What's so wrong with automatic rifles?

What's so wrong with automatic rifles?

Redpill me on them.

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That's not an automatic fucktard

look again

Yes it is you dumb mutt

So far they seem to be useful for the preservation of Liberty.

Nothing. Idiots, statists, and elitists think so, but they are wrong.


I'll see the Hughes Amendment repealed before I die, and no amount of soccer moms and idiots will stand in my way.

look at the selector switch you tard

Actually, it is an automatic rifle. Its probably not a fully automatic rifle.
Big difference.

Isn't that an M16?

no m16 ever has been fully automatic.

Yes. So fucking sweet.

>what's wrong with fully automatic guns
Nothing. (((They))) want you to think they are bad because they want you to give an inch now and a foot later.

Wrong. The 3-round-burst was introduced later.

we have been taught to think there is something wrong with owning them but there is nothing inherently wrong with them

Mine is.

they might chew through your ammo too fast and waste too many rounds on a single target

Burst? If im correct, soldiers prefer burstfire becuase its more accuarate than magdumping.

What? M16, M16A3 are automatic. M16A2 and M16A3 are not.

False. The M16A1 WAS. Then the military made it 3 round to conserve ammo to make it more cost efficient. It also helped with accuracy.

Was the m16s in Vietnam fully automatic?


but they're just not for me
waste of good ammo

They are too expensive to shoot

Yes, and they were also issued with 20-round magazines.

They scare cucks

They are really expensive to shoot...

Nothing. They're just mere tools. If somebody wants someone or a large groups of somebodies dead they will find a way. They will simply use another tool. See France, England, Sweden, Germany. And even if you ban them, criminals will manage to get their hands on them, see - France. Meanwhile a gun is a way for a law abiding citizen to protect themselves which isn't something the government likes because it gives more power to the citizen. There's absolutely no reason to be against guns unless you're a government loving cuck

To bring this back on track:

There is nothing inherently wrong with fully automatic weapons, but there are many things inherently wrong with the majority of people on this planet. Thus I personally believe that access/ownership of fully automatic weapons should be heavily restricted, but a lot of Americans see *any* restriction as a slippery slope that will lead to a totalitarian government taking all their guns.

I think that limiting it to pre-1986 autos like it is now is fine.

Yes, I think the 3-round-burst was introduced somewhere between Nam and the first gulf war

They finish the clip way too quick, this could be a good thing or bad thing (bad if you have no more rounds/clips left and there are still shitskins around you)

You should restrict hand grenades in sweden.

nothing; criminals would spray and pray and run out of ammo really fast.


Clips are used to feed magazines. There are exceptionally few guns that actually fire from clips.

They will be outdated but robots. We need to start the conversation that ai is part of 2a rights

background check/gun license for full auto
So if you start doing some shit, your echelon profile will throw up extra flags and the fbi will stop you.

So you can just go and able to buy a legal fully automatic gun, but be monitored more closely. So when you go off the rails, the FBI tracks you down, as opposed to now where you go off the rails and modify your guns or make your own shit out of whole cloth but no one knows

Now all the gun people are happy, and you're safer.


They are restricted. However, the customs police is not armed (!) and are exceptionally buraucratic and actually refuse to do their jobs, and when they let through cars that they reasonably believe may be smuggling weapons they sometimes don't even alert the real police.

When the terrorist attack happened earlier this year all the customs police at Stockholm Arlanda Airport walked out of their job and sought shelter in secure rooms, because they're not armed and their union rep decided that it was an unsafe working environment.

