FBI was in the other room paddock booked

>pic shows at least three guns were set up to shoot people
>one was being reloaded in bathroom then left there for some reason
>we see three meals and three drinks were bought through room service several days before event
>guns strewn throughout the room randomly
>spare ammo stacked neatly

>Paddock wearing gloves to not leave prints on weapons
>According to LVPD sheriff Paddock might have had escape plan
>Implies he didn't intend to die
>if Paddock didn't intend to die why bring up Paddock books two rooms: 32 135, 32 134
>No pics proving they have door joining them
>Reports of SWAT needing to blow way into both rooms as they were locked
>What was in other room?

>ISIS claim they commit attack
>FBI fervently deny this

So theory time
FBI sets up gun deal with domestic terror cell of ISIS to uncover network
probably not first time as this is the third double hotel room Paddock has booked in last few months
Paddock has probably done last couple
Fed Agent in adjacent room with audio and maybe screens of whats going on
Jihadis double cross, kill Paddock and shoot up concert.
Agent cant do shit cause he's by himself
Contacts boss, boss delays SWAT to let Jihadis leave and keep contact with terror cell to prevent greter attack
>I've heard rumours of dirty bomb but haven't seen evidence.
>possible greater attack feds are trying to prevent?

The gun you marked in the bathroom was to shoot people coming up the stairwell was at the perfect angel if you look at the floor plan

nothing to see here goyim, getting kind of late

I'm going with your IQ score of 70

cool post, i'm kind of tired though lets go to sleep and pick up tomorrow

A bagel isn't a meal turdlips

Why is the gun with the bipod set on top of his foot?

Oh yeah I never talked about how that was weird clearly that was used after he died.

>Paddock wearing gloves to not leave prints on weapons

no. gun barrels and handguards get hot as shit during rapid fire. many shooters will wear gloves to not burn their fucking hands

he was an arms dealer who would launder the money as high stakes gambling winning through the casino
sets up cameras for security
meets with a guy who kills him and is able to get away in the long time it took to respond
isis is correct in saying it was done by them because the guy who actually did was an isis guy
casino needs to keep a tight lid on it because they dont wanna get busted for laundering arms dealing money
brother doesnt want to spill the beans cause hes afraid of the casinos and getting caught with money and gifts he has illegally
am i missing anything?

>a bagel is a meal
>soup is a meal

oh yeah the multiple guns instead of a different gun since he was willing to spend so much money combined with the green tape for assembling the guns without damaging them points to the arms deal
isis claiming responsibility without proof coincidentally proves the second shooter theory
isis isnt referring to paddock their referring to the second shooter

3 meals three people
paddock, and two isis operatives?

Official story 100% false.

No broken windows on 32 floor...

No gun false from 32 floor...

No deep state altering audio that's posted on facebook and YouTube...

If you don't spread have a copy of audio its to late to get the true copy...doctored audio now being posted...


Shit speculation. ISIS is an intelligence agency concoction. Guaranteed whoever made that statement was on a government payroll.




>no alcohol or pork in his room service order

Really activates the caliphates



I wouldn't put it past them but there was only 1 gun being fired at a time. The CIA cant change dozens of cell phone audio recordings



anyone got a link to the first comp clips video the cops released? ta.

No muzzle flashes from 32 floor.

Anybody here remember ABSCAM?
>In March 1978, John F. Good of the FBI created and oversaw a sting operation called "Abscam." The FBI employed Melvin Weinberg, a convicted swindler, international con artist and informant to help plan and conduct the operation. Supervised by the FBI, Weinberg created a fake company called Abdul Enterprises in which FBI employees posed as fictional Arab sheikhs led by owners Kambir Abdul Rahman and Yassir Habib, who had millions of dollars to invest in the United States. Weinberg instructed the FBI to fund a $1 million-account with the Chase Manhattan Bank in the name of the fictional company, giving the company the credibility it needed to further its operation.

