Alright, which one of you bastards did this at my uni? Also, pls be my friend

Alright, which one of you bastards did this at my uni? Also, pls be my friend.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing on that flyer promotes white superemacy. Please media, keep redpilling the normies for us

Go Pokes

>poster encourages whites to love themselves and their culture
>says nothing about supremacy

Jefferson embraced some black booty

I love Jared Taylor and his style. This is shit that we can win with - actual American heritage. The founding fathers, pioneers, settlers, cowboys. Not fucking retarded Nazi larp bullshit.

>White supremacy
This is why I'm National Socialist who wants shit skins out of the northern hemisphere.


>poster literally says don't give into hate.
Media "This is hate speech rEeeeeeee!!!!"

>love your own people
>oy vey! white supremacy! shut it down now!

Upon a closer look at the poster, I see the American Renaissance logo.

> love your people
THERE not even trying anymore

But the author shouldve dropped the autistic white identity line at the end, see what the reactions would be

Men of the west sounds very instinctive and subversive to the libshits
While white identity invokes KKK memes and normie triggering

so CIA then

> Love your people
> Love your culture
> Love your heritage

> White Supremacy

How come literally every other race is able to embrace their racial identity?

Look! A standard campus flier for an "African American" club!

because our countries are all occupied by jews who want us to die, and they're leading the coalition of color against us

Makes sense. Jared Taylor loves this kind of stuff, just saying "the white race has a right to exist" isn't remotely aggressive, but people respond like it is, prompting almonds to activate. Far more productive than Nazi larping.

Please don't ruin Thomas Jefferson.

this right here.



So BLM is ok but white pride is dats raaaaaacyyss!!

Thats why Trump will win in 2020


Nope just pride in your people. We have lots to be proud of. That's what pisses them off

I don't hate blacks or anything. But I gotta say, I love european culture and european history, it's so exciting and full of drama from the past. Nothing stimulates my mind more than to think of how great men from ancestral europe came to power and achieved success in their lives.


I dont see anything about "supremacy" in that poster

If this is white supremacy I don't want to know what the people who think whites are superior to everyone else and should rule them really think.

Black panthers la raza Muslim brotherhood. Fuck off hypocrite



>Oy vey the nerve of these goyim believing they have the right to exist


They know once whites reaffirm their identity that we will become unstoppable.

>Black panthers la raza Muslim brotherhood. Fuck off hypocrite

The fuck you going on about shitskin?

>White Identity

Someone make a black equivalent with MLK or something, hang it up and watch as nothing happens.

what does that have to do with whit supremacy
fucking retarded ass news networks

That's a nice flyer. Wish I had one.

Pretty good posters.

literally replace "Men of the West" with "People of Color" and "White" with "Black"

you are a communist which means two things for certain, you HATE history and you are a faggot

t white jew

Wrong. Stop spreading lies.

>white identity
translates to
>white supremacy

So then by those standards blacks are black supremacists, Asians are Asian supremacists, Mexicans are Mexican supremacists...

These inflammatory dime-a-dozen 'news' agencies are fucking obnoxious.

What the hell does being racially conscious have to do with supremacy?

>embrace white identity

>BLM flyers all over campus
>*queef sound effect.mp3*

I just need some friends goy, nothing suspicious

OSU is for ohio not oklahoma faggots

kek, this desu fammos

Love your people, heritage, and culture. How fucking dare you!

Seems like a very positive poster, I'm sure the University would post similar posters for Black and Aboriginal students in a heart beat.

>Tfw (((T)))hey are using the image of the "Blood of Tyrants" founding father in anti American Rhetoric
What the fuck to progressives actually believe in? Do they actually acknowledged they are the ones in control while pretending they arent?

>Black Pride
>Hispanic Pride
>Asian Pride
>White Pride

Fuck this. You started the identity politics game and are pissed off when we play

>Ashleigh Shackelford is a queer, nonbinary Black fat femme writer, cultural producer, and artist. She is a contributing writer at Wear Your Voice Magazine and For Harriet. In her commitment to creating and imagining new worlds, Ashleigh created an organization for body positivity - Free Figure Revolution, and a coalition for afrofuturism entitled Black Futurism. When she's not writing Facebook statuses as novels, Ashleigh is working on producing cultural storytelling of and by Black fat femmes.

Tell me this is satire.

>Trap scholar | Clapback Enthusiast | educator | Writer

It gets even better!

HuWhite advocate


Black identity is a thing in the Americas because Blacks were slaves, but in Europe and Asia blacks go by their nation of origin

All people of Celto-Germanic ancestry (British, Irish, German, but also including Scandinavian, Dutch, French, Swiss, and even Slavic at this point in our history) should assimilate to an Anglo-Saxon identity as "white" is a very American phenomenon

Anglo-Saxon identity stems from Celto-Germanic traditions of solstice celebrations, now under the title of Christian celebrations, poetry, sustenance agriculture, wrestling and other forms of sports and recreation, tea and coffee culture depending on which nation you're in, etc.

Go Pokes!!!!

This, WE WUZ(are) the greatest race on this planet.
Fuck this gay earth.

