M240 was used in Vegas
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whats fucking weird is that i can hear in very small sections of the video clips what sounds like 240.
i have not seen any 7.62 casings in any of the photos though
Is this relevant?
fired from helicopter
clip from Raymond Page video
could use collection bag for shells
He used many guns according to the police. They found "many" jammed guns in the room.
Retarded video. Why not show a bump-fired AR15 being fired at 600 rpm instead of one being fired @ 800?
m240 is not easy to get
it's relevant to the gun control debate
It shows that the Feds are fucking lying
The day after the shooting a "master gunner" in the military was claiming it was a M240
they have them already on helicopters ready to go
if an m240 or m249 was used that points to possible gov involvement. each have a similar rate of fire
Rich Saudis booked there right? Guess they wanted to have a little fun killing infidels knowing they'd have their tracks covered for them
i’m leaning more towards the m249 SAW since it’s 5.56. there were some .308 weapon systems in the room though
see Four Seasons info.
The rate of fire changes often in his bursts. It actually changes right after they cut the video off. Recoil operated mechanisms like the slide fire do this, not an actual machinegun.
Because these conspiracytards have to ignore facts to attempt to maintain their points.
they have yet to acknowledge the legal status of his funs, its highly likely that some of that shit was nfa or issued
it gives us belts of big boy bullets to supress this threat if you can find some casings bigger than a 5.56/.223 in any of the images.
Did that empty the clip? In the second Vegas clip of OPs video shots were being fired way long than the AR-15 was able to
Bump this thread faggots
if anything K will have answers.
no shit, pictures from the hotel room show 100 round surefire magazines
rate of fire will slow down and change with heat
so... even more of a reason for gun control?
like legit when do u guys say enough is enough?
when a lunatic clips your beloved first born in the head?
Fuck your gun control
No you idiot it means someone else was shooting and surprise the Feds are lying
Not really. Certainly not at the beginning/end of any individual burst. Even an incredibly burst of like 300 rounds wouldn't really make a difference.
SAW gunner here. Even from 32 stories up a 240 sounds like God hammering nails into eternity. I'd lean towards a SAW instead.
God is my witness this was my first impression during the happening and you know what they say about first impressions.
that sounds close
From videos shot within the crowd I noticed the ROF seeming to modulate up and down.
Theory: if you're pretty much exclusively getting the supersonic crack of the rounds at that distance, and the shooter is sweeping back and forth across the crowd, the shockwaves would bunch up as the line of fire moves toward you and spread out as it moves away. Kind of like a doppler effect. May be a crap theory but might as well share.
Same. Im a nogunzfag and even I could tell based on the rpm alone. Plus it makes more sense that he would use something like the m240 or m249 considering he wasnt taking aim at single targets, but instead had a rather large target area.
The kikes deleted it
No used mags on the ground
wtf they deleted this shit all the way
Paddock wasn't shooting it someone else was
I heard a former special forces or some such thing, on the radio, swearing it was a full auto.
Monday afternoon, I'll add.
bump this shit for finding evidence of a real machine gun niggers
you aint finding any links or casings because they used a catch bag
thats why there were only very short bursts of loud m60/240 fire
the issued bags ae big enough for about 100 casings i believe, and i also am quite sure you can't just dump belt into them either.
No, firing rate is inconsistent at times which proves slidefire AR's. No larger casings, no exploded heads and shredded bodies in the crowd, no thundering retort, reload intervals after he runs through his surefire 100 rd mags. Stop parroting this shit stupid faggot.
where is the spent linkage?
show pic or gtfo
>swear it was full auto
Maybe because it practically was?
they didn't shoot it for long
>recorded on a literal potato
Back to /x/!
yes ~90% of the shots were bump fired, but there is a few bursts when it is much more robust and timed
i have not been able to actually go through all the available footage, so i am just anecdotally recalling shit i have heard on all the videos
Who else had access?
>search for missing Israeli nationals intensifies
holy fuck
>they have yet to acknowledge the legal status of his funs
Well it's pretty convenient that the news lady told me all his weapons were legally purchased then. It's almost like they had a planned narrative.
Back is say! BACK!
Nice bit of kit. Although prefer the rawness of the GPMG. Old man carried one back in Rhodesia for 7 years straight, called it 'bam bam' as they're so satisfying when you fire of two round bursts into a village full of gooks.
how easy to sneak out of the mandalay completely, and snuggle into the out of sight fower seesuns room you had reserved
It's going to take a smarter autist than me to figure out if this is SA or a frame of SA by someone else who had access through Sharp.
These cats have a SAW. On helicopter and not.
>Blaming the items and not the person
Ok fag. Nice flag.
Uhm, sweetie...
1) Paddock's body is bleeding from the head so the gun is no threat.
2) Moving the weapon is tampering with evidence, a big no-no.
Nothing was used in Vegas. Cool gun, though. Looks like something a well regulated militia would have.
