Why are all these White nationalists Christians when they hate Jews so much?
Why are all these White nationalists Christians when they hate Jews so much?
cus jesus hated the jews
wasn't jesus a jew?
yes and?
Yeah but he was exjew
Ignorant fools continue to push this shit.
For the last fucking time.
The New Testament is the complete ANTI-Thesis to the Old Testament. Only fools such as yourself perpetuate the myth that Christianity is somehow a rebranded version of Judaism when it clearly is not.
Read the Bible you fucking leaf and then come back
Jesus, the ultimate self-hating Jew?
Jews today refuse to believe the messiah has come, and instead exploit their brothers whenever they have the chance.
Because christians are historically and currently the jews number 1 opponent despite what historically illiterate larpers shitpost about
Christianity is the antithesis of Judaisim.
so what about matthew 5:17?
because they're a bunch of shabbos goys.
they don't even realize how cucked they are.
I'm not a fucking christian you faggot
all the good jews became christians, the bad jews continued to follow the pharisees, who got really really butthurt about it and spent the next millennia restructuring their religion into basically being one huge anti-jesus propaganda machine, going as far as editing the old testament in subtle ways to try and discredit him.
When we say jew today we mean that branch that stayed with the pharisees.
pol is jst paranoid no one is out to get them. i'm getting sleepy now goodnight guys
christianity made the jews and their gay little myths relevant in the world.
[[[pogrom intensifies]]]
Orthodox and Catholic Christians have always been Jew-wary, Protestant millionaires might have another perspective.
>Why are all these White nationalists Christians when they hate Jews so much?
Jesus was anti-Jew. He stood against everything Temple Judaism stood for and was murdered for it.
Jews refuse to recognize Jesus as the messiah. Christians recognize Jesus as the messiah.
Why follow an Abrahamic religion at all?
All the while the people in charge worship a homo pizza-I mean- bull god.
They couldnt handle or has never been exposed to the Vargpill.
It equals the same dose of Holocaust, ZOG, Bilderberg, 9/11 and Freemason red pills put together.
Following the ten Commandments makes this statement false.
Jesus hated the Jews as well.
That's why he departed from Judaism.
Christians wouldn't have needed to write a new testament had not the old testament become irrelevant to the modern (at the time) version of the religion. And any reasonable autistic faggot on this board is against jewish nationalism, not the jew itself. Being genetically jewish is not the issue, hating the goy is. It was very clear that jesus did not use jewish nationalism in his teachings, otherwise the jews wouldn't have rejected him as the answer to biblical prophecy.
What about it?
>against jewish nationalism
So you want jews to not have their own nation and instead live in other peoples nations? That sounds like the oposite of what most people on this board want.
Seems pretty clear that by "fulfilling" the law of old, they would not be needed anymore. As the definition of fulfillment is the achievement of a desired outcome, it would not be hard to assume that these rules were more like criteria to be met rather than a border that could not be crossed.
>send all the jews to israel and they fuck with every other nation
>leave the jews dispersed and they fuck with every other nation
how about we de-nuclearize israel, return its borders to normal and then send all the jews there?
Everything positive about western culture stemmed from Christianity. It has the ability to unite and restore Europe. The enlightenment and reformation are what started this materialist hell hole. Tuertillian wrote that Christianity and Jewish power are like two balances on a scale. When Christian influence goes up, Jewish power goes down
How can jewish nationalism be fulfilled without the jewish nation? That's like making a contest, except you never tell the rules or the goals. The jews have no collective goal by that point and become just like any other person.
because the jews killed jesus
Top kek
Protestantism is an anti-semetic religion.
The "God's chosen people in modern day israel" meme was created by Jews in the early 1900's. Braindead boomers actually believed it.
You must be new friend, there's no logic here and/or everyone is role playing, with a hint of right wing bots. Questioning the status quo will just get you called whatever new name they slap on the boogeyman. Shill, Jew, JIDF, CTR, Share Blue. There's even in fighting between generals. You just have to remember you're probably talking to a 13 year old or a NEET. Trying to analyze this culture will leave you brain dead.
No. Everything positive about western culture came from Greek philosophy and its rediscovery. Christianity was around for a long time and only saw a quick development of the sciences during the enlightenment because they started OPPOSING the Christian dogma that was the catholic church.
The scientific method was pretty much invented by the Greeks. Western society's technology and cultural advance flourished not because of Christianity, but DESPITE of it.
Does that mean that the person getting fucked is the ultimate in femininity despite being male or the ultimate in gayness?
There's this gay only catholic church near where I live. If I had to be stuck in any version of christianity or religion for that matter, it'd be protestantism.
Catholicism is completely degenerate and completely cucked
The eccentric defenders of catholicism from Europe on here make me sad
Abrahamic Religions
>Holy Ghost-Judiasm
Working in harmony to produce the Jew world order. Good work christgoys.
It does feel pretty nice
>misinterpret the bible
>people start leaving the catholic faith
>"instead of fixing our mistakes, lets just let people in that don't fit a christian narrative"
>for every degenerate that joins, a catholic turns protestant
I'm a bagan
Christians are the true biblical Jews, and the church of Christ is the true Israel. Those that call themselves Jews, yet deny Christ are the Synagogue of Satan. They are deceivers and scoundrels. They are a threat.
Did you READ the fucking bible? Jesus spends half of his time telling people "DON'T TRUST THE FUCKING KIKES" and the other half of the time chasing them around the temple beating them with a fucking whip.
"Jews" didn't exist at the time, the Talmudic tradition that we now call "Judaism" was much newer, and developed from the exact same religious tradition that killed Christ, the Pharisees, Hebrew mystics who later got into some evil Kabbalistic witchcraft shit and integrated it into their religion.
"Jews" are a new entity, Jesus Christ was a Hebrew, yes, but these were not the same thing. Most of the people we think of as "Jews" today aren't even related to the Hebrews, they're fucking Khazars from the steppe, you can go to the fucking steppe TODAY and find villages called Ashkenaz, there's a reason we call them the goddamned Ashkenazis.