Just watched Shindler's List... any other six gorrillion movies I need to watch out there?

Just watched Shindler's List... any other six gorrillion movies I need to watch out there?

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mfw watching schindler's list

The Pianist

Son of Saul

Escape from Sobibor


Hogans heroes

Watch Okja on Netflix

Korean media is killing Hollywood so hard (((they))) didn’t give them the “cannes film festival award” because it was on ((Netflix))

I had a friend tell me one time that he was so horny he just jacked off to Schindler's List.
Audible keks followed.



the wannsee conference movie in german from the 80s is pretty based

Any war movie with Brad Pitt

Shit movie, too Jewish

Battle for Sevastopol

Liudmyla Pavlychenko was a badass.



Kys faggot. He's not good in that kike propaganda kill em Nazi film. He's not good in that faggot tank film. He's horrendous in "war machine" All nigger tier.

Watch Generation Kill you silly monkey

The feel-good movie of the 90's.

i can fap to this

Boy in the Striped Pajamas

It has a scene that finally explained how Zyklon B was used. Apparently it's a powder that they drop through a hole at the top of the gas chamber.

This and La Vita e Bella are genuinely good movies.

I had to watch this shit 3 years of high school. By the end my favorite seen was the guy shooting at workers with a rifle.

The Greatest Story Never Told

this scene is genuinely funny to me

Who gets this angry over film preferences?

You. You do.

kikes truly are disgusting shameless warmongering monsters that spew nothing but lies and are proof that all of man kind needs to be exterminated

just to get rid of the evil kike