need a fully automatic weapon?
Why does anyone
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To kill a lot of people really fast
To provide supressive fire while waiting for artillery backup
I'm too lazy to pull the trigger, I want my gun to do it for me
Bill of rights, not bill of needs.
Why does anyone need privacy online?
Why does anyone need a vehicle that goes way over the speed limit?
Why does anyone need super fatty or salty junk food?
To be formidible to the government who might think they can infringe on our rights. Period, that's the only reason.
Its almost like this gun is fit for the military but not civcucks
>apples and bazookas g0y
It's effective.
every able bodied man is part of the militia so that """argument""" is null and void
Because it is guaranteed by the 2nd.
The reason the constitution even has the second amendment is to ensure the civilian population can form an army if needed, thats its explicitly stated purpose.
Im against hunting, and while a gun can be good for self defense you need to do lots of training with it, and thats more for handguns. A rifles main purpose according to the constitution is shooting people.
Because fuck you, that's why.
To defend against traitors and enemies. Quite literally, to kill people.
Pic related
To prevent people like this from coming into power.
What do you think pol? Are these the death machines you'd ban?
>able bodied man
So can I ban it for females and old people?
to defend against muslim invaders like you, ahmed of londonistan
then where are the tanks and fighter jets.
>people pretending to be Yuropoors can't read
Do you know the difference between Rights, and Needs?
This too. Where are the private killing drones?
Why are you against hunting in general? I'm against trophy hunting, but hunting is essential for my family. Poor fag here.
For the goddamned EMU army!
You can own a tank you fucking moron
You can own fighter planes you fucking moron
neck yourself, retard
To shoot bullets fast without releasing the trigger. Are you retarded?
With the amount of migrants coming into the E.U., we would highly recommend getting some.
For when you have a lot of government agents you need to kill because they are trying to strip people of their right to free speech.
For suppressive fire.
In the United States, the citizenry is the military (militia).
How many fucking threads is your little pussy ass gonna make?
Most people don't 'have' a fully automatic weapon legally. A bump stock does not make a weapon automatic. Furthermore, an automatic doesnt help much at the ranges he was shooting at.
In the hands of tyrants is where :^)
Though you can legally own those if you have enough money. Also state national guards do have that sort of thing as well. The militia in the US is multi-layered, there are organized militia and reserve militia. Think of the home of every able bodied combatant (who by law is in the reserve militia) as a mini-armory for the militia, nice and dispersed around the entire country. The more expensive stuff stays more localized but in a militia everyone traditionally brings their own personal weapon, there you have it, the reason for the second.
> Why does anyone need a fully automatic weapon?
> Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon?
> Why does anyone need a bolt action weapon?
> Why does anyone need a weapon?
> wtf how did I get into a concentration camp
I think you guys might be confusing a militia with an army. You do know what a militia is right?
it's almost as if it's for civies who want to fight off the military should their government decide to be faggots
They are expensive to begin with so the 400 tax stamp doesn't really bother the people that can afford them.
Your arguments are bad and you should feel bad. Sadly much like niggers are incapable of empathy leafs are incapable of quality posting or arguments. Enjoy your faggy maple scented Castro faggot.
It's my God given right to protect myself, my family, and my country (what's left of it).
At that point is the gun shooting people?
My eFbeeEye "Uncle" told me that sweeping federal legislation is coming. They are going to implement a mandatory yearly registration for all firearms like vehicles. They are going to tax you for each firearm you own. Ammunition will be HEAVILY taxed at point of sale. He says he has heard that AR type rifles will cost about $1k ea for yearly registration.
When the automobile came along certain speeds were just too fast for human reaction times. We had to designate regulate and strickly prohibit when and where these speeds were allowed. Each bullet is a commitment yet the human mind cannot keep up with the repeditive decision being made my a mechanized device. If you pray and spray you risk injuring unintended targets. Similar to why humans are heavily regulated for the use of explosives, diseases and harsh chemicals. Take a look at the people you meet everyday. Do you want them to have this kind of power. To be responsible for decisions beyond human capability to register. Or would you prefer freeways not run in front of elementary schools?
