Even the most right wing magazine in Brazil fears bolsonaro to win
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I pray he wins. He'd easily become the most right wing leader in the world.
Is this guy going to MBGFO?
>The magazine supports free market economy, more toughness on crime and the promotion of individual liberty. Well-known contributors to the magazine include Reinaldo Azevedo, Stephen Kanitz (Jew) and Lya Luft.
user, this is a neocon magazine.
Isn't Bolsonaro a neocuckservative and an israhell friend?
Someone explain to me just how right wing he is.
this, literally trump
Literally Hitler. He wants to round up the kikes and gas them. He wants to ethnically cleanse Brazil.
Isreal is irrelevant to Brazilian politics. The only reason he visited Israel was to understand how they run agriculture in the middle of a desert in order to implement the same tech in Northern Brazil.
He is far more conservative than Trump is.
he is /ourguy/ pol
He threatened to hit a feminist politician in front of the media.
He has my vote.
É melhor Jair se acostumando
I fucking hope so. He looks like a nice guy.
Does anyone have his profile?
He is
>pro guns
>pro free market
>pro low taxes
>pro closed borders
>pro american federatism system
>pro spanking for educate kids
>anti feminist
>anti gay indoctrination at schools
>anti gay marriage
>anti abortion
>anti human rights
>anti racial/gender quotas
He is like Trump in a lot of ways, but far more conservative in the social/cultural line.
The big downside he has for me is that he never had a successful career in the private sector.
> Ex-military from the Military Dictatorship
> Anti-immigration(Brazil is receiving thousands of Haitians and other Latin Americans)
> Openly against the gay agenda/movement
> Pro-gun
> Very politically incorrect
So a paleo-conservative with some Sup Forums mixed in?
I think he is full Sup Forums
>pro Israel
> he is literally Sup Forums
Except the racial realism part.
Military dictatorship praiser level of right-wing.
I don't think he is very bright and intelligent, but I agree with him a lot of things, not in his Israeli stance of course. I also fear that he doesn't have a general plan for governing this nation.
Will still vote for him.
>right wing
fthere's no right wing media or party in Brazil, it's all more or less leftist. The people itself is right wing.
A bigly more right-wing than Trump
How big are his chances of winning?
Yep, the MSM is pressuring him hard to be PC but he doesnt stop with hilarious Sup Forums aproved speeches
Brazilian steakhouses are pretty nice. They have a lot of gay pride parades though right?
He is blue pilled in race realism and in Israel.
Thankfully he is full anti-faggot, full hardline on criminals, full anti-feminism and leftist commies.
He just needed to be more bright in economics and business.
It's either him, Doria or Lula.
I would bet in Bolsonaro victory.
You know that Veja is a jewish magazine right OP?
Even if he lurks Sup Forums no politician can be race realist in 2017, in 30 years maybe
Any way that the brazillians here nave a way of contacting him? If a brazil user is close to this guy somehow, drop redpills on him and tell him to only use Israel for their farming techniques and nothing more than that.
Bonus points if you get him to name drop the JQ
It's big.
Right now he is travelling through the country and hundreds of people show up to the airports to support him.
It's like that every single time he shows up in an airport, and the media is hiding it.
No politician can ever save Brazil. The nation has too much nigger blood in it.
If he wins then someone will kill him
Really, why would Brazil cut off a potential partner? Israel doesn't get brazilian aid and has no reason to mess with brazilian internal politics. You're thinking of american and ex-USSR jews.
If anything, like you said, exploit their tecnological advantage.
Nationalists on Brazil on twitter are using Israel flag, I don't get it at all
I don't think Bolsonaro can be worked to take the jew redpill, I just want him to purge criminals and leftists, that would be enough for me
I don't think he can make Brazil great, but at least he can purge the reds and their filth, thats all I want, Brazil will become much more convoluted than america is right now if Bolsonaro wins
It will be fucking glorious
Bolsonaro has a high chance of being offed or bamboozled by the gov, the place is literally FILLED to the brim with corrupt bastards, even if he is elected they will do EVERYTHING possible to not let his wishes come true.
Kinda like what the gov does to Trump constantly getting in his way, but imagine that two/three times worse.
unfortunately you are underestimating the northeast votes, user.
Race realism was only a possibility here if Hitler won his war. Probably won't happen in the next hundred years.
Literally Sup Forumsack
>mfw no face will be able to bear arms and shoot thiefs
Also, he wants to change self defense laws to somewhat close to the american ones (the red states), fellow /br/o
>Extremist ideas.
>Insulting speech.
Ah, fuck off. Our 'right wing' media is garbage all the same.
Fair enough
What the fuck I'm Bolsonaro now
Btw, Abril (Veja publisher) is preparing a HUGE layoff. Stay tuned for Bolsonaro's Curse.
The biggest ones in the world.
Veja is literally the only right wing media in the country and they are full globalist neocuckservatives.
They will go hard on Bolsonaro, PT is not doing that good around HERE.
Only university faggots are shilling for him. Don't fear the nordestino.
Hope the spirit of coronel Ustra comes back to torture the red fags forever
show the cucks in europe how its done brazil
I hope so, user.
Can you guys imagine what will be of our country if Lula wins?
Jesus Christ, we must not let that happen.
I'm still waiting for a military intervention though, that will be better than Bolsonaro.
