>"I need mah ay ar fifteen to protect me from da gubmint".
*gets drone striked*
"I need mah ay ar fifteen to protect me from da gubmint"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Someone STILL hasn't seen the pasta
lurk more faggot.
as much as i love guns, that meme is actually very accurate, although the average burger probably thinks "Pot" is weed, and not a man who looked good in rouge
why cant we ban this thread?
Nigger, we literally have commie hordes attacking right wing speaking events with actual violence and their overlords are demanding we ban the sale of all semi-auto weapons. Aside from the person in the cartoon being overweight and the implication that he's a paranoid crazy person, iId say his concerns are legitimate at this juncture you commie nigger faggot.
newfag pls????????????????????????????????????????????????
Lmao you mean the one saying a tank can't roll down the street and crowd control? Nigger that's what tanks are for. It's a retarded pasta written by somebody who hasn't stepped within five miles of a militiary base.
gets niggers
rice farmers
your mother is a tank
read this you spineless cunt:
Lol silly liberal faggots.
>Secret Service not exiting politicians from cars only within caparks and sheltered areas in an unstable situation
>FBI not conducting forensics on explosive materials to trace the source of the dynamite and reviewing the cam footage of explosive theft because explosives are a regulated substance
>any important federal building is a fortress with armed guards and checks
>traffic cameras and satellite can track you car anywhere that isn't underground
>fast response SWAT units, so unless it's a thirty second shooter they aren't getting out in time
>you cannot win a rebellion without taking ground, which is hard when rebels can't even convene
>also secret service protects immediate family of politicians
You mean practical and actually informed about the subject. Arming the civilian population only serves to cause chaos and instability. This is the sole deterrent effect of arming civilians. That they'll fuck everything up so bad the government will do what they say. It's like the population holding a knife to itself and threatening to stab itself if the government doesn't comply.
>be american
>muh conceal carry colt 1911 will protect me from criminals
>get shot in the head from hotel room 600 yards away
also this
and let's not forget this
get a life, bin that spoon
This retarded post again
>jets, planes, tanks cannot control an entire country
No, they just give the government aerial superiority and armored divisions
>tanks cannot enforce no assembly edicts
LOL. See Tiananmen Square, Soviet dispersion of eastern European separatist movements
>these weapons are for glassing large areas
What? Precision guided munitions have accuracies within a one meter diameter circle.
>police outnumbered by civilians means they'd lose
Not if they have the benefit of air strikes, wiretapping and about a hundred other things. Force multipliers.
>US insurgency
This is the most retarded part. Insurgencies exist, none of them successful. Al Qaeda, the old Iraqi government, et cetera.
>reposting things because you have no knowledge of the subject and can only regurgitate
fucking this.
That's why we need to be able to carry rifles wherever we go.
We're going to get a new law for that soon.
Can't drone strike me if I'm mobile and untraceable, faggot.
>as much as i
stop right there, shill kike
They can sure drop a nuke on whatever country you live in, then your fucking dead idiot
I'll nuke your moms ass you retarded 12 year old
For fucking real.
>assuming SS, FBI, and Swat are filled with nothing but loyal people
"The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful
defense; it is the substitution of collective for individual
forces, for the purpose of acting in the sphere in which
they have a right to act, of doing what they have a right
to do, to secure persons, liberties, and properties, and to
maintain each in its right, so as to cause justice to reign
over all.
And if a people established upon this basis were to
exist, it seems to me that order would prevail among them
in their acts as well as in their ideas. It seems to me that
such a people would have the most simple, the most eco-
nomical, the least oppressive, the least to be felt, the most
restrained, the most just, and, consequently, the most sta-
ble Government that could be imagined, whatever its
political form might be"
FYI, we have the 9th oldest government in the world that managed to survive a civil war
>The US government can easily destroy a bunch of untrained rural reta-
> >144219134 (9vroBG55)
Usually you want to select the right memeflag in order to get the most out of your bait posts. The UN or EU flag would probably be good choices for you, but the dixie flag just makes you look like more of a retard than you already sound.
It defeats conservatives and gun stance in punch. A tank, jet, or nuke can kill any resistance in one fell swoop.
Billions spent trying to conquer Afghanistan and it hasn't happened. IEDs and small arms are more effective than all the might the US can muster.
>not owning drones
They are protected by the 2nd amendment too you know.
Ever heard of the viet cong?
So your argument is that the government is capable of murdering it's own citizens therefore those citizens shouldn't have guns. Is that right? Because that is the single dumbest argument against guns I've ever seen.
yeah keep portraying us as fat red necks..
all the way until you get b t f o
Because then this place is no better than Reddit.
>burger gets into QCQ without his gun
>gets shit beat out of him because americans are pussies without their guns
> 1 post by this ID
I'll still bite. Remember when the right said legalizing gay marriage was a slippery slope, and now kids can choose their gender?
How many drone strikes would be necessary for 100 million gun owning patriots? About how long until UN and foreign adversaries take notice?
>A tank, jet, or nuke can kill any resistance in one fell swoop.
