Are traps still degenerate if they marry a woman and make white babies?
Are traps still degenerate if they marry a woman and make white babies?
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Even more for spreading their mental illness and weirdness.
Maybe we should let China have the 21st century. Like, not even put up an effort. Just let this place die the death it deserves.
There's no fighting it. I work at an Amazon warehouse and at least 80% of the shit that goes through there is made in China. Amazon makes them a crazy amount of money every day, and people are responsible for buying some of the most unnecessary, cheapest, stupidest shit imaginable. Not only have we not been putting up an effort, we've been handing it to them.
pretty hot
Which one of them is the trap?
If they support LGBT faggots, the left, Antifa, BLM, or the Jews then yes they are degenerates who should have their children taken away to proper white homes and they should be thrown in ovens.
Yes. Gay people shouldn't breed period. They should exist only in a designated area of a large city and keep out of everyone's business. If a gay person wants to help the white race they should monetarily support their straight relatives.
>Are traps still degenerate
Why should anyone care?
Was that not how the Roman empire ran low on gold? Purchasing frivolities from the orient?
I thought they go sterile from the hormones
well they are less degenerate than me, at least they have kids
which they will brainwash with faggot propaganda
And this is on a whole other level. Countless amounts of bamboo and charcoal infused shit. We're giving them billions for their weeds and rocks. They've already won.
Left. She does the sex reassignment surgeries.
Not if you spermbank before hormones.
>Faggot propaganda about marriage between a men and a women and childbirth...
no, to mimic the opposite sex in order to bypass the alpha competition to get close to women is a reproduction strategy for the weaklings and weaklings should not reproduce
because they vote left
Even trannies are more masculine than Canadians. Day of the Rake not soon enough.
thanks for the pointless and unproductive comment
Kid on the right already looks deranged.
You're welcome, snowcoon.
>Your penile skin is only two inches.
What did he mean by this?