Would that exit wound kill someone...

would that exit wound kill someone... if you look at the angle it looks as if it did not go in the back of the brain but out the cheek... thoughts...

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Try it and get back to us.

looks pretty dead

Expanding gas would have mashed-up his brain.

Don't you know how to think properly?

yes dead but that exit wound is not seem to be in his brain
na im not a coward

i guess not... that's why i asked.. just seemed in a weird spot... im probably wrong just asking.. forgot your not allowed to ask questions

wake up sheeple, he wasn't the shooter, somebody else did it and killed him first

We have yet to see any evidence that the body in the suite is "Stephen Paddock."

For all we know the real Stephen Paddock was taken out to the desert and executed, and his identity used to cover for the patsy found in the suite.

All we've been shown so far is a picture and a dead body, and everything else is magic. It's the investigatory equivalent of psychic surgery - the picture and dead body are the chicken guts.

Well, now you have learned something, and I might be a little sorry for treating you like a faggot.

i agree... as much as i wish it was just a case and point so we could be done it is not but that exit wound proves it for me... why is there no other pics of the chest.. just head and legs.. not torso... would like to see if there is more blood

hey we all say some fag shit from time to time...

file a habeas corpus petition

Habeas corpus applies to living prisoners, not dead bodies.

Looks pretty dead to me you fucktard

Sup Forums is now ballistics experts....

yes he does.. i am not saying that the person is not dead. just saying the exit wound is not in his brain

not in anyway.. just saying the exit wound is not close to his head.. i have seen some shit on here today that is way out in left field. i am just asking a question... could i be wrong yes.. just asking what others think

Depending on the caliber, bullets can bounce around. A .22 can ping pong..... a 9mm will not bounce as much

youve had all these thoughts about conspiracy and how it would be done
have you just stopped for a second and tried to salvage a thought in your broken brain to ask why
why would this be set up? why all this trouble. youre fucking retarded

It also depends on how he positioned the gun in his mouth.

Hard to tell with the back of the head obscured, but it's not clear whether the bullet went straight in or was fired at an angle.

The ending of "Three Days of The Condor" shows why that difference would be important.

Do you see all the blood?...
People need blood to live user...

Everyone should probably stop paying attention to the who, what, where and why..... and follow the money. And also see what security measures go in place after.

who knows if that is even a real body. it could be a wax sculpture for all we know

is everyone here insane? im not saying ask why to find out THE REAL STORY!!!11!! im telling you to ask why because there is no conspiracy, you arent smarter than everyone for think that there is

>youre fucking retarded
Ah yes, convincingly and compellingly argued.

The fundamental point remains: there is as yet NO evidence establishing
1.the identity of the body in the suite
2. whether that person acted alone
3. the relationship of the "Stephen Paddock" identity to any of it, other than as a picture to be waved around

"Stephen Paddock" is so far as magically imaginary as the "19 muslims with boxcutters."

be a hero

The shock wave would have liquefied his brain tissue.

Put a big hole in the brain and you die pretty fast even if it wasn't instant. Bleeding from the brain is deadly.

>there is no conspiracy, you arent smarter than everyone for think that there is
One would think that with all the money the Deep State has they wouldn't be limited to diversity hires.

Is this some kind of federal regulation?

And how the gun was positioned could indicate whether the man in the suite killed himself or was murdered.

The theory promoted on Twitter by Thomas Wictor and others is that Paddock was trying to carry a bunch of rifles and a hammerless pistol and accidentally shot himself. This accounts for the vague police statement regarding the suicide and some oddities about the position of the body. E.g he's laying on top of one rifle and has his foot under another.

You Nips are alright. Please start shit with the Norks so we have a fucking excuse to eviscerate them.

Here; A more complete leak for those of you curious of what was seen. I will post more.


Picture is pretty KINO mcdoubles

The full uncropped death pic, as it was leaked.


Like.... bitch are you implying he's alive?

Colt Python... looks like a 6 inch possibly.. I'm jealous.. those average around $3,000 a pop...

why does his hand look like a foot? if he had 4 foots instead of two hands and two foots wouldn't that make the whole narrative collapse?

The assumed execution weapon; Possible that his hand came down after his knuckles left the blood prints near the handgun above his body. Closer inspection reveals what could be either the suspected hand which fell holding the gun, then retracted in death throes; Or the rear knuckles of an individual planting the gun.