I fear for it, but think about it, if Lula wins, the entire right will have 4 years to cook their revenge and unity, it's not all lost bro, we are at the breakpoint of a paradigm shift. Leftists are going to get fucked in the entire world real soon
By now he is in Marine le Pen-tier. We must start meme magic now to put him there.
Of course, we have (((electronic ballots))) from ((((((smartmatic))))))
Stupid question, do you think the gays/lesbians in Brazil will vote Bolsonaro to win
Whats their take about him?
Nothing short of an ethnic clensing will save Brazil, all ethnic europeans need to get the fuck out of there.
The military created no ideological content to push to the masses. They didn't engaged in ideological synthesis during the struggle against communism, they only suppressed them by torturing them and beating the shit out of them. Thats not enough. Look were we are now.
No they won't, Bolsonaro is really an anti-faggot extremist
Who cares about their votes, they are a minority, it's the brainwashed youth on colleges that makes me afraid
>if Lula wins, the entire right will have 4 years to cook their revenge and unity
hahahahahaha, either it's full civil war in the first month or you can just flee this shithole
He is a rational centrist, sucker for dont tread on me. Also, he is very fan of EUA and all things burgers do in politics and justice.
But brazil is full of commies, so they tell us he is NAZI AND EXTREMIST of ultra right. But all he want to do is, keep criminals in jail, stop corruption and solve the 70 000 homicides we have per year.
They made a lot of mistakes, but still better than a democracy.
If the elections aren't rigged he's almost sure to win. The other candidate (Lula) can be in jail by the itme of the elections.
He goes to Israel to learn about new-tech they use, like those machines that desalinate sea-water.
Also he wants to BTFO "natives" who are sitting right now on top of a huge graphene reserves. Reason is that they aren't natives at all, just a bunch of people that UN puts there and say "Now you can't mine this region". It can be worth billions but we have some kikes taking it for almost free.
Lula won't run or win
> Centrist
If Bolsonaro is a centrist, then Trump is literally Karl Marx.
Hes the most memeable candidate,if we gather some meme energy and spread propaganda it migth work,he wants to implement the Death Penalty so that will get a lot of normies on his side
Not hating on them, just lacking a major flaw on their plan. They lacked synthesis of an ideology to turn the masses against the reds.
restoration of monarch when? :D
You have to free com kike chains and see politics for what they really are.
If someone want to make rapist get out of jail, theyre not LEFT wing, they are sick people. Keeping pedos in the jail is not right wing thing, its rational thing.
So, a more extreme version of Trump.
The pendulum sure is swinging hard in the world.
He is meme-tier
Sup Forums bros, we have to channel meme magic to bolsomito.
The meme pages from brazil dont have the kike view, they are blupilled.
We see the truth, we need to make videos tributes to bolsonaro, like burgues did to Trump in that channel of God imperator.
look at that photo, how can you not love the guy
Literally what brasil need to fix their shit, he is perfect
Yet college commies will vote against him because MUH RITE WING and then they get stabbed and shot by a random nig on the street
Come on anons, you are quite bluepilled about this Veja isn't the "only right right media", there is literally no right wing on mainstream media.
Right wing "media" is just the smaller channels on youtube like Terça Livre / Nando Moura / Casando o Verbo or individual pages on facebook.
Even the youtube "Liberals" like Mamãefalei / MBL can't be considered "right" because all they do is pretend they bash the left but support Dória which is a closet socialist.
Even the Ancap kid from youtube (Idéias Radicais) supports Dória. Claims to be Ancap but supports the guy that wants to create taxes for Netflix and Spotify, KEK
>Veja isn't the "only right wing media"
Brasil is way too far to even care about that on the fedeeal level
If you want to care about that, do that on state level with his pro-federalisation
>Who cares about their votes, they are a minority,
There's a huge gay/lesbian community growing in Brazil right now that will play a role of this years election my friend. If I'm Bolosaro I would be very worried on how the gay community voting will take.
whats his position on the idea of a imperial restoration?
I lived in brazil for a while and I can tell you that man will make brazil better.
Exactly, the military dictatorship cultural heritage ended up being no functional right wing parties. Every politician elected since then was from the left opposition, some full blown communists, like the whole Workers Party leadership, most left the communist party (PCdoB) to have a chance at being elected.
It's just common leftists fagging themselves because the college told the girls to suck pussy and the weakling guys to suck dick and have anal sex with other dudes.
Those votes from the growing faggot numbers would have been leftists anyway
How the fuck is that shilling?
He is referring to tech and anti-corruption laws, that was the whole point of his visit.
macri 2.0, another corporate jew that will fuck the poor in the ass
NIGGER this isnt interesting
true that
God I hope I'll live to see the day.
He is nothing like Macri.
Don't go around tossing your opinions if you don't know what you are talking about.
>hat will fuck the poor in the ass
Can some brazilians tell me if white people have any ethnic identity at all in Brazil? I mean surely amongst the brown hoards you must feel a little special.
Don't know about where you guys live but here in ES I see more and more fags each day. Fags and dragqueens. It's disgraceful. It's epidemic, really.
He likes the idea, you won't see him talking about it on interviews, but he already participated in some events where members of the imperial family were giving speeches.
Every now and then he takes photos with people from the monarchist movement.
Nope. Brazil is race blind, user.
The population here doesn't pretend to be race blind, it ACTUALLY is.