M240's are a piece of piss to get hold of. A bunch went missing and ended up with Al-Nusra for Christ's sake..... oh see what I did there ;)
You'd think in 2017 some fag would have drone footage.
Holy shit. We must go deeper.
Pretty fucking lame for a last meal if you ask me.
>1) Paddock's body is bleeding from the head so the gun is no threat.
>put tomato sauce on your face
>lie on the ground
>cops bust in
>lay still
>cops relaxed as fuck
>get camera out start taking picture
It doesn't matter if he looks dead.
It doesn't matter if he really did shoot himself in the head - he might have missed his brain!
Cops always move the gun away from the body.
if he was using a 240 there would be more dead
yes but they were limited to shooting around 100 rounds because of the catch bag they were using to eliminate casings/links on the scene
they probably had a plan for this, but people pussed out
The .308 he picked up the day he left Mesquite is missing.
you know his safe combination?
We need to know who had reservations at four seasons.
Or they just didn't do that because that's more retarded than the feed system in OP's pic.
>mfw faggots claiming drum mags which jam all the time, bump stocks, and belt fed machine guns
So you are telling me he had bumpfire stocks on all of his ARs when he could have purchase two stae triggers. He had a LOT of money so full auto lowers are nothing but a tax stamp away. He used 60 round super stack magazines. I called all this shit. There were no 7.62 casings. I knew he also had multiple ARs so the barrels wouldn't be melting and cooking off causing a burst in RPM. No one can fire into a crowd as consistently as a full auto lower like that with bumpfire. Any slight irregularities is you reaching. Slight sparse spacing non replicatable with bumpfire would be due to those magazine sizes being not as reliable as a 30 rounder or a belt.
the modulation is purely bump fire
actually the bumpfire stock is sort of reliant on you pulling the gun forward, maybe he got lazy/tired and slowed down his ROF involuntarily.
so that settles it then, they must not have used anything but legal ar's
that slack in the rof was immediately making me think of this, from the second i heard the first clip on npr that morning
Those do not come close to two stage triggers or bumpfire stocks on a good day. None of which were seen in the room.
Did they also use a catch bag for all the bullets? Did the catch bag resize all the impact holes? This whole theory is fucking retarded. I was a machine gunner for 4 years and there's no chance a 240 was used in this shooting.
I don't even know why you fools are so hung up on it being a 240 anyway. Shill for it being a SAW and that solves a whole bunch of your conspiratorial problems.
i am not the op here
i am only shilling for a few bursts of 240 being fired
think the initital shots in the beginning from the cab that are loud as fuck
Have you used one before? I haven't. Is it feasible to maintain such a slow rate of fire? Maybe the extra reciprocating mass of a 100rd mag would slow the system down.
Retards...a 240B has a much faster cyclic rate of fire than any of the audio from LV
link is broken, but it was actually my very first thought that it was airborne: either a chopper or a predator drone.
have you clocked all the footage sound data?
What about a M-60, PK, or DT?
They are fucking retarded that's why. They thought the minute blood on his shirt was a gunshot wound to the chest. He had heavy dark coagulation at his mouth, no exit wound leading to profuse spillage, and a revolver nearby. Only a .38 would fit that situation and guess what that is disclosed information now. I call that shit as I was crawling underground fixing an electrical system the day after the shooting. People here are fucking stupid.
100 round mags are pure garbage. Stop this meme. Any youtuber you pull up they run into feeding issues on the first or second magazine a soft 90% of the time.
Supersonic rounds cracking are always loud retard.
There would be a lot more dead. Variable rate of fire. Definitely a bump stick.
If he used a 240 or saw why did he reload , he could have linked all the belts ?
I have bump fired but with my finger, not a stock.
don't be stupid
Cool video thanks user. And FPS Russia actually used for something useful. Maybe it was a mil 240.
Civs can potentially get old full auto with the right stamps. But MSM hasn't reported a mil 240 right?
So was it a different team in there, Paddock was just the patsy?
Instead of reloading he switched guns. He probably hoped to shoot people longer or have a gunfight with police.
Kek says: "YES!"
Sorry, I can't exactly follow the theory you're advancing. 60rd mags, NOT bump-fire but full auto lowers?
keep it going buddy gotta make sure the goys get this shit out of their heads
This is k's version of "I recognize that bulge".
I don't think the only shooter was in that room.
>Receipt on the 27th
>Checked in on the 28th
>Moved in on the 30th
The picture was already released of the weapons in the room unless you want to further say the police are deep rooted into it as well.
It's fucking stupid to be so goddamn fixated on the weapons used to call a conspiracy when the powers that be implanted the idea of body scanners before the bodies were even cold.
This chick is also shooting a bumpfire in her video and it the rate sounds slower than the bump fire stock in your video.
^^^skip to 2:20 for shooting
I'll wager a fresh $100 bill that if it was Paddock, he was an antifa left-wing douchebag.
This poster seemed to nail it, second and third comment in the response section of the thread. Talks reliably about rate of fire and identifies weapons used. Blog run by former J-2 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.