Closer inspection of the front of this individuals shirt shows what appears to be a small entry wound, mid center mass. -v

Why are people like you so willing to accept the given narrative?

And he was carrying the pistol in his mouth??

There's no entrance wound visible outside of the mouth. In other words the barrel of whatever gun killed him - which may not be the handgun on the floor - was in his mouth when it went off.


The wound mid center chest, otherwise, he was eating and decided to spill food on his shirt. Considering this was a very wealthy individual (Via the story) It appears to be a wound. Just from what I can see.

Could be a faked pic.
It would have been more conclusive if we had been shown an exit wound.

It MIB bugs in a Steve bodysuit. I gotta go my shift a Taco Bell starts soon.

It's a Smith and Wesson air weight .38 snub nose

The pic is not fake; It is confirmed and is the real initial leak.

He's fine

I'm aware of the official narrative

OY VEY!!!!!!!!!

Nope, sorry son, that's a hammerless snub. Prolly a S&W .357.

I am curious as to what made you think that was a Python.

how in the fuck are there blood drops leading to the gun?

We are painfully limited by not having access to the body. Is the mark mid-body an entrance wound? A wound of some other kind? Is there more than one entrance wound? (Small-caliber still in body to disable, larger caliber post-disable execution shot through the head, set up to look like suicide.)

And we still do not have anything associating the body with the name "Stephen Paddock" other than a police statement. Said differently, "Stephen Paddock" may be nothing more than some unfortunate fuck whose life they decided would be good as cover when they needed a name to associate with the dead body (the real Paddock being dead in the desert, the body in the suite who knows who).

(That "Stephen Paddock" is just a patsy cutout would also explain why none of his life behavior would match the behavior of the people who committed the crime - Paddock was a patsy, one that wasn't even involved at all.)

Loomer on Twitter reported the Mandalay Bay has destroyed all their records related to "Stephen Paddock" - i.e., who rented the room, using what payment method, and whether there were other people in the room. One would have expected an innocent party to have retained such things.

Rebbit poster if ive ever seen one. You take shit and dont whine about it here, faggot.

It could be a .357, no way to really tell. But you're right about it being a S&W. 640 is the model, or air weight.


>I can CSI the shit out of this using only a grainy photo from the webbernet
You guys need to just stop.

>Expanding gas would have mashed-up his brain
Is "mashed-up" a term you learned in forensic examiner school?

Well, I would assume that he shot himself, then fell on the floor. The pistol was probably still in his hand, maybe resting on his chest, who knows. Anyhow, when the cops came inside the room, even if the guy was obviously dead, the police would've kicked the gun away from him.

Someone doesnt know where they are

Guys. Seriously, some of those bullets still have the FMJS attached, unfired.

Cop kicked it out of the hand.

Headshot can cause a seizure at the moment of death.

Arterial blood spray.

Bunch of possibilities.

ok, but then i would expect a streak of blood, not drops. and how did the gun get blood on it anyway? he offs himself and falls, with gun in his hand either by his side or on his chest. clearly the blood all came from his mouth. how would the gun get blood on it?

I don’t see any unfired.

The real question: Why is there clean brass on top of the blood?

Two pools of blood? Wet one on top of older (soaked in) one? Is that a blood smear on the revolver? How did the blood transfer to the revolver if it is blood?


Not a lot of brass on that floor is there?

59 people killed 500 plus wounded. That means more than 500 rounds were fired. Not every round hits a target. If the wounded were not hit it would take at least 2/3 more ammo to hit 59 people from that distance from a shoulder fired automatic. There still isn't enough discernible empty shells in that area to amount to at least 150.

Having actually been in combat in an urban environment. I'd say from at least a few videos there's at least two weapons being fired possibly three, with at least two types of weapons being fired. Live firing on ranges and M.O.U.T sites it's really a familiar sound. Machine guns have a unique sound characteristic.

Automatic fire is suppressive fire. As a former M-60 gunner I can tell you not every round you fire hits a target. Having fired M-16's fully automatic they aren't easily controlled as you fire. Unless you are in a prone position with support. Firing full auto, the barrel climbs. It takes training and familiarity to control it.