>When she's not writing Facebook statuses as novels
Wtf does this mean? I've read it six times now and I can't make head nor tails of it. Can someone help a leaf out?

fuck off mates
there's thousands of more books (((they))) would have to replace in order to get rid of thomas jefferson. ever notice how your history teacher skips until like fifth chapter? that's the sensitive "white supremacist" material. They can't burn the history books without making it pretty obvious shit is hitting the fan.

The poster says nothing about white supremacy.
I'm getting the feeling that everyone in the world that isn't white views whites as superior. And that if you encourage whiteness it means the same as whites having supremacy.

How is it claiming white supremacy?

>Love your people, culture and heritage
>Embrace your identity
I'm not even white, this is downright silly

> Do they actually acknowledged they are the ones in control
No. Here's how it works: the left is entropy, the right is order. Our enemies are literally the forces of Chaos.

Chilean spics are honorary aryans

Official School Statement

>"The fliers being placed in the Student Union and other locations are in direct violation of OSU policy and have been removed when discovered or reported. In addition to being placed in areas where flyers or posters are not allowed, these particular flyers are concerning because of their intent to cause division on the OSU campus. OSU works hard to fight intolerance and discrimination of any person or group. The university welcomes and values all students.

>Incidents or concerns should be reported to community mentors, advisors, work supervisors or to building personnel. Although in most cases these acts would not fall under any state criminal statute, concerns regarding a poster or flyer may also be reported to OSU Police through iReport on OSU’s Orange Shield safety app. The iReport should contain a photo of the flyer along with the locations and date and time it was discovered," said Oklahoma State University spokesman Gary Shutt.

>paypal link on her presentation poster (not using powerpoint?)
>literally "GIBS ME DAT"

"white supremacy" because we have to make this seem bad somehow goys


You are checked in the most whites are brainwashed. You are not checked in that white supremacy is not the answer.

because everybody knows whites are superior. people just want to pretend.

In other words; why say something with 10-20 well chosen words when you can say it with 10,000.

interesting...its beginning.
the ((((buthurt))) will be immense

Hell post these things more. Let the nasty fuckin' niggerlovers wail like the traitorous sneering shit they truly are. Every last one of those non-white college groups are fighting for their own race's best interests. Period. PERIOD. Any inclusionary rhetoric they use, is only there because it's outside the overton window to not pitch a cursory dented shekel in that direction. Period. So fuck those niggers and spics that are against you as a white person, and fuck those traitor mudblood garbage that are going to be in a generation or so, too. Back to spic land and oogah boogah territory, you smarmy inferiors. Just hang the damned traitors for all I care. 8.10ths will fall back in line to their senses when the first couple fall.

And the West will survive. Until what the apathetic and Enemies would insure happens; a niggerland. A monkey world. A muslim and spic shitstain of a place, where all the mixblood "humans" might as well be eating that fuckin' poopy up in their mouths because that's pretty much what their iq's ect. would allow. Fuck their future, it's horrible.

oy vey!

Oklahoma st sucks ass, but I support this.

Boomer Sooner

TRS was talking about this earlier. They don't oppose it, but the movement isn't monolithic, so it's understandable that there are different groups with different aesthetics.

This is a good thing. You attract people at a variety of levels and they go with what they like. It's a very American way to go about propaganda. Anglin (the MOST Neo-Nazi of LARPers) even intends to do it himself, but you can't expect people as nihilistic as Enoch and Sven to do it, it just doesn't fit their aesthetic.


how is embracing white identity white supremacy? and why do you think only someone from a notoriously offensive board would put that up?

Say NO to white guilt!

This, I never heard of him until the youtube censorship but he is definitely the man to get behind for a huwhite future.

>White identity
Instead of
>European heritage.

Every fucking time. There are albino blacks with white skin should they be fucking proud of it too?

someone put these up at rose state, please


>OSU works hard to fight intolerance and discrimination of any person or group

Any group but white people, apparently.

Someone needs to make one with MLK for black people and put them up side by side in campus's across America. See what they say then.

>politicians are chadvocates

Fuck you, you fucking CIA nigger faggot.


This guy knows whats up

Only autistic people get upset about this. "White" has a meaning in the United States and it is deeply culturally engrained. Plus, a lot of white people associate "Europeans" with fucking pussies--correctly, at this point.

Saying White draws it closer to home--The concept of a unified white identity is uniquely American, and if that's what you're going for, then that's what you should identify with.

lol, rose state. who gives a shit? you want us to care about NEO as well? maybe SWOSU?

"We must secure the existence of the United States Constitution and a future for the American People." 17 words, 76th year. The Founders were far more redpilled and far more supremacist like than Hitler.


>be nigger
>get black history month
>be asian
>make asian-supremacy blogs and nobody bats an eye
>be white

Leftism is mental illness.

TRS is literally the freaks and weaklings William Pierce warned us about. They have no place in a successful movement, and should be shunned from any they try to join.

Jared Taylor isn't a politician fucktard.

If the person who posted those flyers is an user here, he should make a new set that say nothing more than what memed.

That's really sad

You know what "white" means. Race is not skin color.