Trump knows North Korea did Las Vegas. The Storm is coming. You ready to get drafted and btfo of gooks? I heard the cure for nightmare fuel can be found at the bottom of beer cans. kek.
Trump knows North Korea did Las Vegas. The Storm is coming. You ready to get drafted and btfo of gooks...
I'm pretty sure if North Korea or any other foreign nation did Las Vegas, they would be turned into ash in about 5 minutes. No need to even send in troops.
I'm 32 so can't be drafted. But I would if there was no age limit
>tfw 22 and perfectly healthy
nice knowing ya
Same here, nice to meet you to user
>mfw I just have to cross the border back to Canada so I won't die for freedom
What they gonna do? Stop me from going back to my country? Kek
you know its 42 know right
If they're drafting oldfags most of the world is ash and they'll be happy to get a decon shower and a rat patty.
How long would training before you get sent over there?
Because it’s not Baby Phat who did Vegas. I think it was somebody else. I don’t think it was the Israelis, either.
ill just dodge the draft like my president did
All Norks are in their reserves.
Be sure to paint yourself black (or brown) so that they can't kick you out.
all i can say is if a bill follows a traumatic event then we all know that it was planned
Why do you retards insist of creating these conspiracy fantasies?
trump doesn't know shit and never will.
They have a standing army nearly the size of the US military and have 6 times the reserves. Not to mention 12 times the amount of paramilitary forces.
The hills in Korea are steep and the winters make Russia look like paradise. Good bye user.
>idiot op thinks we would actually have a ground war with the norks
Dude no.
the cuck trump supporters will claim bone spurs in their heels.
Lol ok fAggot
Nook the gook
To the Root
End the spook
Play the Floot