Just like vietnam and afghanistan right?
I refuse to believe your speaking in good faith, and really are just this fucking stupid.
Liberals do exactly that with their calls for gun control.
>"jets, planes, tanks cannot control an entire country"
>No, they just give the government aerial superiority and armored divisions
>"tanks cannot enforce no assembly edicts"
>LOL. See Tiananmen Square, Soviet dispersion of eastern European separatist movements
Tiananmen square was against UNARMED citizens and remains a thorn in the Chinese government's side despite its best efforts to erase it. Tanks did a lot of good for the Commies in the velvet revolution (even though they -again- unarmed citizens)
And I guarantee if shit ever pops off for real, ever community in the US with a Vietnamese population are going to have old gooks come out of the woodwork.
>I used to fight GI but I got out with my family in '74 and resettled in Texas. Let me show you how we did it.
>This is the most retarded part. Insurgencies exist, none of them successful. Al Qaeda, the old Iraqi government, et cetera.
The viet cong. When are we going to win those wars in the middle east? Afterall we have tanks and drones.
>"these weapons are for glassing large areas"
>What? Precision guided munitions have accuracies within a one meter diameter circle.
The only thing smart bombs are good for is hitting a small target. That doesn't mean they don't still make a massive explosion and every media outlet loves to make stories about the poor civilians who get caught in these airstrikes. Even if the media is suppressed, it'll still be a propaganda win for an insurgency over the hearts of the civilians.
>"police outnumbered by civilians means they'd lose"
>Not if they have the benefit of air strikes, wiretapping and about a hundred other things. Force multipliers.
How'd that go in Ukraine?
>Argument for gun control is defense of the idea of the state murdering it's own citizens with drones.
You literally are one step from Stalin.
>be american
>own ayr fifteen
>get nuked
Republicans do exactly that with their calls to ban healthcare (and marijuana, abortion, immigrants, Medicare, social security, food stamps, etc.).
Why should anyone anywhere have any weapons besides nukes, right? Everything else is impotent.
If he's in a country outside the Middle East/North Africa, that ain't happening. EVER. Seal Team Six, on the other hand...
>americans are pussies without their guns
Keep believing that.
unironically this, pic related
Did you ever pass elementary school?
Hmm. When are we going to abandon tanks and drones and win like the way they're winning against us?
>"US insurgency"
>This is the most retarded part. Insurgencies exist, none of them successful. Al Qaeda, the old Iraqi government, et cetera.
If you think insurgencies aren't usually successful, then you've been far too well indoctrinated.
Except, you're not indoctrinated. You're some poor autist with nothing better to do on a Thursday night than bait for (You)'s on Sup Forums. It's pretty sad, desu, but lucky for you I'm here to feed you those sweet little tidbits of attention so that your tiny, crumbling bit of self-worth and esteem doesn't yet get blown away with what remains of your desperate, unfortunate life.
You're welcome, user.
ugh you go to ryerson or uoft dont you you fucking faggot
No one should have acces to a communications device that allows them to spam a moronic message to 5 gorillion innocent recipients in a second.
imagine the middle east. but with millions more people. and more coordination and intelligence.
The military is never successful in any sort of situation where the enemy is embedded in a community of multiple demographics. Even more so when the battlefield is your home field.
Everyone is a drone. They would be happy to kill their fellow Americans. Use your brain friendo. You WANT that to be true
When you leave whites with no way out, the left's 'nothing more dangerous than a white male' meme comes true.
All the government oppression and military hardware in the world can't stop a single motivated individual from doing great harm.
gee whiz, all of those tactics sure are effective in the middle east.
Boy they sure helped in Vietnam!
Guerilla Warfare is most effective when the entire populace of the region is engaged in it.
the Government can't just bomb entire neighborhoods or they are left with nothing to govern.
Which is why every successful totalitarian regime first disarms the people, so that the jackboots have nothing to fear when they bust down a door.
Hell, why do you think England goes after you if you have so much as a butter knife?
because British police don't carry guns. Therefore, as far as de-escalation of arms go, if the POLICE can't have guns, then even a knife can't be allowed
The individual is supposed to be weak, but far from powerless. A single person has the potential to ruin the world
It's hard to shoot a drone out of the sky with a handgun. Rifles make it easier.
Democrats like to congregate in urban areas in large numbers like a herd. Shotguns or hunting rifles wouldn't suffice.
>Hell, why do you think England goes after you if you have so much as a butter knife?
This is a Sup Forums meme not real life
Yes you're pussies with your guns too.
I need more ammo for all them genders
>Lmao you mean the one saying a tank can't roll down the street and crowd control? Nigger that's what tanks are for.
yeah tanks are definitely equipped with 120mm cannons to shoot at loose crowds of people. kill yourself.
Agreed anyone attacking the right to own firearms of any make or caliber with so much political instability in the world is a fucking deluded moron who is brainwashed to the bone
2/10 shill
Where was the drone to stop Stephen Paddock?
>government is willing to drone strike their citizens
>none of them have guns
Good luck with that, too.