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Medical treatment is not in the constitution
More like Desirina Fucksyobitch
being a doctor for the government would be slavery
You have the right to both a gun and healthcare.
You don't have the right to demand someone else pay either.
There's nothing prohibiting you from getting health insurance/care... and guns aren't given out for free. Dumb ass.
The difference is I won't shoot you for trying to take my Health Insurance.
This. Jesus that tweet pisses me off. There are people who are actually that fucking dense.
healthcare is also a "right" in the same way as guns are a "right". you have the right to consume both. you do not have the right to consume them for free. guns cost money just the same as healthcare
The ahca is live right NOW. Those 100k bills are due to the ahca.
He paid for his guns.
How are the two remotely comparable?
Fucking liberals...
another one of those "here's my irrefutable argument that gets completely anal raped less than 10 posts in" lib threads how boring
I'm glad my life isn't so pathetic that I watch the news cycle of other countries
We have a constitution you can read.
It was written in a time when half of American children died before the age of 5.
wow when did women get so smart
that is correct.
The constitution was written more than 200 years ago. We are not living in that time period. We are living in 2017 and should deal with the problems we have now, not the ones we had 200 years ago.
Did the Vegas shooter pay for his guns himself?
Did the government pay for his guns?
No one cares about maple niggers
Yeah, sorry to inform you, but the last 100 years consisted of 100 million dying because their governments didn't have a constitution based in natural law like America's. It's still relevant. Health insurance choice should be given to the customer, not to the state. That's why non-emergency procedures take 6 months in Canada. The doctors are basically state slaves.
THis. Being a doc would become a joke.
This. We're not forcing everyone to pay taxes to give everyone guns. If someone wants a gun they have the right to buy it. If someone wants to insure their health they can buy health insurance.
The ability to acquire the arsenal is the right, to possess them is a privilege. Course that's not ruling out that the government paid for his guns due to separate circumstances :^)
>Protecting literally all of your rights is a privilege
>Using someone else's labor and resources is a right
do they not know the difference between a right and a privilege? or do these idiots just say shit they think sounds good?
When a person is administering the healthcare the only way healthcare can be a right is to enslave the Dr. Otherwise you have to pay him and he can refuse service if you dont
OP is a fucking leaf, what did you expect?
None of the 500+ injured that night have been declined medical treatment
I'm a Doctor. Forcing me to serve a customer for free is quite different than allowing a buyer and seller in a gun sale to make a voluntary trade.
ding ding ding
The government isn't giving people guns for free.
This comparison is so basic & dumb.
Why does she treat these as mutually inclusive of the same legal scope?
Hold on Guys, this might work.. Make health care a right. Use force of Gov to enforce it. Then enters slavery. We get to own the blacks again.
Will the government pay for my guns? Because they want it to pay for that medical equipment....
Take a bow user
Just in case a serious response is required
Does she?
She is pointing out the hypocrisy among typical right-wing arguments were gun law is a right but healthcare isn't.
Guns are paid for before they are in someones hands.
Medical care is given before money is exchanged.
What parallels do we draw here? Should medical care be priced up front and paid for as needed?
Maybe liberals would be able to force doctors to operate on them if they all had fully automagical weapons of +1 baby killing abortion, your move drumpfiers
Should a company compensate people who are injured by their product?
is free healthcare in the Constitution?
Why can't libshits understand this?
>current year
KYS and sage
oh? was someone refused treatment? i fucking doubt it.
Actually, MGM will be paying for all their bills whether they want to or not. It is in their best interest to rack up as many expenses as possible and then litigate MGM into the ground. The victims can then eat sushi in japan when ever they want.
I'm so glad we gave women a mouthpiece so they can mouth off 24/7.
You mean to tell me the United States Government hands out 21 AR15s for every man FOR FREE??????
Gee Donald....
Did you flunk out of high school? The constitution was written in 1980.
bad goy!
pay for shaniqeuas healthcare
The state does not provide me with a firearm.
I must purchase my own. I simply have the right to do so.
