Okay. Can someone give me a quick rundown on this (((Color Revolution))) shit? Why are colors used? Is it some subliminal shit or some magical ebil jew shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
calibrate your tv
its the same concept behind memetic ideas. it's like their version of pepe.
it is calibrated. The background was literally purple when they discussed iran. And the other moderator's shirt and tie were both purple. I could tell because later there was blue on the screen which would have been purple if you were right.
Should be obvious but ;
It is just the same as banners used to be used by Nobility hundreds of years ago or the Roman Aquila. The reason they use simple easy to identify colours is due to the fact the *revolutions* are brand new with no formal identity or recognition by the average person. They have no cultural, ethnic or national affiliation and are easy to understand and promote as opposed to explaining the meaning of a symbol like the Black Sun. Due to their non existent historical or other ties it is super easy to get people who would be otherwise hesitant to join in any armed or violent uprising to separate them from ideologies they have long standing solid opposition to or affiliation.
TL;DR It is simple, easy to digest propaganda with the broadest appeal. (((They))) can make it mean what ever they want.
I think it's called neuro programming or predictive programming.
It's so people associate certain things with a specific topic/theme. In this case it seems the color purple is being used for very charged political debates. It makes sense they are using this color because it's neither red nor blue (dems and reps), aka a progression on the establishment.
Its the color of emperors. The Bushes and Clintons see themselves as the secret royalty of the U.S.. All the way back to Operation Dealroom.
it has nothing to do with colors retards except that they use colors for the movements that overthrow dictators. it's a cia term thats it
Kek, you didn't learn a thing from the Elza threads?
So the mix of blue and red (incidentally the color of the lights on police vehicles) is like a sort of unconscious (((Hegelian Dialectic)))?
Why is purple royal?
A Soros / Deep State / Alt-Jewish (anti-West Jews) Alliance Purple Color revolution has been planned for over a decade and was going to be initiated this year regardless of Trump.
The Orange Color revolution in Ukraine was easy. America not so much without preparation.
In America all groups on either side can be seen as Color teams fighting together in two alliances. Think ancient armies dressing/identifying with the same color or sports teams to a degree. There has been a secret plot to bolster Alt-Jewish Alt-Left Color teams and create new ones while taking out any Right wing Color teams of strength. This is primarily done through false flags/LARPers. Dylan Roof and Charlottesville are obvious examples - they wanted to take the Confederate Flag out of action permanently and demonize an entire faction in the coming Color revolution (Confederate/south). This was to take the Far right/NatSoc faction flag/Color group out of the right wing coalition while also imposing 1984 censorship that shuts down Right wing media institutions and to demonize Trump.
Plants/LARPers were used at Charlottesville and it was planned as a trap. Spencer, Cantwell, Kessler are LARPer Color turn-off artists/ sabotage-artists. It's a staged production to the world media to take the teeth out of Far right/NatSoc/White nationalism.
Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red - in essence showing the leadership is strong and ready for a fight.
Back in ye olden times the pigment was hard as fuck to get. You had to scrape it from shells of a special oyster. Only emperors in rome, or real pimpin patricians could wear it.
Input cable is fucked up
Don’t let the shills derail this
So how can (((they))) be overcome without millions of people dying?
Every statement/speech Richard Spencer has ever made comes across as a turn-off. This includes his mannerisms/optics/delivery/personality/diplomacy between different right wing col groups.
Alt-Jewish CNN was promoting and glamorizing Antifa who very obviously have high level professional help with their optics.
This doesn't stop. The relentless onslaught of false flags against us will continue unabated. There will be a false flag of all Right wing and a false flag of Republicans again and again and again until there are no opposing Color groups left.
Reliable battery of lie detector tests (not fake tests by CIA or others - a fake biased lie detector test is worse than no test) must be done on Richard Spencer, Cantwell, Kessler, and Nazi flag holder to determine that they are LARPers/sabotage artists. If for any reason this cannot be done, it must be assumed they are patsies and LARPers, and any reputation restored and future false flags are watched out for by the public. Charlottesville was a mass hysteria mindrape event taking people further from the truth, and it needs to be undone. 1984 censorship cannot take place because of false flag events. Also, I do not believe Dylan Roof or Adam Lanza killed anybody - they are groomed/forced patsies.
Another powerful Color group are Christians, and the Alt-Jews have tried to demonize them for years and succeeded. Reflecting on all this, the Westboro Baptist church sticks out as another obvious example. The children may really be indoctrinated, but Fred Phelps + Shirley Phelps were LARPERS. All these 4 LARPs fit a very obvious trend/optics and effect on the public spread out over many years - and are lone individuals that act as hyper-turn offs for entire color groups in ways that are ridiculous and unlikely on their own.
I don't understand why jews, who normally hate royalty and nobility , the ''''bourgeois'''' etc., suddenly love royalty nao.
This is also why they hate and demonize Trump so much. He has created his own anti Establishment Color rev/group (we need more of those one for each big corrupt chunk of the establishment), red Maga Hats + MAGA, this is why the Alt-Jewish media is ensuring MAGA hat wearers get shamed and beaten to neutralize it.
We have to have morale boost of all our Color groups (including the Confederate south/White Nationalists/NatSocs).
Russia became a kind of Color group, because the globalists fear in a Color war, Russia would assist the right wing and counter the UN. They wanted to block Russia - they also wanted to undermine all the Right wing groups and Trump's election/group by painting it as secretly just Russia, undermining its power.
