since of security my fellow American.
>He thinks JIDF will accept this as an argument.
Don't even bother with these faggots. Just tell them to eat a dick and get gassed. they'll NEVER accept anything you have to say.
Of course not "1 post by this ID" Goyim, we're just scapegoats!
For some unknown reason every country in Europe has kicked us out at one point or another, for absolutely nothing.... we did nothing Goyim, we are your friends!
As long as the words are read by the right people the effort is worth-while. JIDF are insignificant
>taking what the goverment tells as a fact.
Woah, someone posted it again
They're hated like one hates a pest or parasite, for good reason.
>they take
>what they read
>on BOARDS.Sup Forums.ORG/POL
>as fact
I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website,
so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users.
How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons?
Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
chosen dindu muffins, why are goyim so heartless?
Sup Forums is a low IQ board let the little retards play
Fair enough. Just don't take their bait. We have one who's clearly fishing for you's right now
high verbal IQ nomads who have never built a decent civilization on their own. just acted as parasites on white civilizations
>takes what he reads on Sup Forums as fact
>Sup Forums is just joking guys, heh, heh
Facts are facts faggot, that's a fact too.
Historically they destabilize and destroy western civilization everywhere they go. They never integrate and so can never be a part of the societies they infect. They are the most racist people on the planet and as such a motive for racism against them. To individualize the behavior of one jew is like individualizing the behavior of one rat. We can all agree that rats bring disease and their presence signals unhealthy living. The same with jews. If you show me one jews that does not bring disease to civilization its like a documentary about a clean rat.
Lol fug naw
Not really. They ARE treating the Palestineans the way Hitler treated THEM in 1939, so some people have a legit beef...
But that doesn't include me personally.
They are? So Hitler allowed jews seats in parliament, to serve as officers in the army, etc?
He means like pic related
>serve as officers in the army
"Hi there"
150,000 Jews in Hitler's army.
> kill/arrest suspected drug addicts = kill/arrest suspected commies
>radical muslim uprising = antifa/lefty uprising
>declare martial law
>become americas holocaust
traitorous senators will still be active, trump cant do nothing about it, maybe pol will help.
marshmallow beeches!
wrong thread
They do not assimilate into local culture, keeping their own.
Jewish Bolshevism million humans.
Read Culture of Critique, you stupid piece of shit.