Any more like these appreciated
Tranny regret thread
oh wow that's nasty, and dangerous.
Why do you want to force trannies to reproduce?
Uh, so can they still cum?
I have seen a webm of it once it shot out of the hole it was strange and (s)he had hairy legs wish someone would post it.
Low res cant see anything
This is really sad.
I've seen some shit but this unnerves me holy fuck
It's even worse when you see the delusional trannies encouraging the poor guy in their reddit hugbox
what's the point of being a tranny if you get the dick cut?
It's so sad. How is the 45% suicide rate not a clear sign of mental illness? Why don't people accept it as mental illness when 45% of those who transition commit suicide when they realize it didn't fix their problem?
Dick cutters are the rock bottom crazies who think they can really become women
"Detransitioning" is becoming a thing for a reason.
fuck, I wish I had that webm. There was a rumor going around that it was CWC, but pretty sure its not
And now, Peter Pan, you shall die!
Wrong tab lol
Did you guys know that trannies can still get boners even after they have their dick turned into a vagina? Let that fuel your imagination.
Yeah desu I think SRS is a fucking meme from a time when people didn't understand trannies. It's just not possible to give a man a vag. Just take hormones and get face/tit surgery and be done with it.
requesting the user's story about losing his virginity to a tranny
but as a transman you dont have a vageene anymore but a corndog bewteen your legs and no tits and as a transwoman you, well, have no penis
btw. I once knew a transman who wanted to be a transwoman. He was born with XX chromosome, identified as a man who identified as a woman
So "he" took hormonal treatment and stuff and beard stubbles and than put on make up.
Had a daughter who wanted to go into the kindergarden with a purple wig and she always made gender play with her friends. The boys pretended to be girls and stuff
she also lived with a transvestite as boy/firlfriend
I wonder what it looks like.
cum or orgasm? cause there's a difference.
they cant cum but they can orgasm.
They dont want to face reality.
Achmed, what the fuck does any of that have to do with detransitioning?
lol - meatloaf roast beef
if that isn't being fucked up in the head then what the fuck is it?
I feel sick.
It varies depending on how much erectile tissue hasn't been scraped away
...I wanna know what board you were on now.
wtf is that thing
This should be mandatory reading.
a lot because you can't fully detransitize if you have mutilated yor body like that.
Normally the repruductive organs get removed. So both men and women are eunuchs. they were healthy and could make bebies but when they go back to their normal gender they cant anymore.
A healthy man, who becomes a transwoman, and goes back, will just have the body of a transman after it. He was a fully functional male and is not anymore. Fuck up
when you say transition do you mean surgery or just hormones?
>father can't even find comfort in saying "I told you so" considering he watched his son destroy himself and there's no going back
Remember when CWC thought he "grew" a vagina last year? It's a miracle that gaping taint hole didn't kill him. He must be immune to most bacteria after living in that filthy house for so long.
God that's disgusting, and these things actually believe they have the equivalent to a real pussy lmao
can you make make a version without chopped off dicks in my sight at all times? I've seen mexican torture videos less graphic than that
This. Please
wow this made me even sadder
Not my proudest fap...
shhhh, the marxists believe in blank slate theory, which means its whiteys fault
What would it feel like to fuck that thing?
In one way i want to ban this kind of surgery but on the otherhand it teaches those people a lesson. I dont even know why the're even surgeons who preform this without feeling disgusted or trying to oppose it. It's so wrong...
You wouldn't be able to go very deep and your dick might end up covered in some very unpleasant fluids.
i'd chop off some psycho's dick if he paid me too. Gotta love Capitalismâ„¢!
What? No, just no user. kek though
there i censored it
user I..I got nothing, have a nigger pic and a (you)
Guy in other shift got boobs and shit. His wive and kids left him. He went to the US for the surgery since they do it immediatly and here therapy before. Xhe is locked up the crazyhouse now.
You know, I would've expected a Canadian to pull this shit off. Go kys you fucking disgrace...
And you probably wonder how they do it...
This is what they must dilate a few times every day for the rest of their life.
I'm sitting here thinking. After all the bullshit they go through to get a pussy. And it's so nasty nobody wants to go near it. What's even the point? No wonder they regret it, fucking dummies.
>Xhe is locked up the crazyhouse now.
thats actually sickening. Why would you do that to yourself ...
doesn't even look like a vagina. Looks like someone's sweaty fucking armpit.
so like a regular pussy?
and people wonder why their suicide rate is so high
Yes, but a gaping wound with hair and literal puss inside it.
The fuckhole is made out of a stitched up scrotum.
Obviously it does not lubricate so you need to use a tub of Vaseline to even go into that.
But anyone with sense would not even go near that....thing.
>cant go very deep, unpleasant fluids
>normal pussy
pick one faggot.
I can watch anything extremely terrible but for some reason these always unnerve me and I can't watch them
I cannot figure out how a trained, educated medical professional (and his or her assistants) can see that as doing the right thing. They are literally mutilating someone's body to appease their mental illness.
It's shitty what people will do for money.
I have a niece who is transgender. At a young age too (5 yr). My cousin is super liberal. It's messed up man. And I cant really say shit to them either or we'll probably stop talking forever.
No wonder they kill the!selves.
>I cannot figure out how a trained, educated medical professional (and his or her assistants) can see that as doing the right thing.
They don't, they only see tranny money.
Nobody deserves a lesson like that. Just ban the shit
You should at least prevent them from getting her started on hormones this early
Capitalism at it's finest
i am repulsed on every level
they're psychopaths that dgaf about their patients only that they make a lot of money doing what these patients want. keyword what the patient wants they probably advise of them of why it might not be a good, the complications, the risks but these trannies are so deluded and hell-bent they still agree to the surgery.
Trannies who actually go through with Genital Reassignment surgery are delusional. It won't make you feel better, it will make you more depressed, and it won't be easy.
Those are FACTS. Doesn't matter who you are, where you live, or what doctor had it done, you'll fucking hate "it", and yourself.
Not to mention no one is going to want to go anywhere near that "fake genitalia". Stick with what you have and live with it.
Me too.
Mental illness
I wish I could read this being a phonefag
Apparently pubic hair follicles can get trapped inside quite often and they grow inside the 'vagina', they often have to pull out a chunk of hair from inside, also it leaks puss and blood very often due to it essentially being a wound that it trying to heal, but they won't let it.
Technically there IS going back, at the cost of a lot of moolah. They have full penis transplants now.
Keep it up Otto, and you'll be next on the list after North Korea.
The left desperately ignores reality at all costs.
>Remove all the text from the final panel
>add bulge in the guys pants
improved comic
I feel bad for these people. Can you imagine being so broken down and vulnerable, you actually believe the gender fluid ideology spreading around? So you cut your dick off, feel even less comfortable with your body than before, and have to painfully insert objects into it hours a day to keep it from closing up? Meanwhile, it looks like And NOBODY wants to touch it, even the ones who convinced you that doing that to yourself would solve your problems.. Leading you to feel so isolated and gross that you kill yourself. But you were too prideful to admit what you did was a mistake, and your suicide is blamed on lack of acceptance, leading more people to push for normalization of this, and recruiting more for the cycle in the process.
These people need psychiatric help, not surgery.
>this thread
It's like everything that could've gone wrong with the world, did
>but abortion is OK
I mean jesus
trannys are masochistic psychopaths. gotta prop to them though, nobody else would put themselves through such suffering
here OP
We put animals down to be humane? Why can't we do this for trannies?