Pepe the frog became an online cultural Green Color revolution/group. That's why they hate it so much. It's also why they chose purple, being the opposite on the color spectrum of green.
Alt-Jewish groups propped up the LGBT (rainbow flag) as a large color group despite being such a small percentage of the population. ISIS most likely is also a Color group that will fight on the Alt-Jewish side. Mass illegal immigration/Sanctuary cities all fit into this to boost numbers and get ISIS-types in the country. BLM and Antifa are color groups as well.
The UN is a Color group that will fight for the Alt-Jews/Alt-Left unless they are called out/demonized. Heavy UN weaponry and APCs have been built up to be given to Alt-Left/Alt-Jews, and they'll attempt to get rest of world involved.
Climate Freakout (fake science) is a counter-religious Color group who fervently believe they are saving the world by fighting for the Alt-Jews/Alt-Left. Climate Freakout must be decisively destroyed by dismantling their fake science within the next year.
Communism is the most Alt-Jew ideology in the world because they invariably end up being the secret owners and rulers owning all property. The Talmud explicitly states that Alt-Jews must own all property in the world. This is why they want worldwide Communism, among many other reasons.
This is also the hidden real reason why 9/11 happened.
9/11 was carried out to ensure that the Muslim world "Color group" never fights alongside the Patriotic right wing of America. In the 80s this still seemed possible, with movies like Rambo nodding respectfully toward the Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.
Think about the psychological effect 9/11 had. Muslims would have been naturally anti Alt-Jew otherwise. This indicates how long it has been planned for.
This doesn't just mean Muslims in the west, it means Muslims from around the world who could have joined in a war to save America from Alt-Jews during a Color revolution.
9/11 was pulled off by Neocon republicans and Mossad who are Alt-Jews, also the Saudis. Neocons are 100% Alt-Jew and Alt-Left. They are not right wing. They have been sabotaging the right wing in preparation for this Color revolution.
Damn--you're so right about the Westboro baptist LARPers. I was just thinking about that yesterday. Funny you should mention it. Controlled opposition Zionist baptists etc.
I am an orthodox Christian, bordering on a gnostic. How can we keep the peace?
fuck off, jew.
purple is the color of witchcraft.
they're literally witches that spirit cook.
This has to be reversed. Alt-Jews must be exposed to some degree, and then the Right wing make an alliance with worldwide Muslims and they can still fight on our side.
Jon Leibowitz is an Alt-Jew media personality who typifies this preparation for revolution, so it becomes obvious now why he so fervently spent his life demonizing the right wing and turning a generation into unquestioning Alt-Jew supporters believing lies without them realizing it. They are attempting to take away "trolling" and online discourse by the right wing, because they want to neutralize "red pilling" in the Color revolution as it is a powerful tool to win. It is 100% essential they do not succeed. This is 1984Gate. No one has ever gotten killed by red pilling, whatever you want to call it. Iraq War and Ukraine Color revolution were learning experiences among other things for the elite in fighting insurgents and revolution in preparation to apply that knowledge in America, not for oil. Also to take out dictators who could stand up to the Alt-Jews (Qaddafi/Saddam/Assad).
In preparation for the coming Color revolution, one of the major cultural victories is that the Alt-Jewish Disney company acquired the rights to Star Wars and then created two movies priming the public to venerate/fight on the side of Alt-Jews in a Color revolution. If you study these movies closely, it is easy to spot and indicates the factions in what's coming: Empowered women/Feminists/SJWs/Minorities/UN fighting against straight white males/"Nazi types"/Christians/Empire. They make a point to excessively demonize the enemy faction.
The one powerful rhetoric the Alt-Jew faction has is to call people Racist. We need to start as forcefully calling them Mindraped, Mindraped losers (engineered economic losers to agitate them to want to fight in the Color war). Mindrape of mass-perception is any perversion of the actual truth which changes the course of history.
Calling them Mindraped and stigmatizing it will eventually make them start to question whether they really have been mindraped and engineered to fail at life with to a large degree: failing education/institutions/opportunities/politics, so that they are resentful and agitated into fighting for the wrong side in a titanic color revolution. They are Mindraped by mainstream media and academia, so-called social justice. Antifa/Alt-Left are mind-raped losers.
The result of an Alt-Jew victory would be a combination of 1984, then Communism where the Alt-Jew faction own all the property and can institute this same Communism on the rest of the world using America, then eventually the Elite becoming the sole harnessers of the Singularity to become "Gods" and leaving us out of the picture. Pedophilia will be normalized, and not just that; later on, once it's too late to stop them to some degree, Vampirism (the destruction of human beings and children for elite pleasure) will be normalized to the public.
Neocohens are Trotskyites.
Compare the tea party which used revolutionary symbols to the red and black antifa or this purple resist Trump shit.
Color revolutions are astroturfing psyops.
Go back to /x/. Unscientific garbage has no place on Sup Forums.
show your flag leaf
unscientific? What the fuck are you talking about? Color revolutions are clearly established and a completely factual form of asymmetric warfare.
Even fucking (((Wikipedia))) points this out:
Your Sanhedrin are the crazy people. Always have been. You were afraid of baby Jesus just as you're afraid of us now. Think about that. You're afraid of infants. You're all lunatics.
It reminds me of how all the europoeans use tricolor faggot flags.
Purple is 50% Red 50% Blue
Although that looks like Magenta