>why full auto
2nd kind of cool.
efficient and potentially precise self-defense against multiple antagonists
Don't be surprised, most people still think that fully automatic weapons and suppressors are illegal.
There is literally no law against buying tanks or fighter jets, they just happen to cost millions of dollars.
Nobody does
Ban trigger cranks and bump stocks
See if I give a shit
Obviously the 2nd ammendment only applies to hunting and if you don't agree you're a racist sexist bigot.
I don't NEED a TV either. Why do I have to justify myself to you, faggot?
Because conservatives are fucking idiots who have no idea how to problem solve. Instead of fixing the problem (a government they can't trust), they'd rather hang onto guns and shoot our children while they wait for the hypothetical shit to hit the fan.
>"I need it for protection from the people I keep voting into office!"
Fucking idiots.
kek, they can try. I'll enjoy sticking a knife in Paul Ryan's belly before we hoist him up by a lamppost.
Suppressing fire against enemy movement on your position.
But EU faggots wouldn't understand man shit.
cause ya ain't men
So that someone could shoot down on a crowd of people from a elevated location to maximize casualties
ding ding ding ding ding
Allowing actions only after a "need" (to be judged by the state, of course) is the equivalent of slavery.
Yeah, how sportsmanlike. You need a cannon to kill a small pig.
funny, I am not aware of any Bill of Needs
Yeah well the state is currently telling you that you don't "need" healthcare so...
Lol yeah ok faggot
There is no such fucking thing as a government you can trust. That's why Sweden is now leading the world in hand grenade attacks, and Germany will be facing civil war before 2020.
ALL government is inherently corrupt and sociopathic, your ONLY option is to minimize its size, and maximize your ability to resist it.
No, cringelord, they're telling YOU that you don't "need" to STEAL from me to pay for your own fucking health insurance.
And guess what? They're right. You don't. You get fucking nothing, you loathsome criminal, and you deserve nothing except what you can earn.
There is no inherent speed limit on a car, you can drive as fast as you want on your own land, and on public roads each road is assigned a limit, its not something inherent to the car, that limit only applies when using that road.
Likewise certain public buildings like say, a court house, might say "you cant bring weapons in here".
hey!1 :3 new guy chiming in here. so, are you fucking retarded?
It is almost like that, but a eurocuck that has never even touched a gun wouldn't know about that now would they ?
You are stealing from that user by propping up the system that is charging double what any other country pays by refusing to enter collective bargaining with him against the corruption or collusion in the health industry. Either allow this to happen, or pick up the slack because its your fault he cant afford it to start with.
"Uncle" says it will accomplish 2 things. Poor fags will not be able to afford yearly reg thus forced to sale. And will deter people from amassing a huge cashe of firearms. Don't kill the messenger, poor rag here who loves 2nd A
Invasive species that needs to be removed, no need for anything sportsman.
People shoot them from helicopters.
>minimize its size, and maximize your ability to resist it.
For funs
And you'll notice how every conservative thats screeching about having to pay for healthcare, NEVER brings up WHY we're paying more than any other country on Earth for the same services and supplies. Why are you paying a hospital $450 for a saline pack that cost them $5?
Why are you flying to other countries for surgical procedures instead of getting them done in the states?
>because its cheaper there
And no one EVER stops to ask WHY its cheaper there. They just keep throwing more money at hospitals and Medicaid, trying to cover all the costs instead of wondering WHY the fucking costs are so "unaffordable" in the first place.
>need a fully automatic weapon?
Nah not for practical use. Three confirmed hajis wasted in the kandahar shitshow here with a C7A2, never more than single shot (or 2). Suppressing fire was the only use for auto. I'd rather point and shoot than spray and pray like a nigger. Not to say the full-auto is not needed, it's great for keeping cunts heads down. If burgers think they need it, why not? The last of the US white bros might just save us all.
