Why are Canadians so submissive and faggy? What put them in that state of mind?
you don't know Canadians then, keep living in your fantasy dystopia of Canada.
You must be thinking of people from Toronto and Vancouver
That's pretty funny, every Canadian I see on here and elsewhere talk about how they can be nicer to everyone else and shovel shit for a chance to submit with a dick object their ass. But why?
Canadians is gettin gayer each year... this placed fucked senpai
Is it because the large majority don't care?
Unironically the CBC.
The ABC in Australia almost did the same thing. Think about the shows that came out of Canada when I was growing up - Degrassi Junior High, Tintin and Babar (both of these had male characters with a strangely effeminate vocal\verbal mannerisms). When the state has the ability to use centralised mass media to its advantage, and when roasties have access to this state - men get pacified.
Think about how smary and nu-male Jian Gomeshi was on his radio show, and then consider how he had to market himself to women and then how women and society at large treated him for doing so, and how the CBC was instrumental in all of this.
Uhh black lives matter and you're literally removing all your history because black people, and also you're going to have worse gun laws then us in a year. You're never getting a republican president after trump ever again, faggot
Country was founded by those who demanded to be subservient and underlings to the Crown, what do you expect?
5 star fucking post right here
we are nice, but not online, we have this weird old style British belief. That you are nice in words and in person, but bath shit crazy in letter. So the internet is not that different to the latter.
As for French Canadians you will only see "fuck anglo's", "english culture is 70% stolen from the french". In all you can't debate French Canadians on history they will always know more. (they have seen some shit).
For the aboriginal the famous quote would be "how can you have social justice on a stolen land" to them i blame the universities.
So all and in you can only trust 1/3 of Anglo Canadians and 1/4 of French Canadians on having somewhat similar belief.
> i hope it helps
> ps : im drunk fuck typo's
> No republicans after Drumpf
I'm pretty cool with not having a dickless man child as a leader again actually
*wraps my leaf arms around you*
Australians suffer from toxic masculinity, you are the abnormal ones not us.
Nah its because these digits bruh....
It's true, America has its share of problems too.
You fags aren't even allowed to keep unlicensed steak knives. You're infinitely more beta and live in a nanny state
>having a dickless man child as a leader
probably drunk desu
If we're so submissive then how come we never gave up our fully automatic penises?
I'm hardly masculine, and I'm not a reactionary right-winger either.
I'm just pointing out that what makes most of these stereotypical nu-male Canadian males what they are is the culture created by institutions like the CBC. Feminism and the promotion of misandry are the primary things government mass-media ends up promoting. These government mass-media organisations tend to like to promote themselves as 'sophisticated', 'objective', to consider all sides - but then the more implicit biases have more power to sneak in on the unsuspecting.
Tell me mainstream society didn't jump on Jian Ghomeshi and basically blame him for the behaviours roasties encouraged in the first place. How does this sort of thing not encourage self-loathing in males?
You're thinking of the UK, perhaps?
That would be a blatant violation of homosexual rights
The irony is if you knew anything about Canada in 1945, we were more anti jap then almost any other country on that list. We kept them in internment camps and took all their shit, even if they had been Canadian citizens for generations
Propaganda telling us we are better than Americans because we are so polite and non-violent
>the UK
Nah, you're both very similar
So in other words submission is supposed to make Canadians better people
They lost when they tried to keep Quebec.
It hurted them culturally and now they are neutered.
Fuck you le anglo
Yeah but it's framed as politeness and pacifism.
I feel half of America is like this, and the other half is downright fucking retarded ultra "alpha" which in reality are just dumb fucking rednecks
If you submit, you win.
Fucking leafs