WTF i hate my country now!
WTF i hate my country now!
Other urls found in this thread:
>europeans not allowed to show preference for own kind
>Racism. It Starts With Me.
What? These videos are fucking stupid. Especially the taxi one, who'd deny buisness?
hahaha holy shit when the taxi turns off his light and drives away. the absolute madman.
Sorry mate the world is fucked right now with all this SJW propaganda
As if. There's not a single white taxi driver in Australia, if anything the opposite would happen. The curry would jump the queue because his faggot curry cousin would be driving and they'd go to an illegal brothel and go fuck a 15 year old boy together
also hate my country. i think we were the first to be infected with ugggh. womens rights.
now we have this octaroon that makes shitty cape movies jumping on the sjw wagon.
LOL what the fuck are those videos
The elevator they just stare at him. Like wtf
>white racist taxi driver in Australia
>womyn stands up to patriarchal white racism
the fucking propaganda our southern states put out are hilarious, I'll try to find the ridiculous domestic violence ones
Tasmania here.
Cunt its just Vic spewing this poofter shit
>that taxi ad
That simply does not happen. Ignoring the fact that 9/10 cab drivers are non-whites, ignoring the fact that they'd get fired for this instantly because their numbers are on the fucking car. I used to work as a bouncer in a pretty shit part of town. Non-whites everywhere. And the only customers ever turned down, were Aboriginals. Not because they were black, but because they were violent.
The amount of times Aboriginals attack taxi drivers in Australia is fucking insane.
For all you foreigners, Our Taxi drivers are fuckin designated
and on the other side of the country.
Dirty fucking CUNTS
you can't take the loo out the poo
Currymunching taxi driver rejects fellow currymuncher.
Guy holds lift open for blonde chick but not for unattractive darkie because he wants to hit on the blonde.
Distinct lack of gooks in those ads too.
You clearly have never driven a taxi in Australia.
The abo's and housing commission types were constantly doing runners.
The late night drunks would threaten to punch you out if you didn't let them smoke in the taxi.
Nothing to do with racism. It's protection of income and personal safety.
I can just imagine the bubble the fuckwit that made that taxi add lives in.
how the fuck did you get a taxi job? I thought they only hired resident indians they can pay ten cents an hour
They'll take anyone. Look online, they are always advertising because you work anything up to a 12 hour day.
I did it for pocket money between jobs.
What a fucking joke. What race was that dark thing anyhow? Looks like a fucking witch.
I have never seen anyone do anything like this in my life and god damned I am racist. I always want to show how better behaved whites are.
Just goes to show how this bunch of taxpayer leeches fantasise what racism is like given the lack of any actual racism.
Yeah what on earth is a white person doing driving a cab in Australia?
I'm surprised that faggot channel still allows ratings when it already pussied out on allowing comments.
Probably hasn't figured how to do it yet.
Kek that second video was such bullshit
>Taxi - Racism. It Stops With Me
>implying the taxi driver would be white
played soccer wit sum m8's OI OI OI OI OI
fuckin weirdos
>womyn stands up to patriarchal white racism
This seems to be a common thing in shows, tv, and other forms of media. Really irritates the fuck out of me desu.
>shows, tv,
Meant movies and tv. FUCK
>1) The adjustive or adaptive function. Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course, precludes critical judgment completely. It also pretty much destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught, because you can't test for reflexive obedience until you know whether you can make kids learn, and do, foolish and boring things.
It's easy to manipulate people if you spend 10-20 years hammering reflexive obedience into them
>when that bitch pics her skin
Heh they should've used link related.
They KNOW that the women are easily emotionally manipulated. Women now have huge political voting power and dominate our social services. It's a quick and easy way to sieze power in this egalitarian beurocracy
What Europeans? This is Australia.
Lol, raycist staryans btfo, poo dindu nuffin
That's right, we're not European, we're multicultural. It's okay for whites to die out and hand over Australia to Chinese and Africans. We should get rid of the Union Jack too.
good job fuckhead
If any single Aussie ITT is actually going to deny that Abos get look at as total shit everywhere they go no matter how they present themselves they're full of it
(Wink) "I'm one of the good ones."
t. Adam Goodes
>muh spicy food
You know it's true mate. You know for a fact a little voice in your head whispers "abo" the second you lay eyes on a native. I've known many in my day and even the good ones don't escape the stigma.
T-thanks for the reminder. Well at least i've seen even women change their minds regarding recent things like that samesex marriage bizzo. They just kept pushing too hard.
Funny how it's a young White male taxi driver when 90% of taxi drivers are curries or muzzies.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
Every fuckin time.
>the video even has proof of how incompetent cops are
wew lad
>Picking up an abbo
Nah m8, don't wanna get stabbed and robbed
cmon man, any intelligent man in this country with so much as a drop of native blood is set up for life with all the special treatment they're given. They get fast-tracked into universities, civilian and government employment with hardly any entry standards. Do you seriously support the "racial discrimination" laws we have on restricting speech? The answer to your problem is to eliminate all difference between our races, and thereby eliminate our races. You discriminate when you select a meal to eat, when you choose one activity over another, when you employ one man over another. It's a natural and unavoidable fact of life.
> Comments are disabled for this video
>Those like/dislike ratios
Lmaoing my ass off
The stigma exists for a reason.
>Nah m8, don't want all your petrol siphoned.
Fixed it for you.
