Think how uncucked France would be if he didn't try to conquer Europe

Think how uncucked France would be if he didn't try to conquer Europe

the french revolution then 1968 fucked them hard

There would never have been a Hitler if there had never been a Napoleon.

think how uncucked Europe would be if no dirty Chritianity

Thank napoleon/hre for crushing christianity.

Vive le Emperor!

Should have stuck to that damn peace treaty after Austerlitz. If he had done that we would have a based version of the E.U and whites would still dominate the world.

Think how non-existant USA would be without the French empire

Napoleon was a freemason dumbass

What? We got our independence years before Napoleon.
You really think you were capable of reconquering the USA? LOL. If you were than why didn't you do it after Napoleon's defeat

What the fuck was his deal anyway?
Did he just want to expand the frog empire or did he have some ideals/visions à la Hitler?

Actually the enlightenment period in France is what shaped American politics and independence. Elements of the Enlightenment are pretty clear in our constitution. Thomas Jefferson used Rosseau's social contract theory to justify his assertion for independence. Of course you don't know this because you're illiterate.

All he wanted to do was to rule Holland, But the bongs said NO!
Napoleon even offered Malta in exchange for Holland, but instill wasn't good enough

What the fuck does that have to do with Napoleon.
Napoleon wasn't the inventor of enlightment

First hopistals

First universities

First schools

Voluntary Intellectual and spiritual search for the truth

Conservative values

Mortality that is the basis of our legal system

Burned jews

As soon as Christianity gained hegemony over Europe: renaissance and enlightenment.

>muh just imagine Europe without Christianity.

What you mean is imagine Europe without communists and liberals

Evening gents

the American Revolution was a mistake desu we should've stayed under the Crown

>Napoleon even offered Malta in exchange for Holland


where would he stand in todays society?

Ok, I'll play your game,
What did he do, offer Malta to Naples?

well its far too late now

He's saying Napoleon helped shadow the enlightenment, retard.

>Imagine if the Revolution never happened.
>Imagine if the Reformation never happened.
>Imagine if the Enlightenment never happened.
>Imagine if the Jacobites captured London

World would be better.

I really want that flag banned so badly

Napoleon was a Godsend you get your dirty ass out of here

That is what I'm saying

Damn I totally read the post wrong my bad

If Napoleon didn't go attack Russia during fucking WINTER like a fucking moron (oh gee I wonder who also did that) history would've been completely different today.

It´s not how cocked you look, It´s how alpha you act in real life.