We have health insurance in Canada, too. The government doesn't pay doctors.
whos this fucking rooskie bitch? fake news fuck off
medical treatment is privilege of living in a developed nation. some parts of africa do not have hospitals or EMTs or even doctors you racist bigot
Obamacare got you senpai
no one is arguing for free guns.
That's correct. There is a right to arms in the Constitution, but no right to healthcare. It's quite clear.
True. You need to pay for healthcare and ammunition. She is sooo smart!
emotional outrage is not an argument
>private property is a right
>services are not
Cmon can't you argue without an appeal to emotion?
Pic one
We should start pushing a Gun care act.
>repeat for 47,451th time the difference between positive and negative liberty.
The right wants single payer (free) healthcare through medicare expansion. We don't want to pay other people's insurance policies. It's that simple.
We could put it there though. I do kind of agree that injury caused by no fault of your own should be covered by the government.
>tfw using her logic the government is forced to spend $125,000 on guns for you by law
What sort of useless moron listens to the fear of a woman for direction? They are naturally predisposed to avoid conflict at any and all costs. They are cowards. So OP's General in command is a coward. Cry more, leafy fag.
no they would only be required to give you the minimum requirement to be armed by legal definition.
cheap handgun is probably like 50 bucks.
Much of your health is determined by you. I am not responsible for you. Fuck off.
>The constitution was written more than 200 years ago. We are not living in that time period. We are living in 2017 and should deal with the problems we have now, not the ones we had 200 years ago.
Spoken like a true Marxist cunt.
yeah but what about when it's no fault of your own. I feel like it would be worth it to live in a nation where you are responsible for your own actions but do not suffer do to the actions of others.
Then they should only be required to give minimum medical care. Which would be an annual checkup and dental cleaning.
the constitution is reaffirmed every time congress convenes and does not alter it. It is not written in stone and can be changed at any time, the fact that the representatives do not, is a reflection of the will of the people.
>yeah but what about when it's no fault of your own
I didnt shoot anyone. Fuck off.
I'll give you free healthcare if everyone gets a free ar15
No. Ownership of a firearm is a constitutional right, although it is also illegal for a hospital to treat a patient in need. We've also written that into law, though not into the constitution. So his victims do indeed have "right" of sorts, or at least an entitlement, to medical care.
>*to NOT treat a patient in need*
Thats why doctors here get £100k - £350k a year... yea total "slavery".
yeah but you could get shot by someone. This would benefit you also as a citizen. I mean poor people already get this because the can just throw the bill away.
Middle class are the ones that get fucked.
We should cut all all the bullshit benefits and have medical care free if there is no negligence.
It no different an idea like having a local fire department.
>13 tweets that make you want to say fuck guns and gun owners
Watch no game no life zero
Do taxpayers buy people guns? Or do people pay for their own guns?
she's arguing for universal healthcare? thats got nothing to do with the shooting. literally using a tragedy to push your politics.
You don't have a right to other people's labour.
desu this wouldn't be too bad. Most of the expense from our healthcare system is from obesity so you won't be covered for ills related to that
This desu senpai
> be american
> get shot
> in debt for rest of your life for surgery
> still crippled so cant work
> a year later mother gets flu
> mother dies because you cant afford the $10,000 for basic care
> go to funeral and get in more debt
> mother passes on house to you
> sell house to pay debts
> walk out of bank debt free and happy
> get shot
> repeat
no they aren't, all they are saying is that people don't have a right to my money
why are americans so retarded when it comes to health care? you do realize that universal healthcare would be CHEAPER for you than paying for insurance, and lift the burden of health insurance off employers allowing them to create more jobs? your "fuck you, i got mine" stance is actually actively fucking you over and will bite you in the ass when the time comes that you're the one who needs surgery.
btw americans, you're already paying for your most expensive patients (old people and disabled) through medicare and medicaid. your current system is giving you all the negatives of universal and none of the positives. nice job.
And work 80 hours a week making it totally worth it to go through 12 years of education/training to become one
Healthcare didn't won us freedom.
I have family and friends in the NHS as doctors, nurses and a surgeon, no one works 80 hours a week.
You have zero argument on this point. British doctors get paid a ridiculous amount of money and live very good lives.