It would have been more productive to gain a sight picture and fire even if rapidly. Automatic fire is for SHTF suppressive fire with interlocking fields of fire on gunners on the left and right of your perimeter. Whoever fired had to have planned and corralled the target from different vantage points for maximum effect. They appear to have done it from the Hotels from at least three points. The Luxor, the Mandalay and another location. There was no access to the rear it was an Airport.

never shoot yourself from under the chin or this will happen

they may have popped a round into him just to be certain he was dead

tried usinf reddit for some ufc and boxing streams once they fucking sucked.... just some guy asking a question... why does my question get everyones panties in a bunch is my new question

thanks user... its easy to see the trolls... people always say ask questions to make educated assumption than you ask questions and your a tin foil hat... fuck that... i will ask away... im still on A: libtrad that went crazy or B: gun runner had a bad deal

Why do you think nobody was allowed to breach until (((SWAT))) arrived

good point

Then again I haven't seen a photo of the other supposed shooting location in the "adjoining room."

And I've personally never fired into a crowd of people either. Even in combat in Panama. They generally were getting the fuck away from us. The first 3 days being the most intense part of fucking their world up.

agree i noticed that with the blood as well

Blood flow around the casing (casing was on the floor, body falls, blood seeps out and pools around the shell).

Though I could have also expected the body falling backwards to have at least slightly spattered that particular round, so to me it's still questionable.

Like everything else about the official story.

Bro 500 rounds is nothing.
If there were 2 shooters I'm pretty sure there would be more casualties with the amount of people so close together.
Im sure there was third party involvement but certainly not 2 shooters.

the police didn't rush in, because he had it set up as a cop kill zone?

when realizing the police weren't going to rush in, he got worried that they would flash bang him and catch him alive, so he an hero'd?

were police the ultimate target of the attack? was he inspired by Dallas BLM attack?

Second shooter on the ground?


That looks similar to firing from a kneeling position. It wouldn't be a AR-15, AK but an UZI.

>I'm not a coward
then why are you so afraid to try?

>There still isn't enough discernible empty shells in that area to amount to at least 150
Thank you. Good to see other people are paying attention.

If there are 500+ people wounded there would have to be far more than 500 casings in the suite (depending on what one believes is the accuracy of a 64-year-old, firing a bump-stock, at a target 400m away, at night).

There were at least two threads yesterday about the fundamental point that the shooter would have had great difficulty doing what the official story claims he did (this is the "Oswald couldn't have fired a Mannlicher that fast" observation).

Those threads were swarmed upon by "1 post by this ID" attacks - which in itself is important information. "When you're taking flak you know you're over the target."

Thanks again for bringing you experience to this.

i like... to also... keep using.. retarded levels of... punctuation... you know????

People are running from/through the cone of fire and away from the beaten zone.


when your panties are so big and you still have pubes coming out the side


Because he's a cuck.

if he had the rifle poked outside the window, laying prone, shells would be outside

the shells you see inside are from when he shot the security guard at the door

Could he have been shot in the chest, it been a lung shot, and actually fell on his face coughing up blood until he died? Then they turned him over after breaching the door?

Because your weird, off-putting posts shows you arent from here. Lurk, then post. Not the other way around.

>if he had the rifle poked outside the window, laying prone, shells would be outside
hahahaha thanks for the laugh, I needed it

he was using a grip you know

>at least two weapons being fired possibly three, with at least two types of weapons being fired
Bet we'll never see a complete ballistics report on all the bullets.

Maybe someone in the government will trot out a re-animated Arlen Specter to claim all the deaths and injuries were caused by a single bullet.

why am i seeing a second face in this photo?

>mfw a second face on his face

If he's dangling the gun outside the window then that means the whole "he had the guns mounted on bipods" bit is a lie. Which lie would be your preference?

Also, the reason I laughed is how far out the window he'd have to be holding the gun for the casings to eject outside the window. Since he's also supposed to have used a bump fire stock then the result of your scenario would be him plummeting to his death.

yeah, i've been wondering about the whole bumpfire+tripod narrative thing as well. i guess if the one he bought was flexible enough, but still, seems like a tripod would be the last thing you want on a bumpfire



Goddamn, Japs are savage

Do you see how his left eye is protruding from his fucking socket. That is cause by the displacement of brain matter and expanding gasses breaking the bone behind the eye and pushing it forward. Yes, he died from a gun shot through his fucking skull.

explain this polease