Why are Americunt's shit at everything other than making whisky? Are they a nation of alcoholics?
Why are Americunt's shit at everything other than making whisky? Are they a nation of alcoholics?
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we are also good at making Tomahawk missiles and accusing Vladimir Putin of rigging the election with no evidence.
We are also good at manipulating dumb sheep with fake news from CNN
....Come on give us some credit
But the Germans invented missiles, and women invented lying; your only claim to fame is decent whiskey.
Scotch and Irish whiskey are dogshit.
Pretty good at shooting each other.
Chinese/Asians invented shooting eachother though.
But that's Bourbon...
KY is responsible for what you consider American whiskey. At least 70-80% of top shelf brands anyway. All within about 30 min. of each other. In between, thoroughbred horse farms. God’s country. Except Hopkinsville and parts of Louisville and Lexington.
we're also good at denying our idiot president hired the swamp when he said he would drain it hahah dumb libs XD
we still make the finest manufactured items it's just that governments are practically the only ones who can afford them
>wow trump didn't hire a bunch of penniless social workers like obama did
wew, also you're going to a fema camp for subversion soon
All bourbon is whiskey, not all whiskey is bourbon. How fucking old are you?
We are the best at every damn thing. What do you have UK? Pudding?
>erica shit at everything
>that flag
>inb4 le fucklands!!!
>why are burgers bad at everything but whiskey
>pictures two bad whiskeys and a so so one.
They make whiskey, not whisky
Literally the only whiskey more famous than American whiskey is scotch,
so fuck off you daft English cunt.
sup fellow alcoholic
That's not true. We make good moonshine too.
I love saying the word bourbon.
It even feels delicious to say.
Thinking of alcohol already lad?
Maker's Mark is trash tier, though.
And I'll be damned if England gets to take credit for Scotch, political borders aside. Stick to gin.
What's the most redpilled bourbon? I like this one but there are a lot of options.
and great uh salt rifles
Moonshine is whiskey, just not aged for 10 years in a barrel.
Gin fucking sucks. Tastes like trees.
Ask a bourbon enthusiast if they like whiskey and you may learn something.
>Be American
>Spent last 4 years working in Europe
>Highly paid job (top 10% of salaries in that country)
>52% marginal tax rate
>Live in """"luxury"""" apartment in European city where I worked. Rent was double the rent of an average apartment. Eurocuck friends always commented how nice it was. I considered it a 1 bedroom shit hole that looked like a dorm room.
>Come home
>Dinner with parents
>Beers, margaritas, appetizers, entrées, friendly flirty waitress. $60
>Would have cost $200 for with an angry knuckle tattooed waiter where I lived in Europe.
>Go home to 3000 sqft 4 bedroom house.
>65 inch TV watching Fox News
>4 cars in driveway
>Clubhouse with couch, beer fridge, and pool table in garage.
I forgot what a normal middle class lifestyle felt like in a non-socialist shit hole.
What's a good rum for rum and cokes? My job's shit but I got money, might as well start drinking like my old man
Tell it to the flag on the moon.
Knob Creek is a good bourbon. I don't care what any of you dweebs say.
Maker's sucks cock though.
>tfw no copper still inna woods
i want to live like my hillbilly ancestors
It honestly is shocking how drunk we are
Ever tried Jefferson's Ocean -Aged at Sea? OMG best I ever got a hold of $80 USD for 750ml
Blantons is definitely up there. Definitely what you drink if you want to feel like a plantation owner.
Sounds /comfy/ as fuck
Makers is for Frat boys
I actually like bullet though.
We grow the best marijuana in the entire solar system
are you the cuck posting the cheap whiskey threads on /ck/?
Dont drink rum and cokes sir
But muh gibs
Japanese Whisky > Scotch > Bourbon > American (((whiskey)))
Deal with it.
I personally like it, but I get why people don't. I'm telling England to stick to gin though, not endorsing it over other spirits. The limeys don't get to take credit for something as beautiful as Scotch.
Ever lick a swede. Bitches taste like trees.
agreed makers is normie tier over spiced/priced piss
If you think their whiskey is dogshit, you should drink the brazilian one.
That thing is made to clean rusty surfaces and unclog toilets.
That doesn't change the definition of the spirit and the manufacturing status of it. Your response is a complete non-statement.
>irish whiskey is dogshit
muh redbreast
I never liked whisky.
Is Japanese whisky different enough to make me actually like it? Im a weeb if that counts
american beer.
