What really happened in Las Vegas?
Give me your hot opinions, Sup Forums..
What really happened in Las Vegas?
Give me your hot opinions, Sup Forums..
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I need spicy conspiracies I haven't read enough to know what to believe yet
Pic related is suspect as fuck in any case
>pure coincidence
oj simpson stabbed 600 people
Nork sleeper agent
>>pure coincidence
So a redpill then?
jewish space magic
Smokin aces 3
Maybe. That thread link was what most caught my eye from what was posted here the day the shooting happened since anons were talking about it. Now Sheldon Adelson's name is coming up in the news connected to the shooting. Spoopy.
gunfire coming from helicopter
this is a clip from Raymond Page video
found in an earlier thread
false flag. nationwide mandatory assault rifle registration incoming.
i couldn't give two shits about bump stocks, but give them an inch and they'll take a mile. it's been done before.
all firearms are already registered...
one stupid plausible impossibility i cooked up:
noko has nukes in the US and has directed the US government to kill it's citizens or receive an immediate attack
US government decided to be the bitch and cede to the demands because nuclear war is worse than mass shooting
absolutely no evidence or belief in it myself
Hah, didn't thought about that one..
in the Raymond Page video, he turns towards sound of gunfire. he points towards helicopter.
at 1:53 you see heli traveling from right to left on screen. it returns lower flying left to right and gunfire begins. heli goes behind Mandalay Bay gunfire stops. heli reemerges other side of MB and gunfire starts. Raymond points camera to left side of MB when he hears shots from there and there is heli. shots stop. shots start he turns towards right side of MB and there is heli again.
there was also a heli landed on backside of MB at one point.
All you need to know
someone firing from a moving helicopter would explain how Taxi driver heard shots from farther away and then closer while she's stationary
Ted Nugent and Kid Rock were the other shooters. They can't stand Country.
I agree with OP. Deep state operation, per -john's post. Paddock was either (A) a patsy or (B) a deep state agent who was meant to escape, but had his escape plan foiled.
Was talking with friend earlier and I mentioned to him about the post from September about OSI the medal detectors and back scanners. He said that last week OSI appeared in quite a few stock trader sites he goes to as a stock to invest in.
Covert operative.
Agenda/Goal unknown.
Well trained, well planned out. Means and opportunity well established while motive is totally unknown. This generally screams covert clandestine ops. Who could he have been working for? I have no clue. Mossad, CIA, even ISIS? This guy's identity is probably totally fake and has been well established for decades. We'll probably never know who he truly is, or what his real name ever was.
Could have also been Manchurian candidate which was activated. Maybe post-cold war CIA experimental shit which was activated. Regardless, this guy screams (to me) some sort of covert / clandestine operative.
have no idea but I sure would like to see a video where there is muzzle flash coming from Mandalay Bay. so far closest thing is strobe on 4th floor. I don't care reflective building at night with other lights excuse. tough to find a comparison of actual shooter in same place.
I find it hard to believe that no one tried to actually make pictures. I mean were they playing in a freaking desert or what? Oh, wait..
I think it's a HOAX.
The media is starting to say there might have been multiple shooters, which means there probably was NO shooters.
The video taken from the park shows people hunkering down, but nobody is getting shot. There is just the sound of gunfire. Some men are standing up and daring the shooter to hit them. One man says, "It's fake shooting" or something to that effect. Media says numerous dead and wounded. Like 6 million dead?
And user John predicted it 20 days before. So the guy was dealing guns and just happened to get shot 20 days after user predicted? Please. These are all cover stories.
Latest media HOAX.
What if this was planned from either the S@udis or I$realis. That's my question. I think the manner of attack, he was to use the explosives and perform the shooting alone. He set up multiple rifles, and used many of them in the shooting, this was to make it look like there were many more people in the room to investigators. Their plan would be for him to escape through the Hotel on top, or blend into the crowd evacuating.
Contract killer.
Found a shill.
The mystery woman wasn't seen with the shooter. She was at the concert with a mystery man an hour before the shooting started. Witness said they looked Hispanic.
>thinks he gets good boy points for pointing out something that's obvious to the rest of us.
Found a newfag.
the fbi wants this deleted from the internet
Yes but tonight they said they confirmed a woman was seen with him at the casino days before!
Just posted this in new thread.
A guy shot people. Then shot himself.
>no! Everyone is normal and people only do normal things! It's le gobment reeeeee
If you think it's something else then what are you gonna do about it? Besides shit post larp on a Chinese cartoon forum
>first day out kodak black plays in background
I've seen this exact post word for word before
be careful boys, there are disinfo shills all over these threads
>rich millionaire who owns multiple properties and shitloads of guns, goes to vegas and gambles a shitload of money and then shoots hundreds of people before "killing" himself and disappearing
This is 100% proof that we're AIs living in a simulated reality video game and he was a Player who went on a spree and then quit the game.
m240 from helicopter. I get shilled so hard when I post about this.
Such snoopy feels tonight
Who is getting comfy waiting for the "storm"?
Thank you, user. I think this is IT
FUCK OFF, thats whaf happened.
Nexr VIP i see is getting brained.
Some old psychopath couldn't find even the basest of joy in life anymore so he decided to have one last hurrah, the ultimate taboo. He was a high risk gambler after all. If he did indeed plan to escape, it was only to be around long enough to see the response to his mass murder, get off on it or go cause more slaughter elsewhere (explosives in his truck). That's it. There's no grand conspiracy or motive.
no worries, here it is with sound
Drink some warm milk,shill
Even the news said he was out of shape and must have had help
im so tired of this.. it's not going anywhere... so tired and sleepy...
now check this link boys....fckin military with a helicopter... and iS that a m249 on the ground???
