See, Sup Forums? All the skeletons are the same therefore we're all equal, you bigots.
See, Sup Forums? All the skeletons are the same therefore we're all equal, you bigots
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now show the skull shapes
Except skeletons do tell you the race and sex of the human
OP btfo
Where's that dumb looking nigger skull on the black skeleton?
Except that in reality, they’re not. Good job retard
This is just objectively wrong, though. When it comes to female pelvic shapes, for example, white women are generally of a shape conducive to childbearing, whereas black women are generally of a shape conducive to fast movement. There are instances of crossover in both races, but in general that holds true.
Additionally, go and look at a black person's skull compared to an Asian person's skull. They look almost grotesque in comparison.
amen bro
we're all spooks on the inside
>niggers have the same skeleton as whites
>womyn have the same skeleton as men
>Evolution by way of natural selection doesn't affect intelligence or cognitive abilities between disparate populations.
Alright then...
for anyone that doesn't know, forensic and physical anthropology is still red pilled. 60% of physical anthropologists say IQ is 50%+ genetic. Of that 60%, about 25% say it is 80%+ and 5% say it is 100%. Its the only field you can be red pilled on human biodiversity, at least compared to sociology or marxist shit.
Clowns and piles of fucking shit, every gaggeddamned one of those cringe worthy motherfuckers in that joke of a shit class. I believe every word that woman says. Hell look at anthropology pages just once on Jewbook. Every 2nd to 5th post is a mental reassuring propaganda copypasta about everyone being the same, and how together we are, and how dumb and trivial race is when it comes to humans being humans yes at the same time how very different and special and unique we all are as various peoples. They need the mental reassurance to continue buying the lie.
Anthropology is fuckin' joke, and the sons of whores that keep deluding themselves need to fuck right off to some little babby's basket-weaving degree where nothing is challenging, and stop enabling the complete denial of reality.
These people are an utter insult to reason and truth itself. They might as well be botanists that religiously deny grass is green stupidly, for as stuck up in the bullshit-bloated asshole of their own stupid delusions they are about human race in the study of ANTHROPOLOGY ffs.
>All the skeletons are the same
umm no, try again sweetie
I just love being a sexist bigot it gets me rock hard
except theyre not
How stupid
The DNA is different in important ways. It's very simple.
Childish leftist retards:
>Dog breeds exist
>Racehorses can be bred to get more likely racehorse offspring
>But human breeds don't exist. waycism.
then why faggots insist on being different???
kek, found my October wallpaper
Races have unique bone structures, especially in the skulls and hips.
Well, actual hard science is redpilled in principle.
Liberals are as big if not bigger science-deniers than christian fundamentalists.
Skeletons are not uniform.
Also like bone density vary between populations. Specialists are able to confirm things like ethnicity, gender, age and sometimes even wealth and diet on such small parts of a body like a jawbone alone.
Would've been a 10/10 reaction image if you made it say (You).