So yeah. If the customs police actually did their job and were actually armed, we wouldn't be having so much fun with grenades.

is this bait?

i want one

The only restriction there should be on firearms whatsoever in America is if the person attempting to purchase has committed a felony, at which point purchase is either restricted entirely or limited to manual action rifles chambered in no larger than intermediate calibres. Beyond that, fuck gun laws entirely.

even our cucked customs is armed

What about a compromise where we get 2-3 burst shots but not full out?

what wrong is that they are inaccurate

The "peace movement" and deluded leftists are against proper weapons and equipment for our police forces. In the 70's when the police switched from .32 ACP to 9mm there was a huge outcry about how the police are switching to a MILITARY NATO KILLER-CALIBER (despite the fact that .32 ACP had also been used as a military caliber), and the police's attempts to get a single assault rifle in enough quantities to replace 80's vintage MP5s has been met with stonewalling after stonewalling. The Swedish police has like 10-12 different rifles in small quantities that have been very expensive to buy piecemeal.

Transfer refurbished AK5's from the military? Unthinkable.

Words change over time.

You don't correct people and tell them to use "thou" so stop being autistic.

>they are restricted
>but they are not restricted
You should restrict them even more so they are at least little bit restricted.

They spend ammunition too quickly without hitting anything


A clip feeds into a magazine. You can't say "words change over time" when you are using the incorrect fucking word.

Our SWAT teams were heavily upgraded during the last years like pic related, even two German states allow volunteer police which is also armed with guns

>What's so wrong with automatic rifles?
Don't tell libtards, but automatic weapons have been banned from the general public for decades. Getting one legally is not at all easy.


The Swedish SWAT team (Nationella Insatsstyrkan) is basically the only well-armed unit. I think they use C8's sourced via Britain or Norway now, like in pic related.

They are very busy nowadays.

catching those right wing thought criminals

3-round burst is better than full auto.
Intermediate calibers only make sense in some roles.

"Assault clips'' lost it.

nah its an outdated idea

When have they been used for such?

Muh third pin


Nothing, it's just an object. The concern is really with the jerk behind the trigger.

Nothing. If the christian militias of the 90s were allowed those guns instead of constantly battling the ATF we might have had a rebirth of American culture from a freshly watered tree.

Only 3% of homicides in the US are with Rifles, it's all just fake media hype because of the rare shooting that involves one. If it had been any other weapon the focus would be on that instead.

When the automobile came along certain speeds were just too fast for human reaction times. We had to designate regulate and strickly prohibit when and where these speeds were allowed. Each bullet is a commitment yet the human mind cannot keep up with the repeditive decision being made my a mechanized device. If you pray and spray you risk injuring unintended targets. Similar to why humans are heavily regulated for the use of explosives, diseases and harsh chemicals. Take a look at the people you meet everyday. Do you want them to have this kind of power. To be responsible for decisions beyond human capability to register. Or would you prefer freeways not run in front of elementary schools?

Automatics are the limit of countervalue (attacking innocents) potential which ought to be acquirable for an individual. Back when the 2A was written, firearms didn't have great individual countervalue capability. An example of unacceptable risk would be the private individual sale of grenade machine guns(mk 19) which could deployed using the Paddock strategy.

RPGs and MANPADs probably have a lower countervalue potential but higher militia value than LMGs.

As if they stood a chance against the U.S. military.

>complains about full auto
>posts a picture of the sexiest fully automatic rifle of all time

>tfw stripped lower coming to complete A2 build

>Sexiest fully automatic rifle of all time

That's not the 550.

The picture is of an M14...

I assumed it was quoting the op, my bad.

No problem. The 550 is pretty sweet too.


Nothing,actually. Going full retard mode can barely be used in practical situations without a bipod or for room clearing.

yep... that one has a third pin...it's the real deal...

the bodyguard infrastructures set up to run interference for politicians all over the world all have full auto capable weapons... we the people have the same rights... now make your politicians vote to stop oppressing we the people while keeping their guards armed with the very same guns that they say we don't 'need'...we the people will decide what we 'need'...

The selector switch is pointed to these four symbols: A U T O

It's a rendering, not a picture, so this guy is correct.

Automatics make fun range toys. Aside from that, they're really only good for cover fire and some CQB situations. pic related.