Having a bellhop bring luggage to your room does not equal conspiracy. I think model airplanes may be a more productive hobby for you.
Think harder,desu
Crazy white liberal hates himsel; media propaganda induces action on white genocide; Democrat Terrorism.
bump...I saw yesterday a video of the country band singer running off during the gunfire. Does anyone have a link to that?
And what didn't happen? can any twitterfag be bothered to verify the tweets here?
that is pretty fuckin stupid but would make one hell of a espionage plot
>Shooter was born in my hometown
This'll end well.
Why was his room receipt charged with 2 guests?
>Thinks I believe his act that I'm somehow a newfag because nobody here points out shills. Thinks I don't catch on to CIA-nigger psych warfare tactics.
found another shill.
found another shill.
because it's a fucking light
activates my almonds
This shit is getting too crazy....I'm out boys
so he fired through the stage?
2 dollars for carmalized onions! WTF! In-n-out does that for free, no wonder the media valium caused him to go full blown lib-dem terrorist
Some guy named Stephan Paddock shot into a group of concert goers from his hotel suite at the Mirage killing 59 people and injuring over 500 others. I'll keep you posted.
tee grizzley normie
Lt. Colonel Schafer: Authorities have video from Paddock that reveals political motive
Las Vegas Strip shooter targeted aviation fuel tanks
Las Vegas Sheriff: "You Got To Assume Shooter Had Help" As "Mystery Woman" Emerges
that top link
no this is from the 2015 one, theyve done 4 i think
Yup, Democrat Terrorism confirmed
Please does user have the original plebs link for this? I need it to redpill my group.
>Stephen Paddock's potential targets included the most recent Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, which was held Aug. 3 to Aug. 6
>Paddock also did online research on hotels around Boston's Fenway Park, a senior law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the matter said.
-nbc news
If they can report about his online activities from months ago to this level of detail, then THEY 100% KNOW HIS FUCKING MOTIVATION.
And they're just not reporting it. Pisses me off.
The article adds:
>The officials stressed that investigators still do not know Paddock's motive behind the Las Vegas shooting
I don't believe them. They're lying, possibly by using the word "know" in a lawyerly, non-obvious sense.
Can someone give me a basic run down?
I got here fucking late and the news outlets are all talking about motives.
Was there a big shooting at a music festival?
Multiple reports of gunshots at other hotels across the strip caused confusion and delayed police response to the actual lone shooter at the Mirage, Stephen Paddock. More at 11.
> video sentry
> video stream of operation inside the room outside the country
> ISIS claimed credit
> well coordinated
> planned months in advance
> arsenal available for 100x more carnage
> zero security risk at staging location (no one is going to check luggage or question guests at a hotel)
> nothing suspicious about living in a hotel suite (area of operations / attack staging) with lots of equipment
> perfect vantage point of target
> high ground supremacy over response
> only 1 entry way to stop attack (being monitored)
> zero threat of response from outside the hotel (cannot fire into a hotel full of civilians)
> ducks in a barrel victims with no immediate shelter to avoid kill zone
> clear intent to produce the highest kill count possible
Just like the 90s bombing of the WTC, the 2000 EgyptAir 990 flight (the 9/11 trial run), the Mumbai hotel attack, etc ....this was a proof-of-concept terrorist attack. The evidence of how calculated it was points to this.
dude shot up a concert because of the new black powerpuff girl
Paddock was an actual weapons dealer.
Redneck Revolt were the clients.
This is their "John Brown" moment, their raid on Harper's Ferry.
one of his email addresses
>[email protected]
while popular on Sup Forums this is the dumbest fucking theories outside of Pedogate being founded on smuggling and fucking Haitian children.
Nigger kids are worthless
you are stupid
can you niggers even name a event where MOSSAD was found to be responsible?
serious question btw
that's great and all, but Paddock could be eliminated without the Scooby Doo plot of firing on the crowd
This ain't Collateral, nigga
ones an image at night with inverted colors and the other is an image in the daytime with inverted colors, how can you compare that
See, the reason we know the motive is known is because the NSA has recorded all of his cellphone calls, ip logs, credit card statements, ect.
All this data can be queried very easily.
They know the motive, Im just wondering what narrative they are creating atm.
>what narrative they are creating atm.
they'll follow the typical media spin like this
Not saying I'm on board with the theory to which you are replying, but why waste a golden opportunity?
I wonder how long they can withhold evidence from grieving families before some dad who lost his kid snaps and goes punisher on them?
its going to happen sooner or later
they cant get away with the lies forever
I've wondered why there were such long pauses in between the bursts, does anyone have any logical suggestions, since I for one don't? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
* fugg i forgot my bait-flag on :DDDDDD
Did they leave to the adjoining room, lock the doors, and jump out the window? Because there was an adjoining doom reserved by Paddock that was locked from the inside (both entrances) yet the police said it was clear.
Tell that to the couple I know who suffered gunshot wounds during the concert.
wtf does body scan tech have to do with this?
>deadliest attack since 16 years
What's with the arbitrary nu... Oh, wait.
This whole board is a fucking larp. Don't worry too much about it.
they want it installed everywhere aka money and gather meta and data about everyones whereabouts