Does this trigger you?
Does this trigger you?
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The Wolfenstein franchise is part of what turned me on to Nazism. If anything this game will red-pill more than it will not.
Nah, wish we had games to kill worthless communists though, it would be closer to reality then Space Nazis. So I am gonna skip it.
I'm not buying a game from bethesda ever again.
No, in NZ we have actual natsocs, the maoris. Having seen it in action, id gladly give my life to defeat national socialism
digits of irony
they don't do a very good job at making it seem like a bad thing
I've never identified as a Nazi
Hitler did nothing wrong though
>wish we had games to kill worthless communists though
I know, old as fuck
Is that literally a random college dorm?
This, I hope Obsidian takes over Fallout.
what triggers me is you posted this like 10 times tonight. fuck off with your viral marketing
Chris Avellone changed his FB pictur to vault boy with a caption saying it's been a long time
Mite b happening
Why? I agree.
Hitler is gay.
Obsidian are more SJW than Bethesda have ever been
Great taste user.
Dont be jelly untermensch.
>It's like the N word and and C word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for 'jew'
Really boils my noodle
Looks like it, lmao. PICKLE RICK AM I RIGHT GUISEBest shooter series ever.
>implying it was before
>look at me morty I'm a black man now. I'm NIGGERRR RIIIIIIICKKKKK
CoD: Modern Warfare
This game had the best multiplayer. Used to play the shit out of it with my buddy.
It annoys me, but doesn't really trigger me. Very few things do, since I already know to expect the worst. I just wish I sometimes was wrong in my expectations.
>download wolfenstein demo and play as nazi on that multiplayer d-day map
>play as medic and hand out health packs
No, but it makes me roll my eyes at how pathetic their marketing is
Same here, I'm pretty used to it and the empty gestures don't accomplish much. I had anti Nazi shit shoved down my throat but here I am sympathizing with Nazis.
>old but gold
played this for hours with my bro, miss you
Not only are thry creating more Nazis they are also encouraging more and more adults to research and find out the truth about Hitler and the holohoax. Most people learned about the holohoax in high school, accepted what they were told, and then never thought about it again. Now they want to know the truth.
Same for the Civil War. My dad had told me when I was like 10 years old that the Emancipation Proclamation was a strategic war move (half way through the war) and that Lincoln freed the slaves for British support and intervention, navy-wise to prevent France from importing arms to the South. I would bring it up in college and would be publucally shamed and shouted down by the professor.
Since all of this psycho left wing culture in the last 3 years I have seen more and more people finally realizing why Lincoln freed the slaves. Needless to say it is extremely encouraging.
We Mexicans like Hitler and Nazism because he promised to give us stolen land back to Mexico. How is being anti-Mexican anything to do with Nazis?
Fuck (((america))), fuck all it's inherently zionistic worshippers and fuck Marxists who claims to speak for us by insulting a great man who wanted to helped us and be our allies
Is that a meme or you're just super american ? It's auf wiedersehen.
What? No. It's literally a game about killing actual Nazis, not conservatives. Looks fucking fun too.
these games were always about fighting nazi soldiers, who cares
not really. pretty sure it's referencing what's going in the game and not necessarily the real world
They've been making subtle digs for a while now
It pisses me off more than anything.
If the masses werent such dumbasses, they would read about Hitler and see he was actually one of the greatest men of our time, no matter what your race
But, its ok if you trigger me, you can never beat me in debate so it doesnt matter
I am honestly baffled by people in this country afraid of tiki nazis. I keep thinking white supremacists. And what exactly they could do in a country of laws within the confines of the laws. And the more I think about it the more innocent it becomes. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to carve out of piece of the country for self segregation. The Amish do it. Why not white supremacists? Buy up a town and be all white. Why not muslims? Buy up a town and abide by sharia law. So long as the enforcement of that law doesn't break any state or federal laws, like stoning people to death or removing limbs, then why should anyone not involved even care. My only guess is that people are afraid that if they give them an inch then they'll gain enough political power to change the laws and eject people from their homes. But let's be real. No american nazi will ever hold office. I think people are getting worked up over nothing. Honestly believe that outside influences are trying to stir up shit and make people bonkers over nothing. Am I the only one not afraid of Antifa or racists? There is no civil war coming. There is no race war coming. Just a bunch of assholes getting worked up and larping out violence that brings no change.
One day we will reclaim the world from the world from these rats.
Fallout New Vegas is literally the most redpilled RPG that's been released since it came out
Don't Nazis and the KKK team up in this game?
I'm sick as fuck of killing "Nazis." Unless it's a 100% historically accurate game about WWII, no play. Fuck zombies too. I don't want to see another zombie game ever again.
I bet Wolfenstein has Nazi zombies. No thank you. The only thing that could make it more stale is a young woman who fights using a bow.
>autistic meth head manchild who's tactical ineptitude lead to the division of his own country and rape of his people
>greatest men of our time
I was about to take you seriously, but you're unironically an anime Nazi
Yes, and you ally with literal communists
That's the state of college education: "adult cartoons"
>implying that was hitlers fault, not America/soviet union/Britain
He was the only man with enough courage and ambition to save his country and people, and he did. anyone who talks ill of him doesnt know shit
Hello leftypol, out to shill disinfo again?
If the game is good and the nazis are cool, then this will have the opposite effect on the player.
Holy shit, no wonder that show is so retarded and unfunny
That's pretty funny. If I can play as a based black american man and go into space, then it would a true wolfenstein game.
