Does her left eye look bigger than her right eye?

Does her left eye look bigger than her right eye?

That bitch is cross eyed as fuck!

Let's not be mean to her. She's an ace in the hole. The left can't touch her because otherwise they'll be sexist body shamers.

It's fucking embarrassing that Glumpf has this trailer park trash speak for the White House

Why did you post a Quasimodo cosplay here? That has nothing to do with politics.

She has a left facial palsy.

Eyeballs are the same. Muscle contraction is not.

Don't insult the women. Leaven them alone.

this. her undeniable physical defects and the vagina are like a suit of armor.

Pretty damn good cosplay, though.

It's popping out, actually.


you mean her right eye

That weird eye is hereditary. Mike has the same thing

She really was a good choice. Made it not so bad to see Spicer go.

liek a pug

has trump fuck this hot piece of ass yet

nothing has been good about this presidency thus far she is no exception

> ""Glumpf""
> Baiting this hard

You leftists cunts need to start referring to him by his name or I'm just going to start referring to every Democrat as soros

Stop slagging my waifu you classless fuckers.

Against leftists? Sarah Palin's having a vagina and a disabled child didn't save her from them.

get on level nig, she's /our/gal

is that not his wife

yes, and I'd fuck the shit out of her ass
tfw you brush her asshole

tfw you then slam it in

are women in leafland that bad

The real question is if her brown eye is bigger than her left eye.
The truth is out there
Dun nunu Dunn



That's because she talked like a Redneck. Sarah Huckabee is an extremely stern and to the point, no bullshit, kind of woman. Leftists have a tough time finding a crack in her.

Don't care. Slide thread. Sage. Reported to alphabet soup and chef boyardee. You fucked up OP.

This I would eat her fat pussy all day as long as she btfos reporters

I think it's something between a man and a woman and "she" married an obvious gay guy who's probably a struggling christcuck conversion therapy victim.

It's so obvious it's not even funny.

It's his daughter man. Fucking kek.

Looks like that Navy Seal tranny in woman form

That makes you look stupid. just keep referring to them as Democrats, make them all look stupid. Voting time is coming.

everyone has one eye bigger

Sarah is a milf. She had sex appeal. That leaves her open to attack from lefty fatties who hate pretty women aren't lesbian filth

You'd think she'd be the type of strong woman they'd praise. She was pregnant, or still is, while being the press secretary. She should be propped up a wonder woman by all the feminists out there.

I like to fap to rare Sarah Sandrs pics. Anyone have any to share?

My point is everything is fair game to leftists if you don't share their ideology. If you are a liberal - you are protected. If not - God won't save you from their vitriol and hatred and in their minds it's okay because "hurr those are the bad guys and they deserve everything that is done to them".

she's a really solid choice, she does her job well

she doesn't take any bs

>I cut out the part that was funny and zoomed in on it so its even extra funny xD

Neck yourself.

>>Does her left eye look bigger than her right eye?
just a little bit

She's a babe. 9/10. would bang.

There was a lot of jealousy there for sure from butt ugly liberal hambeasts.

She reminds me of this crypto-jew

I went to Highschool with her. If a time traveler came back to 1999 and told me that Donald Trump would be President and Sarah Huckabee would be his Press Secretary I never would have believed it.

Did I hear someone say "Left Eye"?

Yup. That's why leftists hate her. It's hard to find an angle on her.

Of course, but leftists are having a hard time with Sarah. She's kind of like the Milo Yiannopoulos of Press Secretaries (if that comparison won't offend you). Milo was a gay Jew that allegedly liked niggers... it just automatically BTFO's all of the left's typical arguments like "YOU'RE A RACIST, YOU'RE A HOMOPHOBE, YOU'RE ANTI-SEMITIC." Sarah is like that weaponized right wing Trump card that leftists can't usually fling their usual bs on.

Traps are gay.

I see what you are saying - it does make it harder for them to just screech "racist sexist homophobe" in someone's like that general direction. They still try though, they just bleet about "internalized misogyny/oppression" and "voting against your own interest" instead of throwing their usual buzzwords around.

Fuck, i remember this chick...i kinda had a boner for her back in the day...I'd still fuck her today desu...

she looks like she sucks a mean dick :)

Sucked so hard it broke one of her eye ligamets


She's ugly as fuck.

Her eyes used to be married, but now they're going through a mutual separation.

She's been dead 15 years or so, nigga, gonna need a lot of lube for that one.

that made me lol and disturbed me at the same time.

>mutual separation
The correct term is "conscious uncoupling", shitlord.

probably no more than normal


It from the heavy drinking. Your eyes try to focus. Usually it involves the squinting of one eye to keep things in focus.

Katy Tur during her climb to the top.

Left is bigger and firmer