Didn't realize you're so shit at shooting, you need guns that require literally no aim. In any other context, I'd tell you to "git gud" but you use crowds of protesters as target practice so I'll just say that you missed the point entirely.
Getting tired of these fucking threads.
>Its almost like this gun is fit for the military
that exactly why civilians should have it you dumb fucking cuckold. or do you want DRUMPFT to be able to throw all of your boyfriends off rooftops?
yep control is important - spray and pray is for video games - in real situation each shot should count.
Now imagine how comforting that is to the parents who lost their children at Sandy Hook, or the parents of the Columbine victims.
"Your son is dead, but don't worry. My paranoid delusion of a 1984 fascist dictator state is more important so get over it. Thoughts and prayers though!"
None of your business faggot.
I've seen too much stuff on pol end up on the news. For every answer you give these shill, bait threads, you end up giving them evidence to use later to change the narrative . They can't think for themselves, they rely on us to do it for them. They have no common sense they just buy it. Stop giving them shit to use against us, Trump troll the shit out of them. Let them eat cake! They will expose themselves because they are the truly stupid ones.
Its not for sport. Its for culling.
Why do Eurocucks have to bitch about this stuff?
It doesn't effect you in the slightest, just, go bin that knife, and turn yourself in for being white.
You seem to be forgetting that the mass shooters you so fear are either blacks or democrats.
None of your fucking business is why I need it. Fortunately unlike you I was born a free man.
Because yo mamma so fat at least 100 of dem bullets would wouldn't reach anything vital
>Instead of fixing the problem (a government they can't trust)
And just how can you trust government? By listening to the media?
If our government's soldiers were armed with six shooters and muskets we wouldn't need this shit in the event we should need to take arms against them.
Good points
I miss a lot of times, that's why I use full auto.
How the fuck am I stealing from you, when my own fucking taxes are being paid into the same system yours are?
[spoiler]if ANYONE holds a job in this state, legal citizen or illegal immigrant, taxes are being withheld from their paychecks before they even get them JUST LIKE YOURS[/spoiler]
Or did you want me to just GIVE you my tax dollars free of charge and shut up? Because I've got bad news for you friend.
That is literally stealing.
Fuck off, you aren't free or white.
You're a faggot. Their kids died because Bill Clinton passed in the whole gun free zones act a long time before hand, also those kids went though a lot of BS before they snapped and if parents taught their kids not to be complete pieces of shit maybe columbine wouldn't have happened. Dylan and Eric were treated like shit for years, you don't just start planing an atttack like that for no reason.
yeah just look at how fucking dark this niggers skin is. my god, hes practically a nigerian!
They're retarded asshats having fun killing things with big guns. If there was a population problem affecting other habitats throughout the region then I have no problem with them curbing it. Provide the meat to local shelters.
He was a registered democrat voter. Way to show you can't read, fucking shill
>By listening to the media?
Why continue supporting a source that you can't trust either? Even if you're shitposting in the comments about how much you hate the article, its still counting as a "click" or a "page view". Again, you're trying to address the symptom while ignoring the cause entirely.
Why does anyone NEED anything above 10 Mbps internet speeds? Why does anyone NEED more than 2000 calories a day food intake? Why does anyone NEED more than two changes of clothes? Why does anyone NEED a motor vehicle?
Why do you NEED to be a creepy stalker trying to find out what I own? Why do you NEED to be a sorry piece of shit?
None of your goddamn business, faggot.
I have comolete trust in our men and women in because I dontblivr in a low-trust shithole
>need a fully automatic weapon?
Americans keep killing white people
Can citizens buy, krep and bear c4 with no license?
female detected
You ever been wild boar hunting? sometimes they come en masse. It's like some lord of the rings shit. You kill one five more pop up. Automatics are the only possible defense against the boar horde.