>niggers are dum-
Niggers are dum-
Other urls found in this thread:
They have a white step father
>"Quadruplets nigs get accepted by Harvard and Yale so both universities can get brownie points in diversity"
>what is affirmative action
hi op did you forget your buttplug today
Its called affirmative action
like that means anything you dumb faggot
Niggers only need to be able add single digit numbers and they get in the ivy league.
Affirmative Action has rendered minorities (other than Asians) being accepted to universities completely valueless.
Their only qualification is being black.
All niggers need is a 2.1 GPA for a chance to be considered
muh harvard meme
Lmao as if acceptance to Harvard has anything to do with intelligence now. They have destroyed their own reputation
How are they quadruplets? None of them are in a wheelchair
What a joke
Remember, if you're going to take '1 Post by this ID' bait, put 'sage' in the options field.
Golly, how do you suppose they got in?
>blacks accepted to harvard
Says literally nothing about their IQs.
>1x niggerballer
>1x niggerhooper
>2x diversity quotas
wew lad
Yeah cause nigger quota
>be nigger
>write “black lives matter” all over uni application
>bonus points: make the basketball team
>get into university
Wow amazing, good for them, so strong, so brave
its just quotas, they need a certain number of minorities to keep their liberal government dollars.
>quota check
moron. They had to lower the bar. Plus college isn't a real litmus test of intelligence . ooh you can cheat of goldstein or have him give you the answers. while they took the positions away from some Asian or white kid who could make a difference.
I know their parents are american, but they look nigerian. this happens all the time. affirmative action that was meant for american blacks now goes to nigerians, and everyone's okay with this.
Ivy League is a meme these days. Same with Oxbridge.
>tfw got accepted to Harvard and Columbia
>attended a cheap state school instead
I've seen this movie. Me, myself, and Irene
you fucking idiot a quadruplet is an animal that walks on all fours
Lakota East schools are pretty much white. I'm from this area of Cincinnati called West Chester. It's fairly prestigious and honestly there are few niggers that live in that area anyways.
are you me
>education is associated with intelligence
Not since the GI bill, bub.
For your sake, I hope not.
>what is affirmative action in jewniversities
Meaningless in 2017.
>calling a group of upstanding basketball Americans "brothers"
Oy vey! Such racism!
dammit will smith
It really doesn't mean shit anymore since non-white individuals are more likely to be selected into those colleges for the sake of "diversity" and "multiculturalism"
Harvard admission standards are hi-
I thought of this immediately.
Affirmative action doesn't benefit bla-
a retard who says he solders CPUs got a full ride to MIT
Great. Now find one of those niggers and ask him to explain to you how averages work.
Niggers can never run away from the stigma that is affirmative action and we'll forever remind them of that.
The only way to redeem themselves is to bite the leftists and democrats that feed them or they all go back to Africa.
Which fortunately will never happen and only furthers their suffering.
In case you've never seen a slide thread op gave us one. Sage
smart niggas
>Harvard racial quotas are high.
>affirmative action what's this country coming to, Affirmative action what's the white man gonna do?
I got to hire the Nigger instead of you!
-Johnny Rebel
>affirmative action
All a nigger has to do is show up in high school and he will be accepted to Harvard and Yale
Guess why?
hint. it's not because their achievements.
you say that but that actually happened
They are dumb because so many don’t go to college that when they do we have to report it. It’s like a car crash and a plabe crash. Plabe crashes are so rare the whole world needs to know because of how unlikely the event was. That’s niggers going to college
they could all be smart. The bell curve tells us there are always exceptions and the fact they are all brothers tells us it's genetic. Their great-great-great-great grandmas probably got raped a bunch by whites and jews. good for them i guess
I wish my White Privilege included the "Affirmative Action" perk.
when virtual signaling this hard, be prepared to accept more crime on your campus.
Affirmative action
Fucking this.
I knew 2 niggers in my high school that were accepted to Cornell, yet I was rejected (We all applied to their engineering school). I had a higher SAT score by 320 points (2080 to their 1760 and 1750), Higher GPA(4.0 to their 3.4), and shitloads more impressive extracurriculars and achievements than both of them combined. Fucking niggers and this affirmative action bullshit.
Roger that!
Americans are sma-
>1510 SAT score
>scored perfect on the math section
>rejected by all schools I applied to in the top 20
Fuck (((elite))) schools. They systematically discriminate against whites in favor of Jewish and minority students. Any top-tier state school is just as good anyway.
Raping a croc is kinda of badass.
Good for them.
niggers get a massive SAT boost now and also these places literally put them at the front of the line
harvard is now a meme
Nigga. My Nigga. Whatup Nigga. Harvard Nigga.
>all look different
All these ivy league schools are a meme now. All you need to do is be a minority and you get access
Their combined SAT score is 1600.
Are they going to graduate, or are they going to drop out/switch degrees?
Even in HBCU's, it's hard for blacks to do so. The class shrinks as time progresses.
How easy is it to really knock out those windows out with a hammer? For real
I'm failing to understand the relevance of '1 Post by this ID'. It says that for almost everyone in this thread. It says that when I hover over your ID as well faggot