Congressmen were given large sums of money in exchange for "private immigration bills" to allow foreigners associated with Abdul Enterprises into the country and for building permits and licenses for casinos in Atlantic City. Among the casino projects involved were the Ritz-Carlton Atlantic City, the Dunes Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City), the Penthouse Boardwalk Hotel and Casino, and one sheikh's fictional casino. Several political figures were caught exchanging political favors in for bribes up to $100,000.

>The FBI recorded each of the exchanges and, for the first time in American history, surreptitiously videotaped government officials accepting bribes. The meeting places included a townhouse in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., a yacht in Florida, and hotel rooms in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


Shill ids established.

t. Shill.

Volant is connected to DoD.

Explain that fucking snorkel

Maybe it was the boomers c-pap hose.

>What was in other room?
A nuke

Have you ever ordered room service? Are you a poor nigger taco worker or something? Take a look at the receipt. There is a $10 "operation" charge. They will charge you that if you order a fucking cookie, so you order a bunch of stuff at once. That's how it works. They don't ask how many people. They plate each item and provide cutlery for every item ordered. That's how it works. Maybe if you weren't a poor fag who never gets sushi comps you would understand this.

Decent theory but why would an arms dealer do deals with isis in a vegas hotel?

the more obvious the less obvious

he was near sighted and shot over 500 where was his glasses

Because 3 floors up is a different hotel owned by Saudi Royalty

Because of security. If you go out in the desert, you are likely to just die in the desert. All parties typically want to leave the deal with either their money or the guns. If everyone behaves there are no problems. These things happen all the time in those hotels. Kilos of cocaine and bricks of heroin are more safely sold in a suite than in a parking garage. It's been this way for decades.


Yeah except for the part about vegas being the absolutely most surveilled place in the country. Only way would be if they had a deal in place with mandalay security.


He had enough guns to have them all charged prior to shooting so he could just run through a magazine, drop it and grab another. That's why I think you hear changes in rate of fire. Some guns had bump stocks most were fully automatic.

There was also more than one shooter.

what if, say it was something big the alphabees thought was worth the risk. Meetings are set up pretty much as OP suggested BUT
intended buyers/terrorists/whatever INSIST on it being overlooking a mass public event (easy targets), while they monitor with cameras, from in another room or whatever - anything goes wrong, they'll open fire on crowd, as insurance?

Things go south, badly, melee ensures, cleanup needed, thus the delay, explains the cameras, multiple rooms, guns, whole load of shit. Actual meet may have been upstairs.

Good observation

The surveillance is literally why these things go down in the hotels. Casino security is not concerned about what you are doing, so long as you aren't effecting the gaming, damaging property, or bothering guests. They aren't babysitters. The security is why drug dealers use the rooms. It insures civil behavior. There is no way in or out without being noticed, so you aren't likely to kill a guy and take your kilo of cocaine instead of paying him for it.

Have we ever got a source on this?

Bump the storm is coming

Why was there even a strobe light at that time facing the event?

are you fucking retarded

man is a millionaire, supposed arms dealer millionaire at that

has $100,000's worth of guns and ammunition in his expensive Las Vegas hotel suit

> proceeds to sweat over $9 "operation charge" for room service so orders an entire day's worth of food all at once




He was playing in the hot tub

[Citation needed]

>going out in a blaze of hellfire in less than 24 hours
>worried about a $10 operations charge

It's not complicated you dumb nigger, take a look at all my posts in this thread. I'm not trying to shill any scenario. I'm telling you how people order room service, which you obviously have no clue about.


Yeah, because he didn't intend to die in his suite or kill a bunch of people. Do you understand?

