So what do you guys think about women?
So what do you guys think about women?
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Posting in my own roastie thread
This can't be implying what I think it's implying
This one is fucking funny
That sucking dick is all they are good for.
It's good for your skin ;)
fetish ...yes
Are women even human?
Probably, maybe?
Needs further research.
>good for sucking dick
Guess how I know you haven't had a dude suck your dick.
Financial cucking is the new thing if you guys didn't know. Weomen seem pretty into it.
he sounds mentally abusive for her to get to the point of loving his money and not him as a person, because he obviously married her for a reason
No. They're demons.
Classic numale xD
Sup Forums is a MGTOW board
Prepare to rage.
Lmao what is this?
She's looks like a kike.... so there's that
false flag
Do you guys start these threads to justify the fact that you're still a virgin?
I can see gold digging whores from a mile away. The guys who marry these women are desperate losers. Kind of like the men on Sup Forums.
TFW this roastie won't have kids and kill herself at 30 because she never found any "nice guys". Hot dudes the same to chicks, and many chicks think that their pussy has some mythical power, they get drunk on all the attention and think that they are some sort of goddess. The thing is a hot guy that is successful has little to no reason to settle down or stick with one woman, when this bitch finally falls in love that dude will just move on like she did to so many other "hot guys". What a retard.
fake, that was all written at once you can tell.
>welfare queens gets maimed fighting for the jews
>expects us to feel bad
gtfo faggot
I'm straight but this right here.
I think it's more about putting bitches in their place, too many uppity chicks think that they're entitled and princesses need to be brought down a few rungs.
I hope she realizes her retardation at some point,
but then again she is a woman so that probably wont happen
who cares what happens to cannon fodder that fights to advance the interests of israel and the house of saud
no joke, if i were in his position i would just murder my wife and sit my crippled ass in jail
from my experience, this is completely true, and for this reason i think that close to all women are shallow whores and at this point they could barely be considered good enough for breeding
Lads always remember this; You need to evaluate your looks.
Admit that like many things, good lookers can get away with horrendously awful behaviour if she thinks you're fit
Based woman becomes redpilled and dumps the scum that got maimed for Jews.
fuck them
Look at this degeneracy. I wish somehow these whores got their lives ruined
>hits thirty
>I want to settle down
You mean the court system right? Your story is about how bad the justice system lacks justice. Why blame women?
They are absolute shit. I have little respect for them.
By then she has a house paid for by these walling cancer particles of men
But what if she turns DURING a marriage
It's quite simple. Women do not "love" men the same way that men "love" women.
A woman's "emotion" is based purely in hypergamy. Notice that women often leave their husbands when they are in the darkest times (fired, suffering depression, being sued, etc). It's just their nature. A man can put up with a woman's weakness but a woman is hardwired to want the strongest man possible.
It's only biology.
I use to get angry at this, but then I accepted it as the way things are. At least she is being honest.
Though I wonder if this is some guy who wrote it.
Women have turned into niggers.
I believe it
Well I bet it weighed more at least
>new thing
lol this has been going on since always
wtf? she is not even sexy or cute
That's how Amazon got so popular. Morons buying dildos for camwhores.
Every UPS truck you see has at least a dozen dildos in it.
Necessary evil.
Also as old Estonian saying goes: Man is the head, woman is neck.
You are a very unfortunate being if your mother did not teach this to you.
Good looks -> good health -> good genes.
Whore part is nature too, btw.
>being someones debt slave ever
i tell women that i will kill them if they ever try this shit.
The next mass shooter right there
Ruin this whores life 2017
If someone makes this right i will give them a a amazon giftcard.
The more justice she has served against her, the bigger the reward for for the user who serves justice against her.
Minimum will be $10
If you doxx her it will be greatly more
idk i feel like its fair in a way, but instead of inward disgust, i think overtly telling ugly men to gtfo is more productive than having to go through the state to punish them. its not fair to make men rot in prison for doing what is genetically encoded into them.
Behold ... Kek will reward anyone who teaches this whore a lesson.
And i will give you a giftcard as its an apt reward for this whore as she seems to get a lot of them
oh fucgg do you think they knew what they were doing? i bet the people who run the site are a bunch of anorexic stacies kekkk
I think they're normal people who are incentivized by our horrible Women's Lib influenced justice system to fuck over men
>dat tight tummy on the right
It's almost like there was some kind of economic catastrophe that resulted in increased taxes and reduced birth rates.
> Literally only told Police the truth to quell her own feelings of guilt
Jew? Hope not.
Holy fuck that's funny.
How do you reply on here?
Reason #911340238018380491245973235 to never get married
Proud self-interested neoliberals, hungering for black cock, money and showing that the system works.
Greed is good - keep it up ladies.
>Mr Clover
I hope she got an A.
my wife makes more money than I do and she works as a senior advisor to the Trump admin
have a bunch of kids and she takes me to cool conferences in dope places
most women I've met are terrible though. I lucked out.
>Thread theme
>be overweight but lost a lot of weight
>have a good job
>make good money
>have cars, houses, etc
>have asperger's
>can't even get my high school crush from 10 years ago to date me even though she's fat now and has two kids including a half black and she's broke
>so repulsive that she's been with every man in town but she won't even date me
>other women just give me harsh looks
>tried online dating; not even the ugly chicks respond to my messages
>or the old chicks
>can't go to bars and stuff because i get nervous
>have all this shit to myself with nobody to share it with
>even let women know I have money and shit and they still won't be with me
>I can't even attract a gold digger
What is this?
You've failed as a man if you are that desperate.
>tfw fit and tall but balding
Fuck genetics, man
Go to Africa or the Philippines
Quit internet and porn
Go to /fit/ if you can't quit Sup Forums
>dat joocy fupa on the left
Talked to a VZ chick on chatroulette the other night. Looked like pic related. Absolute knockout with unreal tits and super nice. Of course I had to ask her if they ate dogs and if white collar people were whoring themselves over there like the news claims. She just laughed and said no, and that "Venezuelan's aren't that easy!" but that she was going to Peru.
Get a house in thailand and breed a thai woman
Just go out partying. Have a good time and spend money. When they come around be friendly but clearly not interested. Like blow them off. It will drive them crazy and they’ll want to fuck.
hahah! He does look like a numale, why does their foreheads always seem to take over their faces??
>spic trash are communist who all wants gibsmedat so they end up eating rats and each other then rioting for more gibs
>how brave they are rioting because the communist government they elected doesn't work :^)
that image is such a fucking joke and you're a low iq retard for saving it.
Alfa semen collectors. Thats all they are. You deserve to be schemed by them if you don't want to open your eyes to this truth.
No, I'm just here to fuel my hate for humanity as a whole. It just gets me motivated.
>blax aren't hooman
>spix aren't hooman
>wimminz aren't hooman
>chinx aren't hooman
>nobuddi but us whyatt malez iz hooman
It's amazing just how head-fucked you people are....