>you thought of budweiser
no. not that.
craft beer.
>doesn't know about the bolo tie
Also now we've got the best state... Florida.
God Bless this wonderful country
>post pics of what a "good Job" can buy in America.
we're really good at paying your defense budget and britshit.ooh! and not getting stabbed by a bunch of sandpeople. I hope the CIRA car bombs your jew ass.
Green Spot>Redbreast fite me
If it wasn't for the shooting the other day (despite the fact that the shooter was an old white man), I'd say we're pretty good at not getting blown up and shot by Muslims every day.
Because we know what's worth being good at.
Yes, we have it good here because we made it good. We will defend our nation.
captain morgan
no, not that captain morgan
its called private stock, and it comes with a cork
vanilla coke for extra fancy
at least we invented cold beer. amirite.jpeg
Keep that dream alive, user. You'll get there one day. I have the same feeling towards building a forge... can't. Too much of a fire risk where I'm at.
can confirm.
Live in Germany for a while. Everyone is poor because the lowest tax bracket is 30%.
I make double here in the US and my colleagues act like it's peanuts.
Bourbon is uniquely American, you plebian.
Dickface eat cockhead.
Where can you even get single barrel Blanton's?
>spelling it wrong
still, good taste. rye is god tier
confirmed ass blasted faggot
good taste. try Black Bush if you like Green Spot
>craft beer
Why would I want to lick a Muzzie?
God bless it.
And yeah. That's what you can afford when 52% of your money doesn't disappear every month to support Abdul and his 4 child brides and 20 children.
Real whiskey is only made in Tennessee.
>Scotch and Irish whiskey are dogshit.
And with that you have earned the official shit taste in grog award. Well done my champion!
Only 1 thing? Bitch please
Not really compared to other countries. We're actually quite dry.
>Scotch and Irish whiskey are dogshit.
I bet you haven't even had a good dram of Port Ellen much less Bunnahabhain to have such a horrible opinion.
Not familiar, will check it out, thanks for the rec
not mutually exclusive
I have. It was okay, but I think the ocean thing is gimmicky. Ever tried Wild Turkey Forgiven? One of my favorites, although it's a blend.
Does anybody else loathe I.P.As?
we're pretty good at being obese and sharting in marts lad. show some respect
South American rums are unironically great.
Im not a fan if them. Don't get me wring, I like bitterness in my head, but IPAs take it too far. Can't fault those who like them, though.
eh, gave you microsoft, gave you apple
I guess you gave us crumpets and a good show when you let in too many imigrants and caused your country to go to hell
We have nothing else to live for. Our entire society is undermined and is total shit. If you aren't an alcoholic or a retard, then you already killed yourself. I fall under the alcoholic category.
Expecting Euros and leafs having any idea of how insanely gigantic the American beer world has become in the last 20 years.
Please, enough with this prohobitionalist revision.
America is a nation of drunks. Be proud of your intoxicated history, user.
>Getting harangued by the country we kicked out
>Saved theit ass in ww2
>Lost their ship building industry
>Would not have rolls royce or bentley if germans didn't rescue them
>Let muzzies invade their country
etc, etc.
Worry about your self.
>But the Germans invented missiles, and women invented lying; your only claim to fame is decent whiskey.
that was one of the funniest things I've ever read but you're a fag if you don't like Speyside scotch.
Not that you'll ever hear me complain about bourbon.
>> women invented lying
I live in southern ontario where the craft beer scene is huge.
I bought 11 different kinds of IPA's just to see if it was just one beer that wasnt that good and they all tasted horrible for me.
when you crack open a cold one and smell strawberries and other fruits, something is terribly wrong
Bulleit is my favorite
Hmmmm. Delicious SOPA DE OPOSSUM!!!!
>Im a weeb if that counts
It's "very nice".
>he doesn't know the rules for calling something "bourbon"
Get a lawyer, PLEB. I bet you didn't even get your show cancelled for being a nazi and get paid ANYWAY.
Scotch>Taiwanese whiskey(yes I'm being serious)>Bourbon>Japanese whiskey>Irish whiskey>Canadian whiskey
>Pic related, one of the best whiskey makers in the world who happen to be from Taiwan
Whiskey and guns
>craft beer scene
I wish these people would kill them selves
Fucking beer hipsters
The store near me had a few bottles. I also had pic related recently which is a good blend.
I loathe the morning after. IPA shits are the worse