I was more into killing nazis when it wasn't politicized like it is now. It kinda kills it for me knowing lots of commies and faggot millenials are getting off on it simply because of the lol punch nazis smash the fash meme.
Same dude
Trigger? No, that's a specific thing that happens to PSTD victims that Leftists co-opted to describe their own tantrums. I played TNO, it was a good game. I fucking loved it. I also loved Sniper Elite II, though God did it hurt a bit to kill all those Italians. I get killing Nazis because our weird modern religion requires them to be the ultimate incarnation of evil who you can't feel bad for, but the Pastas were a sideshow, it'd be like if you made a game about slaughtering Romanians just because they fought on the Germans' side in WWII.
Anyway, no. Actually I kind of like that the world depicted in Wolfenstein is objectively superior to what we actually got, minus a few big retarded kick-the-dog moments which you can just say "that wouldn't have happened lol" and then ignore when looking at how beautiful and awesome the world looks. Except for London.
Oh no wait, London today looks worse than London in TNO, where there was a giant robot smashing shit for no reason and killing people. Hmm. I wonder why that is.
Anyway 1488 Heil Hitler, I won't pay for the game but I will play it. Giving money to Jews is NO GOOD.
I'm sure they created a bunch of genuine nazis with this game
back in 1992
>Big corporation shit stirrer at a very bad time
What am I supposed to feel? Those lemmings in the comments made me laugh though.
If any of them saw a nazi IRL they'd shit their pants and die from a heart attack.
because the game lets you join up with a literal nazi who serves as the game's villain?
I guess the dark side options in KOTOR made the game redpilled too
Played that shit for hours on PC back in the day.
>Calls random dude a methhead
Way to be behind and off-topic as always.
He's calling Hitler a methhead, because le funny maymays xD
Woops that's what I get for reading the first 5 words of a shitpost.
I've seen a few dudes going around calling every which person (even lolbertarians) 'stormfags' and all the other lame insults from 2011.
Anyway read Mein Kampf faggot.
Ford or Stalag translations you can find the PDF on Google nigger.
I'm not Sup Forums nor am I 17. I don't play games.
That said, this is perfectly normal considering the Traditionalist Axis lost against the Progressive Allies. The signs of a lost culture war isn't pretty for most reactionaries to stomach though. As Evola stated, we must "Ride the Tiger" for now.
That they ruined Wolfenstein ?
That they're burning a nazi flag?
Why would this trigger anyone?
It's a game, that's the point of the whole goddamn game to make it nazi-free
Not really bethesda games suck and they're jews
If your fantasy right-wing government becomes real, they would ban pornography, anime and women like that would never ever exist in reality.
You don't even know what government he wants.
>1488 Heil Hitler
I can hazard a guess.
porn should be banned
anime would never be banned. All nazis agree Japs are the superior race
But what's wrong with nazis? I mean have you even talked to these people? I was taught never to judge a book by its cover.
I was trying to say you don't know national socialism. Nor do you know the general fascist Worldview.
I pay no attention to what the proponents of those ideologies say, but what they and their idols do.
But I'm sure you can tell me how Hitler wanted peace. :^)
>Does this trigger you?
NOTHING "triggers" me. I'm not a weakling libfag.
Are you fuckinn retarded?
And yet you are a communist
This is what I'm talking about.
>I don't care about the fundamentals behind something
Then why are you a communist/marxist?
Don't you love when game devs try to market games to people who don't have jobs, and don't play video games?
jesus christ I didn't even imagine it was this bad
Man, I'm not a nazi, but god damn, you could not come up with a more aesthetic flag if you tried. Although, I do like the original US flag
And double that because there has been no successful transition to full communism. There's always been concessions. Do you want me to judge what you believe in based off of these such failures?
(Yes, the Paris Commune was a failure IMO, """workers""" councils are not the workers)
Lol I'm pirating your shit game.
What are you gonna do about it?
I think I just figured out how to kill rick and morty in the crib, make faceberg tier memes that boomer fucks would share, like minions or something equally retarded.
>cucked Germans will celebrate this
We try to understand what went wrong, what went right, we refine our understanding, we revise our plan and we try again.
Communism is a movement to establish a non-hierarchical society. Movements fail all the time. Failure does not prevent an idea from being worth striving for. It took centuries of failed merchant republics before we finally had some take and stick. It's been less than a century since Monarchies have breathed their last.
>big bang theory for people who make fun of big bang theory
big bang fucking on
my spine just had a fucking aneurysm from the cringe
Holy shit. This is a brilliant idea. Sup Forums should go full normie with it's next generation of memes. It's time to go full KGB on the memes lads.
>we revise our plan and we try again.
Fails every time because of the same exact pitfalls. The Worldview behind Marxism is decrepit materialism, this alone dooms your systems based off of it from the beginning.
>Making excuses as to why their goals failed
Anyway here's the part where I dump literature on you for an alternative that doesn't ignore nature and make last minute concessions that kill the entire establishment of any given system.
(It's autistic but short and lays out the details that are needed)
>Nazis team up with 60s KKK
>KKK in 60s are Democrats
>Nazis hated capitalism, citizens owning guns, and personal responsibility
>Trailer promotes murdering them
>"Does this offend you?"
Damn Bill!! What a horn dog!
Rick and Morty is nowhere near as bad as BBT. It's overrated and annoyingly popular, but comparing it to BBT is unfair
>>Nazis hated capitalism, citizens owning guns, and personal responsibility
imagine being this retarded