I spent $14k at my table at Omnia at Caesar's Palace a few months ago in Vegas to see Calvin Harris

I know plenty about it

please load a gun and put it to your temple and smoothly pull the trigger


probably wasn't even comped poorfag

>2 guests
>one of them ordered a bagel with spread


Can't take this image seriously when you call it a "biped"

stahp rifat

nah that is what pwecious giwls order when they want to be percieved like they don't eat much

Did he crumble crackers????

and you order room service like a taco nigger who won a vacation off the radio. congratulations.

thats more retarded than a Steven Seagal movie plot

Your falling for the Smoke and Mirrors user.
Imran Awan: Blackmail / Spy ring

House Democrats ordered the systematic falsification of records showing how they spend their taxpayer-provided office budgets, according to lawyers for two former House information technology (IT) aides.

Awan was arrested for bank fraud at the airport by the FBI as he was about to leave the country, but that’s the least of it. He may have sold US secrets he could access to Pakistan and other foreign governments. Goodman has found a lot to talk about that the media won’t publish in what has the potential to be the biggest political scandal in a century.
According to evidence discovered by citizen journalists broadcast on CrowdSource The Truth on YouTube ; Imran Awan Spy Ring in Congress, Awan was DWS IT consultant in Congress. He’s Pakistani ISI, doped over 150 Congressmen phones, sold US state secrets to Pakistan and foreign governments.
Imran Awan, used a secret server and a file hosting service that congressional staffers are prohibited from using to store massive amounts of Democrats’ data, according to reports.
Awan, who is under indictment for bank fraud, conspiracy and making false statements, allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server, Awan is alledged to be a member of the Packistani ISI that’s the Pakistani equivalent of the CIA, has stolen data then often black mailed with that data. infiltrated the US Congress.

and any of this makes sense otherwise?
i like it, answers a few qs at least.

This was the gist of my original post, that the FBI know something big (possibly bigger than 9/11) is going to go down, it might not be ISIS it could have to do with the 4th November.

They are trying to glean info using arms trade deals like this to prevent it.


That is an excellent point user.

Filipinos are usually lactose intolerant. Seeing all that cheese on the receipt means it wasn't Marilou Danley.
Who was with him that night?
Surely the Casino would know?

What leaked Memmo?

Arms dealer theory is fucking retarded. Move on

ikr caliphate

>Let's sell as much heavy firepower to ISIS as we can just so we have an opportunity to see if they are gearing up for something big

Lmao that’s pathetic. Not even a good club

those arent three meals for three fucking people you dumb fuck. Its two appetizer and full course meal

Too late, you’re not credible.

Whats your theory then? Whatever CNN tells you?

What Memmo? Post that shit faggot

arms deals like this are how this shit happened in the first place

we literally teamed up with every muslim terrorist who gave us trouble

It was a gun deal with isis sleeper agents. Paddock had already lost his mind and they killed him to leave him as the perpetrator. They then went up to the roof and escaped on their magic carpet.

How is that citation needed? When you do a craigslist meetup you do it at the mall so you don’t get scammed. Please stop being so fucking retarded, people

and he was an alcoholic

Is that from counting up? Because a lot of hotels don't have a 13th floor. Just wondering how they got that.

You wouldn't want a high power scope for close range though.

>calvin harris

>Spend $14k
>...to see Calvin Harris

The magic carpet part are possible, but how they went to the roof?
The stairwell baricaded, and the elevator surely there's police who evacuated that floor.

Has anyone suggested how he got all that shit up there?

Has anyone explained the muzzle flash from the forth floor captured by multiple videos?

Anyone explained his hatred of tacos and love of sushi?

>10 dollars for a bagel with cream cheese

Because if they met in the desert or something the ISIS guys could just kill the arms dealer and use the product to immediately kill a bunch of civilians, making an easy escape. Hotel offers security so that that doesn't happen, dumbass.

>swat team breaches
>muslims slip out of second room aided by cameras
>they had no one on exit because they thought rooms didn't connect

how possible is this?

>lone federal agent in the other room

i like this meme

He needed them for close up, not far away. My dad takes his off when we're hunting because he's using a scope. Paddock was still a patsy though.

wonder if it's the other side of the building....actually you don't have to wonder because it's the other side