I actually like these ads. It makes me pretty proud to be an Aussie. While Muricans are shooting each other up, we're doing pretty well and living in peace and harmony, just waiting for the summer to arrive.
for good reason act like humans get treated like humans
>violence against women starts with disrespect
That's right, don't disrespect a man.
>those likes to dislikes
Ausfag here *VOTE FUCKING NO M8*
I wont let some liberal propaganda fuck my mind up, if i dont want a nigger in my fucking stairwell i fucking let them know it. AND NOW ILL BE FUCKING SURE TO DO SO.
wait till you're forced to import shitskins by the millions you literal FUCKING retard
>I come from Syria.
Soon i Will be in New adoptive country
what did that mystery meat do to earn Kiwi of the year?
haha she'll be right mate throw another gun in the furnace
slip on some tax
slap on a victimless conviction
while you're in fucking lala-land smelling the flowers and frolicking on the beach our rulers are devising new and interesting ways to destroy our freedoms and extract monies from the populace with minimal expense. Australian apathy is a fucking disease and we're terminal. Fuck you.
Australia never had a mass shooting problem.
Australia never had a gun culture, nor did it ever have an abundance of niggers, so gun restrictions didn't do jack.
It's all just that treasonous snack Jonny Howard banning guns because he personally didn't like them, fucking pussy
Nah, mate. Australia is a happily multicultural place. It's a land of peace.
>not one person says cunt
what kinda shit is this?
Voted no without a second though.
Fuck the obnoxious yes campaigners who call everybody bigots and homophobes.
Course we're going to lose anyhow
At least we aren't like the motherland though.
>want to buy some spoons?
>ID please
I think it's you who is the literal FUCKING retard. Did you really get mad at his post? Read it again and look at the filename aswell.
Go back to your ching chong commie shithole.
oh hey there's a second version for some rea-
>Give Nothing To Racism (Chinese version)
Wow, one mass shooting.
That's not a problem, that's an anomaly.
And we still have anomalies sometimes, despite guns being mostly illegal.
*cough* Sydney siege *cough*
Quit being a fucking pussy.
We need guns to resist when our shit head pollies try to turn us even more into an orwellian nanny police state like the UK
remember that time there was a morgue van moved ten minutes from a certain Tasmanian incident a day before it happened?
remember that time hundreds of reporters were flown into Hobart for a conference a week before a certain Tasmanian incident?
remember that time a mentally challenged gunman with sub-80 IQ with poor motor skills set up an elaborate diversion and hit innocent civilians in the head with near-perfect accuracy while shooting from the hip?
I sure don't but it really makes me think
I think most of that stuff is the wrong way to go. I personally support sovereignty. I think they should be given independent states within each state which form a union. They would be free to migrate there or not, they would have access to some natural resources and other things to get started and then the freedom to pursue their own destiny. Hopefully it would eventually it would transition from a satellite state of Australia to total independence.
I'm not talking about immigration or anything else. I'm talking about us being able to look at our brother Australians as just that. They've been tossed some nice bones by the government but nothing has changed with the people on the ground.
No my arguement was for guns, i was just sad you did not remember our ONE proper massacre
I'm not advocating rebellion, not today, it's no where near bad enough yet.
But we need a failsafe like the US does, just in case.
The thought of Australia being like the UK breaks my heart.
it's ok, we hate your country too
>white taxi driver
What the fuck
faaaark I had no idea bongland was so cucked.
Saved, cheers for the hearty chuckle
>no matter how they present themselves
Literal dindu argument.
I was once working security in a nightclub. A group of 50 or so young aboriginals from a few families had the private area by a common dance floor and bar booked, as a group would book it every weekend. As I stood on the stairs to this middle level and monitored things I noticed something curious. Every single person who came to that level did a 180 and went right back down the second they spotted the situation. Every last one. This level was about 1/3 full for most of the night and these were normal, well behaved people just having a dance and this is in a greens area. A real eye opening experience.
Elevator is a load of crap.
Taxis is even more Bs honestly a white cabbie.
gay muslim trans woman. thats fucked up
No worries mate.
dude's more likely to be driving the fucking taxi what is this
>Australia never had a gun culture
then why are there like 20 parties on my ballot paper with the word "shooters" in their name?
>using white voices to protray black people
The fuck
Have you ever had to sit next to a family of abbos on the train?
Not a pleasant experience, I don't blame them for doing a 180.
I mean a serious one.
Like in the US, where there are literally more guns than people.
Story is fake, aboriginals drinking and acting "well behaved"
Abo's n grog don't mix
A lot of people here in 'Merica who I talked to who are Black said they were happy that Uber exists, and many early Uber customers were Black here because they would rare get rides from hailing taxis, according to their own mouths.
Give an abbo a bottle of rum and see what happens. For the lulz.
Brb off to do burnouts in my shitbox v8 commonwhore ute and yell at chinks
aren't most taxi drivers non-white?
Pretty good chance he browses pol. Maybe even on this thread. Maybe he is even op.
>The 1996 "National Firearms Buyback Program" took 660,959 firearms out of private hands
and this is happening right now
>1/5 of illegal guns
so there's still 204,000 more out there....and that's just the illegal ones, there's still legal guns here too.
seems like alot for no gun culture.
incorrect Australia owns more guns than before the ban now stop being a city dwelling plebian
looks like a bunch of horse shit. i want to try your fish n chips some time.