Why hasn't Trump destroyed this faggot yet?
SNL nigger calls Trump a racial slur
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Because no one watches SNL
Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. All this shit does is reenforce opinions of the blind lemmings who already fell for the liberal bs. Those people are already lost. I've tried to have reasonable conversations with those types of people - its useless. The videos you see online of crazy libz are not an exaggeration.
Do you personally know anyone who watches SNL regularly? When I was a kid in the 90's, it was a family affair. People would invite their friends over, try to shove the young kids off in another room and have a good time.
I watched probably two or three times in the last three years. It's not even comedy at this point.
I love the term cracker. Comes from "whip-cracker". Nigs will always have a slave mindset.
SNL has never been funny. And I hate that smug niggers face 2bh
I have never seen cracker as a bad word. It means you whipped people that you owned. It means you were rich enough to own people. How is the an insult?
Whoa wtf I'm with her now! SNL is so cool reason #1 why their ratings are at an all time high!
What an ugly no name human being?
The president already sent aid and visited the families of Puerto Rico?
And How the hell can people say with a straight face that Houston and Florida are majority white areas!
The jew that passed this slave the lines cannot meme.
I can't think of anyone under the age of 30 that does
literally who ?
it isnt a racial slur if it's aimed at whiteys though, so check yoself fool
I kid you not, I just heard a bunch of shots (typical). Probably at least one person has died just 1 minute ago less than 10 miles away from me. That's just how big of a shithole this island is. And it's not because of the evil gringos (they're only 20% at fault for playing with our economy), it's because of the shitty culture we have developed which correlates with our average IQ of 80 something.
Whip it.
save your energy. Trump is going to go ahead and use all of the infrastructure Obama and Bush laid, but for the exact reason they envisioned it. People are going to get packed into FEMA camps.
yeah you guys really shouldn’t be getting so much help nor be considered americans.
it’s disgusting. can you nigger hybrids get your shit together and sort yourselves out
Being a white male from Florida cracker is a compliment.
SNL isn't funny.
Put the nigger in the pastebin file of traitors.
One of their great problems...their slurs of whites are meaningless/comical, and the slurs for them cause thermonuclear reactions.
10+ years ago i knew tons of people who watched SNL and now i literally couldnt name one person that watches it
The Che used to hate the negros
>a literally who-tier comedian said mean things about Donald Trump!
Whoa stop the fucking presses. This only happens literally every single day.
I fondly remember SNL from the early-mid 90s.
Im totally behind hanging nigs and jew professors
long overdue
hang fed people
and 5 supremes that llowed obamacare
>president of the United States of America
>nigger hosting a dying cable TV show
He's so far below Trump he probably doesn't even know he said it.
SNL was never as good as MADtv
We could, but I think it would require a cultural revolution or something. We really need to abandon our bad customs and attitudes. To be honest the only viable solution I see for this island is to be replaced by whites with money that love the climate and beaches. If wealthy Americans invested and lived here they could make the place uninhabitable for poorfags.
Why is it whenever these faggots throw a temper tantrum, these articles say shit like "unload" or "slay" but when Trump calls people on their bullshit, it's "lashing out?"
Nobody watches SNL anymore.
I literally haven't watched SNL in 20 years. Who gives a single fuck about that show?
yeah. I keep forgetting they exist except when Sup Forums brings them up.
More gems
>ape hired for job that's main task is reading aloud on camera
actually limitless comedic potential
>Watching Saturday Night Propaganda in the year of our lord 2017
My family used to watch this shit every Saturday night in the 90's, no one watches it anymore.
Liberals normalizing racism.... good. That was easy.
Next up for the Curse. Cap this.
I like how they pretend to give a fuxk about pr after their nfl narrative got btfo
Please, they've been shitting on Trump as hard as anyone else since last year. It got to the point that if SNL ran 14 skits 10 of them were anti-Trump bits.
I had people who watched this show religiously for years tell me they were sick of the shit.
What is Che short for
There is a lot to unpack here, but basically when this guy says 'cracker', in his heart he means exactly what 'racists' mean when they say 'nigger'... but he's not a racist because he's black.
While there has been an ongoing hypocrisy this is kind of crystallizing.
It is now not only ok to hate you, cracker. It's ok to call you a cracker bitch as whiteboy on Saturday Night Live. Not the president... YOU. You reading this. You can't even refer to someone from Mexico as Mexican because it's racist but all non-whites think you're a cracker ass bitch... pretty much because you let Niggers let them call you a cracker but are ok with being blackballed if you use the word 'um.... the black guy in the brown shirt over there?' or referring to people from Mexico as Mexicans.
SNL is cancer and has been for 25 years.
At this point it's bordering on subversion and I think we need harsher laws regarding our media. Their broadcast license should be revoked.
only niggers and women care about semantics
cry more fuqbois
Fuck this shit-skinned planet of the apes looking nigger.
Fuck this shit-skinned planet of the apes looking nigger.
Fuck this shit-skinned planet of the apes looking nigger.
Come to Canada and say that to my face nigger, we have laws against that sort of evil discrimination.
And nobody cares what niggers flap their lips about.